Home Dating & Romance My Lover’s Ex Still Want Him Back!

My Lover’s Ex Still Want Him Back!

by Wale Lawal
Ask Dr Love

Doctor Love, please, reply me urgently. I have been dating my man for three years now but his ex-girlfriend still wants him back. Although he says nothing will make him go back to her, I am not comfortable with the way they have been communicating on the phone, its getting too much for my comfort! Wale, I’m not happy, please, what should I do? My name is Peace from Port-Harcourt…..07031977…..

Dear Peace, I can understand your fears. This is an issue that, oftentimes, rears its head between couples. I can only ask you to calm down and take things easy. If your man says he does not want to take his ex back, then you must believe him. You could also let him know your fears with his ex’s renewed interest in you. But do not push it too much, else he’ll begin to see you as a nag. Three years is enough time for you to know the kind of man you’re dating. If you know him well enough, you should be able to tell if he’s being sincere with you when he said there’s nothing going on between them. My advice is, until he proves otherwise, take your mind off the issue and concentrate on making your relationship with him even stronger.

Hi Wale, all the guys I have loved always end up cheating on me one way or the other. It is either they sleep with my close friend or someone else. As at now, I’m very much single and I’m beginning to wonder if I have a spiritual problem. Please advise me, I’m Rexcellina, 080137507…..

Dear Rexceliina (what a name you have there) there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you, sweetheart, you only haven’t met the man that’s been destined to be yours, that’s all. Apparently, you have not been dating the wrong sort of guys. If any of these guys you dated were meant to be yours, they would not have done what they did to you, running off with the next available thing in skirt? You must not let this bother you, remain the decent and beautiful lady that you are. Don’t get too desperate, don’t go searching for any man. So long as you’re a good woman, you will remain a goldfish. And you know what they say about goldfish, that it has no hiding place. Don’t you worry, dear, be patient, be prayerful, and your own man will come looking for you. Trust me.

Hello Wale, I need your advice urgently. I have a guy whom I love dearly, but the problem is that ever since my mum set her eyes on this guy, she has hated him with a passion that frightens me. And when I ask my mother what the problem is with my boyfriend, all she tells me is that her spirit does not agree with his, that he will definitely cause me serious heartbreak. My boyfriend thinks it’s because he’s not from a privileged background cos my folks are quite wealthy. But I don’t mind and I expect my mum to respect my choice and respect my guy, who by the way, is very hardworking, but she’s not doing that. I’m really losing my cool, Wale I don’t know what to do. Please, don’t publish my number.

You didn’t tell me your name and most importantly, you didn’t state your age. But it’s okay. Now, you will have to be careful here how you go about this matter. If you want to do anything at all, it will be to appeal to your mum to give your guy a chance and get to know him better. Let her know the prospects your guy has to be a successful young man, and most importantly, why you’re sure he’s the last person that will break your heart like your mum is worried he’ll do. Do not argue with her or get into a shouting match over your guy’s case, this will only make her more resolute in her resolve to disapprove of him. Talk to your partner too and let him understand that your mum’s attitude has nothing with to do with his status, that she’s only being protective of you, that’s all. If your guy begins to show the right attitude and continues to work hard at elevating himself, your mum might just begin to show him some respect and approve of him. She might also admire his perseverance and steadfastness, realizing that her daughter might never find a better man. Best of luck.

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