Otunba Funmi Alebiosu is the pretty wife of top Lagos Politician and businessman, Otunba Busura Alebiosu popularly called BUSH. Her husband is an Ijebu high Chief and one of the respected politicians in Lagos for very many years. He has been a political godfather. He was a former member of the Lagos House of Assembly during the administration of former Lagos Governor, Alhaji Lateef Jakande.
This celebrity couple hardly grant interviews. Even when Otunba Busura Alebiosu clocked 80th many months back and his wife clocked 70, all efforts to get them to grant an interview proved abortive. This is because this couple who are the parents of Hon Dayo Bush, a two term member of House of Representative don’t like blowing their trumpets.
Last week, City People Assistant Society Editor, ABIOLA ORISILE met with Otunba Funmi Bush at Queen Ayo Balogun son`s wedding in Lagos and she was persuaded to grant an interview where she spoke about her life at 70 and her marriage among other issues.
For how long have you known Queen Ayo Balogun?
I have known her for a while and I have to say I thank God for her Life. She is a lovely lady and I pray that Ayojimi and Ayokunmi will do us proud Insha Allah.
It is Unusual to see you at this event without your bestfreind, Otunba Busura Alebiosu, why is your husband not here?
We had to divide ourselves, he is at another event and I have to be here to represent our family.
You just turned 70th yet you don’t look it, what is the secret of your youthful look?
Yes, I recently turned 70 and I thank God for His grace and mercy endureth forever.
One would have expected you to celebrate your 70th birthday, why did you decide not to celebrate?
Alliamduliulai Robil Alamin. I was out of the country and this is why I decided not to have a party. Today I give God the glory and I will continue to praise and worship Him . He has been so good and awesome to us. Alliamdulilai Robil Alamin.
When did you clock 70th?
That was In December.
How long have you been married to Otunba Bush and what is your advice to New couple?
It is close to 50 years. To the second question, I will like to advice the couple to be each other’s best friend. Ayojimi father has said it all. They should learn to love and respect each other. Our husbands are our babies even as they are the head of the family.
Please, can you advise the bride by telling us the secret of your marriage to Otunba Busura Alebiuosu?
Respect and trust your husband no matter what. When your husband says this white glass is red, the wife must see it as red. They have to come together as one. You can now get home and ask why he said it is red as you are not seeing it as red. Tell your husband, I supported you because I know you cannot mislead me. They must always come together and agree on any subject matter. They must always see issue from one point based on love. All this put into practice is what has sustained my marriage to my husband.
What is your advice to any newly wedded couple on how to sustain their marriage?
For any newly wedded couple, they should know that their spouse have parents and they should know they now have two parents. For Ayokunmi and Ayojimi, they should do to each other’s parents as they want their partner to do to their parents.
70years in Life is a Milestone, what has Life taught you?
Yes indeed, Life has taught me many things. Life as taught me that I should respect people irrespective of their status. Life has taught me that the smallest of us here in age can be of help. Show love and respect people. It is practical that when you give respect, you will get respect. Believe in God and trust God.
You have this calm nature, would you ascribe this to your upbringing?
I give God the glory. I will ascribe it to my upbringing. I was well brought up in the Christian ways. I was taught the way of the Lord early in Life.
Where did you meet your husband and what did he say on the first date?
I met him in Lagos and the first day he said I won’t let you out of my sight. I won’t let you go away from me. You are mine and I won’t leave you. I was sceptical because of the 10 years age difference. This is all because of how I was brought up. The fear the my parents wouldn’t allow me. I grew up as a good girl unlike now when kids don’t fear their parents any more. My parents like I said are disciplinarians. If you are naughty back then, we believe when you remove your eyelid hair and throw it behind you, your parent will forget.
That was not the case with my parents. They didn’t spare the rod. In actual fact, my parents of blessed memories never spared us. If you have been billed for smacking and you see my late father coming, you see a lion coming, you better run towards the Lion and pray it changes its mind. My father used to say it is in the heart of a child that evil dwells and you need cane to drive it out. He was ready to give it to us anytime. He doesn’t spare us when we misbehave as kids.
You are a role Model to many because of your successful marriage, how do you feel about this?
I give all glory to God. It is not by my power. I will say Alliamdulilai Robil Alamin. I will still say the credit should go to my parents for a good upbringing. I had a good upbringing which has reflected in my ways of life.
Your husband is a Muslim and you started your life as a Christian, how did you change?
I was born a Christian and I was an usher in the church. My husband didn’t force me. I saw the need to respect my husband early in marriage. It was mutual respect for my husband and his belief that made me convert.
What is the secret of being an only wife of about 50years?
It is the grace of God. If a man wants to go polygamous, there is nothing you can do to stop him. He is from a polygamous home like he always says, he doesn’t like Polygamy. So it is more about him than me. His Late mother was the first wife and I don’t know, he keeps telling his children that polygamy is not the best.
Would you say that your good behaviour made him not have 2 wives?
I really can’t tell. I believe it is Allah’s doing and goodness. I lost my mother when we got married and he stood in for my mother and father. He is very trustworthy. A good father to his children and a mentor to many. He is everything to me. People come to our house and in my presence would be asking him what he wanted to do with one wife and he said that he has his reasons for his decision. It is more of his decision. Though men and their rascality and women and their hot temper, we always disagree to agree and sort our differences out. One thing we are also able to do is to settle issues without external interference. Even when we have differences, we make sure we sleep side by side and the next morning we will say good morning and observe our salat. That takes care of all what must have transpired a day before.
Let us talk about Otuba Busura Alebiosu?
That is my husband, my father, My brother and he is not just an ordinary brother, he is a big brother and my best friend and companion.
What do you call him?
He calls me mummy and I call him Daddy. Though when we were young, we had bet names which we called each other.
Your English is fluent and you have a good ascent, can we go through your educational background?
I went to school home and abroad. My parents made sure that we all have the best education that their money could buy.
How have you been able to retain your good and youthful look?
I don’t joke with my exercise. I make sure I do it religiously. I am so faithful with it. I do it every morning and I watch what I eat.
Your make-up is always light and subtle, why is it so?
I don’t need make-up. If my late father was alive, he would have asked me “O kun ledi soju“( you applied eye brow pencil and lipstick, common clean it off. So my late parents didn’t encourage it and it has been part of me till date.
You seem to have fond memories of your parent?
(Cut in). Yes I do, they are both of blessed memories.
Why My Over 40 Year Marriage To Otunba BUSH Has Survived •IJEBU High Chief, Otunba FUNMI ALEBIOSU
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