Hello, Dr. Love, my name is Regina and I’m 28 years old. Currently, I’m in a relationship and by November our relationship will be one year old. But we have been on and off and we only just recently settled a misunderstanding and since then, my guy hardly calls me. I have tried complaining but he says I should be patient with him. Each time I ask for financial assistance he will tell me to calm down, that he’s planning something. So, my fear is that I don’t know if the guy still loves me or he’s just playing games with me. He is not supportive at all. He only remembers me when he needs sex and he says that’s what I should be doing in order to keep the relationship.
REGINA, I think I need to be very blunt with you. At 28, the guy you’re dating now isn’t who you should be with. Except if my thinking and your expectations of a relationship are not quite the same. I would expect that, at your age, you would be looking for a man you can settle down with and call your own. But if you’re dating this guy only because you want his money (because you also mentioned that he doesn’t give you money) then that’s alright, But as far as being serious enough to marry you is concerned, I don’t think he’s interested in that. When a man is excited about a woman, he would look forward to hearing her voice, even if it’s once or twice in a day or two if he’s the very busy type. But not to call at all is totally unacceptable. You sound to me like a reserved type of lady. Don’t let this guy take you on a wild goose chase. Sit him down and let him know you’re fed up with his drama. Tell him you’re no longer interested in being his sex companion, he should come clean with you and let you know where you stand in his life.
Hi, Mr. Wale, please, the problem I have with my girl is that she’s not good in bed. After three rounds, she complains she’s exhausted and would never let me have another round with her. Please, help me, what can I do? Thanks, from Capo de Ist…….070347088…
Bros Capo de Ist (what sort of name is that?) believe me, you’re an incredible character! You say you need help? Sure, I will help you, and I can tell you for free that what you need is deliverance, period! Haba! How can you say your girlfriend isn’t good enough simply because she can’t give you beyond three rounds of sex! Do you want to kill her? Seriously, I’m worried about your real intentions and plans for this girl. Most guys who come up with this sort of complaint you’re making right now usually end up using and dumping girls in your quest for a woman that can match your high libido. I am sorry for the girl you’re presently dating, I can bet my bottom dollar that no matter how much sex she gives you, chances that you’ll marry her are very slim. With you, it’s clear that sex (marathon sex for that matter) in a relationship is a priority, otherwise, the girl go hear ween! Take it easy, my brother, must you empty all the juice deposited inside her by Baba God, wetin the man wey go marry her drink when he comes?
Sex is not everything, my brother. If you really love this girl, and you feel she’s not matching your high sex drive, then you come down to match hers because I’m almost certain she also probably had to step up her own to meet you at three rounds. If she’s done well enough to go three rounds with you, then be patient with her.
DEAR DOCTOR, my name is Florence and I’m 17 years old. I have a boyfriend that’s 23 years old but all he’s after is sex which I don’t like because I’ve done it before. He’s always forcing me to do it. At first, I took him as a casual friend and then fell in love with him, but my fear now is that he’s always after sex. Please, help me and don’t publish my number, pleeeeeass..
Dear Florence, to start with, at seventeen, you should not be talking about boyfriends and sex. At your age, you should be fully focused on your studies. You should preoccupy yourself with how you should get into the university (that’s if you’re not an undergraduate yet). If you must have a boyfriend, choose one that will help you grow intellectually and with whom you can develop a relationship devoid of sex. The last thing you need now is a boyfriend whose only intention is to turn you into a sex toy, or worse still, he wants to get you pregnant and turn you into a young mother at age seventeen. You shouldn’t be looking for a friend who only needs you to satisfy his sexual cravings, you need friends who can make sensible and positive contributions to your life.