Home Dating & Romance How Nagging Your Man May Ruin Your Marriage

How Nagging Your Man May Ruin Your Marriage

by Wale Lawal

•5 Reasons You Need To Know

Ask any man what he detests the most in a woman, and he’ll tell you that, apart from a woman double dating, nagging is another thing men can’t stand in a woman. It simply drives the man crazy. There is nothing more fulfilling for a man like knowing he has at home a woman who can ease his pressure and put his legs up for him on the couch and unburden his heart to. But, the reality is that, not many women can give you the sort of comfort we’re talking about here. Instead, what you’ll find is that a lot of women lack the capacity to put a rein on their temper and know when not to bug their man with all manner of issues that could’ve been better dealt with at a more appropriate time. The truth of the matter is that nagging can do your relationship/marriage no good. The following are reasons why you must put a stop to your nagging before it gets you into trouble!

*Your man lacks the enthusiasm to come running home. This is what happens when you are forever nagging your man. And when the man closes from work, rather than go running home to meet his woman, he chooses to go hang out with his friends, hoping his woman would’ve gone to bed by the time he gets home. This is not a good trend because should this continue for long, cracks too big to fill would start appearing on the walls of the marriage/relationship and that could bring serious problems.

*He begins to compare you with other women. When you nag your man too much and give him no breathing space in the home, he starts to wish you were like some of the better women he’s met and probably dated. And some of these women may have treated him really nicely. With you breathing down his neck at home over every little issue, he starts to wish he had one of these women, and not you, in his home. And this is not good for you.

*He avoids having meaningful conversations with you. Your man knows you’re always grumbling over one issue or the other, and that you never want to see things his own way except your own way. What he does now is, to avoid your troubles, he avoids having conversations with you so you don’t end up nagging him to death. And once the communication chain between you and your man begins to break, you can be sure this can’t be healthy for your marriage or relationship.

*His love for you might begin to wane. This is possibly the biggest threat to the relationship. Some men just cannot accommodate women who nag. This could push them to start withdrawing totally from the relationship. And once his love for you begins to wane, then things might start going from bad to worse. You certainly don’t want that to happen, do you?


Our Advice? Put an end to the nagging. No matter how difficult it is for you to stop, you have to do all you can to put a stop to it so it doesn’t ruin your relationship or marriage. If you have issues burning on your mind that you need to sort out with your man, choose the right time to bring up the issue. Don’t throw issues up at him when he’s only just returned from work. Let him eat, let him rest. And if you must bring the issue up at all, you have to do so nicely and properly. State your grievances and let him explain his own part or defend himself as the case may be. Most importantly, speak to him with respect. Good luck.

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