Home News Fresh Revelations From 2019 Holy Mount TABIEORAR

Fresh Revelations From 2019 Holy Mount TABIEORAR

by City People
Rev. Rufus Ositelu, Tabieorar

Every year, there is always a message to the nation from the shepherd of Mount Tabieorar, His Holiness, the Primate of the church of the Lord (prayer fellowship) Worldwide, The most Revd. Dr. Rufus Okikiola Ositelu. Below is the latest revelation from the 83rd Tabieorar celebration on August 22nd 2019 in Ogere Remo, Ogun State.

The LORD says, the year 2020 is a year of reward and mixed fortunes. It’s a Year of regret, shame and sorrow for the wicked and evil doers, but a year of joy, comfort and contentment for the upright in Christ Jesus.  My reward is coming quickly and everyone will be rewarded accordingly, whether good or bad. I am the Alpha and Omega, says the Lord God Almighty of the Holy Mount Tabieorar.

Quite a number of burning issues affecting the polity keep coming to the fore, calling for urgent attention by the Federal and State Governments, and indeed all stakeholders. Men of God do not exist in a vacuum and therefore has the duty to speak Truth to power at times like this:


Corruption remains the hydra headed monster that has eaten deep into the socio- economic and political fabric of our society. The need to combat it aggressively has become more imperative. If we can effectively fight corruption, over half of our challenges will be over. Government must not relent in it’s efforts so far, as corruption will definitely try to fight back. All and sundry should be involved in the fight against corruption and the Perpetrators should be prosecuted and dealt with in accordance with the law.

In conclusion Nigeria is a  blessed country rich in human and natural resources.It is important

for these to be properly and adequately harnessed for the good of all through good governance.We must continue to pray for our country.All hands must therefore be on deck to move  our nation forward so that Nigeria can occupy her rightful place in the comity of nations. God bless you.


The Federal Government’s policy of Diversification of the Economy, if properly implemented will go a long way in improving the economy  especially in the area of Agriculture and Mineral resources.The value chain in these sectors will create employment and generally boost the economy.Similarly Provision of adequate infrastructure, power, good road network healthcare facilities are cardinal.The ongoing railway projects should be completed early, while the policy of the Ease of Doing Business should be pursued more vigorously in order to attract more investors.


The disturbing state of Security in the country despite all government efforts has made it necessary for the government to review the security architecture of the country since the primary function of government all over the world is to protect the lives and property of their citizens, it behoves on the government to go the extra mile, as it is now clearly required to bring to an end the continued wanton destruction of lives and property, senseless killings of innocent worshippers and burning down of places of worship, and maiming of citizens by insurgents. I hereby urge the Federal Government and Federal Legislators to consider the decentralization system of policing by introducing Regional/Zonal and State/Community Police to deliver more effective and efficient service.


The time is ripe for Nigeria to be restructured in order to ensure good governance, fairness, equity, justice, peaceful co-existence and economic development. Fiscal Federalism is the major antidote for many woes confronting NIGERIA. With Fiscal Federalism in place, all the Regional violent groups will seize to exist, as they will not want to destroy the economy of their Region/Zone. I hereby urge the Federal Government and the National Assembly to promote Fiscal Federalism, and Regional/Zonal integration and healthy competition among the component units of the Federation. GOD BLESS NIGERIA!


Oh Lord God of Breakthrough, Thou art the God of all possibilities for thee is no impossibility in you. Heavenly father, do thou protect me and my family from all disasters of this month and provide all our needs for according to your glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Thou art the greatest provider of all good things do thou grant me and my family breakthrough in all areas of our challenges, and continually manifest your eternal joy in our lives and turn all our challenges to great testimonies through Christ Jesus our Lord and Redeemer, Amen.


The Lord says, the year 2020 is a year of Reward and Misfortune. It is a year of regret, shame and sorrow for the wicked, but a year of comfort, joy and contentment for the upright in Christ Jesus.

The Lord says, let my beloved start the year with 7 days fasting and prayer to avert conflict between two powerful nations that could threaten world peace. The Lord says, let the powerful leaders of the world who engages in unnecessary flexing of muscle trusting in their countries military capabilities and thereby threatens the peace of the world be warned and called to embrace peace, and if they continued in their way, they shall be disgraced by nations that are considered to be less powerful.

The Lord says, I will frustrate the plans of those who want to take over government by force in 2 countries, this year. The  ungodly will receive the reward of their wickedness and many corrupt leaders shall be exposed and disgraced.

The Lord says, many fake Pastors will be exposed and disgraced in the year 2020. For they are not serving I, the Lord, but their own belly, and by smooth words, and flattering speech deceive many people. Their belly is their god; their end is destruction, and their glory is in their shame, for they set their minds on earthly things. Unless they repent, they will be exposed, disgraced and destroyed. Let them repent and be converted to true worshippers, and worship me, the Lord God in truth and spirit.

For Nigeria to remain united, let the power that be organise few Nigerians from different tribes and background to come together to have a frank discussion on the way forward for this country, which must be beyond party affiliation. If this is done, it will bring justice, peace and development, and Nigeria will regain its lost glory, says the Lord God Almighty. The Lord says, warn the military not to attempt a coup d’etat to take power by force, for such an attempt will surely fail. Rather, let them support a national dialogue to resolve all the issues on ground; and it shall be well with Nigeria, says the living God.

The Lord says, I will visit those troubling the peace of this country in anger and avenge the death of the innocent ones whose lives had been cut short in cold blood. The people (from within and outside the country) who sponsor heinous killings across the nation will be exposed. The nation will overcome the challenges of kidnappers and terrorist activities. The Lord says, those who have corruptly enriched themselves with the common wealth of the nation shall be exposed, disgraced, and be brought to face the wrath of the law. The death of two promiment traditional rulers and a popular muscian after protracted illness manifest. Let my people call on my name to avert this, says the Lord.

The Lord says, let those in position of authority in Nigeria (Military, Political, Religious, and Traditional Leaders) live exemplary life. If they fail to turn away from their unworthy way of life, they will be disgraced out of office. The Lord says, the Nation will excel in Agriculture more than before and this will bring relief to many as there shall be abundance of food while the unemployed will be gainfully employed. The Lord says, let the beloved pray against flooding from rivers overflowing their brinks especially River Niger, which may cause the destruction of lives and properties, around the middle of the year.


The Lord says, this is a year of mercy for the youths; for they will record breakthrough in their endeavors if they walk in my ways.

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