Home Health How VITAMIN C Can Help Keep Coronavirus Away

How VITAMIN C Can Help Keep Coronavirus Away

by City People
LEMON & LIME, Vitamin C, COVID-19

•While LEMON & LIME Can Help Boost Your Immunity

Do you know that regular intake of Vitamin C can keep you away from having Coronavirus disease? That is what City People’s findings have shown. City People has confirmed that one thing that reduces the chances of catching Coronavirus fast, apart from keeping to all the rules of hygiene is if you have a strong immune system.

It has also been discovered that how each person will react to the virus when it attacks people is how strong the immune system is. That is why many doctors often advise that people should stay healthy by taking immune boosters

and one of the immune boosters is Vitamin C.

Why is Vitamin C so important? It is because Vitamin C is perhaps the most popular Vitamins known to man. It is consumed in a supplemental form by millions of people across the world for its antioxidant properties, which are well-documented in medical research.

Some scientific evidence suggests that consumption of antioxidant vitamins is most likely to reduce the risk of certain forms of diseases like cancer. So it is usually advised that you take Vitamin C regularly, like on a daily basis, as Daily Antioxidant protection.


Lately, what has aroused the interest of many people in Vitamin C is the information making the rounds globally that many doctors all around the world have been managing many Covid 19 patients with Vitamin C, since there is no human cure yet for Covid 19.

Insiders reveal that because there is no known cure for COVID 19 what has been happening is that many patients have been placed on strong Vitamin C dosages like Ascorbic C-1000mg which is known to support antioxidant health and immune system function.

Also, information has it that New York Hospitals are managing those with cases of Coronavirus with high dosages of Vitamin C after promising results from such attempts.

Let us quickly add that Lemon and Lime also play a key role in the management of Covid-19 disease. Right now, many people are taking Lemon and Lime, which explains why both fruits are in high demand and scarce in the market.

Let’s tell you a little about both fruits.

Lemon and Lime are 2 types of Citrus fruit with very similar nutritional profiles and health benefits. However, there are also some differences between them. Lemons come from a small evergreen tree native to South Asia. Several types of citrus tree can produce limes, such as the key lime tree, which is native to Southeast Asia.


Lemon and lime contain lots of Vitamin C, flavonoids, and antioxidants. Both lemon and lime have a long history of use in traditional medicine. They each contain antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals and provide a range of health benefits. People also make claims about the health benefits of lemon water and the potential benefits of drinking lime juice. Lemons and limes have several shared health benefits because they share the following properties:


Both Lemon and Lime are high in Vitamin C, an important antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage. Vitamin C also helps the body absorb iron from foods and supports the immune system.

The body also uses Vitamin C in the production of collagen, an important substance for healing wounds.


Lemons and Limes both contain flavonoids. Flavonoids are phytochemicals that may have several health benefits, such as for heart disease and metabolic disorders.

Animal and cell studies have suggested that flavonoids have anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, cancer-fighting, and neuroprotective properties. However, more research is needed to fully understand their effects in humans. Research into flavonoids is still in its early stages, but the initial findings are promising.


Along with Vitamin C, Lemon and Lime also contain other antioxidants. Antioxidants help protect the body from cell damage, which appears to play a role in a range of chronic health conditions, such as diabetes, cancer, and dementia. It is possible that antioxidants also help prevent these conditions from developing. However, again, research into this area is ongoing.


Some sources claim that consuming lemon, or lemon-based products, can help with weight loss. For example, lemon water is a mixture of fresh lemon juice and water and is a part of some weight-loss diets. However, there is currently no scientific evidence to prove that lemon, or any lemon-based product, can result in weight loss above what adequate hydration promotes. Learn more about the lemon detox diet here. Lemons can form part of a healthful diet that eventually leads to weight loss, but this is likely to be as a result of reduced calorie intake, regular exercise, and other more substantial lifestyle improvements.


Lemons and Limes share a similar nutritional profile. These nutrients reflect what is present in a whole Lemon or Lime, not in the juice. The nutritional benefits of Lemons and Limes are the same. Although Lemons have slightly more of some vitamins and minerals. The difference is too small to have any effect.


Both Lemon and Lime are high in citric acid. This means that they are acidic compared with many other foods. Lemons and limes have very similar citric acid content, though lemons may have slightly more on average: Lemon juice contains around 48 grams of citric acid per litre (g/L). Lime juice contains around 45.8 g/L.


Lemon and Lime rinds are popular in cooking. Many foods and drinks contain Lemon or Lime due to their strong, sour flavours. This might be in the form of premade or freshly squeezed juice, or as chunks or slices of the fruit.

The fruits’ rinds have unique bitter flavours that make them popular in cooking. For example, people can use the juice or peel from both fruits for flavouring sauces, marinades, and salad dressings.

Also, lemon and thyme is a good combination for marinating chicken and fish. Lime works well with garlic, as well as with chilli powder for marinating meats.

Lemon and lime are good additions to many hot or cold drinks. For example, a person can add chunks of lemon or lime to water to make citrus water, or they can use lemon or lime to flavour teas. Due to their high acidity, these citrus fruits are also effective at killing bacteria. Because of this, a range of citrus-based cleaning products is available, from bleaches to surface cleaners.

Also, some studies have shown that the essential oil of lemon and other citrus fruits can enhance mental state through inhalation and aromatherapy, exert antimicrobial properties, and reduce skin inflammation through the topical application of the peel.


Consuming lemon or lime in moderate amounts is generally safe. However, the fruits can cause a stinging pain when in contact with open wounds, such as a cut lip or a mouth ulcer. Their high acidity also means that they may worsen heartburn or digestive issues in people with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

In large amounts, citric fruits can erode tooth enamel and cause cavities over time. When using cleaning products that contain citrus or other irritating chemicals, use gloves and avoid contact with the skin.

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