Home News How Marrying An Older Person Helped My Marriage – Ayaba VERONICA ATOBATELE

How Marrying An Older Person Helped My Marriage – Ayaba VERONICA ATOBATELE

by Abiola Orisile
Veronica Atobatele, Balogun of Egbaland,

•Wife Of Balogun Of Egbaland

Ayaba Veronica Atobatele IS the beautiful wife of Balogun of Egbaland. She is a beautiful and highly influential lady.

She is close to many Egba celebrity ladies, who admire her high sense of fashion.

Her brand, “Ayaba Closet” is top jewellery and fashion brand patronised by many top Ogun female celebs.

Aside from that Ayaba Veronica is a wife to an Egba High Chief, she is also a chief too.

Beautiful, flawless skin and petite Ayaba Veronica always has a way of looking herself anytime you sight her at events. She complements her husband, Alhaji Sikirilai Atobatele, the Balogun of Egbaland even in look.

Though the lady is younger than her husband, who is in his ’70s while she is in her 40s, Chief Veronica can pass for a model. She was a cynosure, a few days ago, when she stormed Akamo Oloori’s surprise birthday.

She rocked her signature statement attire walking like a High Chief that she is. How did she meet her husband? How is life as an Entrepreneur, what has sustained her marriage? What has brought her this far in marriage despite the age difference with her husband, City People Assistant Society Editor, ABIOLA ORISILE had an exclusive interview with her.

You shut down Instagram a few days when you celebrated your birthday, how did you feel?

Well, I didn’t know that (laugh). You just told me. Well, I thank God for my life. I thank God that He has brought me this far, to Him be all the glory.

You are one of the top Ogun entrepreneurs, making it look easy to be an entrepreneur, how is it like being an entrepreneur?

Being an Entrepreneur is not an easy thing. It is not easy to be an entrepreneur in Lagos or in Ogun State. Being an Entrepreneur is beyond what you see on Instagram. Don’t let what you see on Instagram make you think becoming an entrepreneur is simple. No, it is not. The work of an entrepreneur is beyond what people make you feel it is like. You must be up and doing as an entrepreneur. People, who are in the line of business that I do, must be trendy and fashionable as a jeweller. You must be up and doing. You must be able to think deep as an entrepreneur. You must be able to keep up with the fashion trend. It is not an easy thing. You must be able to cope with business, your husband and children. But we thank God.

How long have you been selling jewellery?

I have been selling jewellery for quite some time. Don’t also forget I sell fabrics too. I didn’t start my line of business with jewellery until 4 years ago.

You are very popular in Ogun State, would you say it is because you are married to a popular Egba High Chief?

I won’t say it is because of that, but, of course, many noticed me because of my fashion sense. Naturally, I love jewellery, even before I started selling jewellery. This is because selling jewellery is not like work for me, but a hobby. I love jewellery, I have eyes for it. I started selling jewellery 4 years ago when people used to buy my jewellery off me. At times, I used to sell what I was wearing at a party venue. So, being fashionable contributed to my being in limelight.

You are married to Balogun of Egbaland, what have you learn from this?

Well, being married to an Egba High Chief and being a Chief myself, I have to act more maturely above my age. I have acted more maturely. You have to deal with people who are much older than you. The younger ones and your age mates seek advice from you, so you couldn’t afford to misbehave. Your age mates want you to advise them, so it comes with lots of responsibilities.

How did you meet your husband?

It is quite funny, I got to know Balogun, my husband before he became Balogun. It just happened that at a social gathering someone just said: “Look at your wife, that is the wife I want to give you”. The person was addressing Balogun. So, I was like whose wife, where do I know him from. After many years, I met Balogun again and that time it was not at a party. Do you know that after many years, I met the person who made the unsolicited impromptu introduction and I asked him: if he knew that I am now married to Balogun. So, someone introduced us first before we met again.

How long have you been married?

I have been married to him for over 10 years and still counting.

What has sustained your marriage, would you say the age difference helped your marriage?

Yes, the age difference helped a lot. He is much older than me and I am very youthful. He takes all my other side. Whenever I proved stubborn, he would look at me and smile. The age difference really worked for my advantage. Balogun is more matured, he is calm and he knows how to deal with people like me, who are very strong-willed. But Balogun knows how to handle people like me. Maybe if I have done the same thing to people of are my age mates, it might not have worked. Balogun has been a major supporter of my life.

When I am acting funny, he would be like “Omode” and remark “she will grow up one day”. We have been like that for over 10 years now, I still remain Omode ni, even when I turned 50. I pray God spare his life and we see much more of each other. He is a wonderful husband.

What do you call him?

I call him different names. When I am so happy, my husband is my baby, anytime I call him Balogun, he knows something is wrong.

What has brought you this far?

Well, I am a very strong-willed person, and this has helped me a lot in my journey of life. I pray a lot too. God has brought me this far in life.

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