That is the big question on the lips of many political watchers right now across the country. That is also the question many political players are asking, in low tones. This is because Asiwaju Bola Tinubu has suddenly become the main issue in politics. Within the political space right now, it is either you are for Tinubu, or, against him.
The general belief is that Tinubu will run for 2023 presidential election. Although he has not openly announced his intention to do so, many believe he would be running. But with the recent travails he suffered in Lagos that led to the burning down of a few of his investments and the general anti-Tinubu bashing across the social medial, people are wondering if the Jagaban Borgu will give up the ambition of contesting the Presidency, come 2023.
Many insiders believe that all the attacks on Lagos were directly at Tinubu and they were like a coded message for him to back out of his Agenda to run for Presidency in 2023, although Tinubu has not officially told anyone that he wants to run for Presidency, come 2023. But many believe he would be running.
Why would anyone want to stop Tinubu from contesting the 2023 elections? City People gathered that it is because there is a Power Bloc that feels uncomfortable with an Asiwaju. Presidency, just like the same power bloc was uncomfortable with an MKO Abiola Presidency which led to the annulment of the 12th June 1993 elections. Revealed an insider, just like they said of Abiola, there are those who feel Tinubu as President will be tough to manage. They are afraid of 3 things, revealed the insider. One, is the influence and power Tinubu wields. Two, the fact that he has a deep pocket and three, the fact that he has a political structure that is awesome which he has nurtured to become impregnable.
Although Tinubu has not told anyone that he is contesting, City People can authoritatively reveal that he is the only candidate from the South-West who is fully prepared to run if the election is called tomorrow. Don’t forget that he has had the last 12 years to prepare for the race. Since he left office, as Lagos Governor, he has built an awesome and formidable structure that remains unparalled.
A close associate of Tinubu told City people that Tinubu is not likely to drop his ambition because he feels eminently qualified to run, having had a successful political career and the legacy he left as a 2-term Governor of Lagos.
City People was told that according to the political permutation, after the tenure of President Muhammadu Buhari, the slot is expected to shift to the South West and the most visible candidate that is strong with a winnable streak right now is Asiwaju Tinubu. There are also strong indications that some politicians from the North are insisting that the North be allowed to continue after Buhari ends his term. But the cabal we are told won’t make it easy for him to run. They are pushing for a Northern candidate come 2023. Though they know this wouldn’t go down well with their Southern counterparts, they see no harm in trying their luck and if it fails, they will then pick a successor for Buhari from the South-West. Many of them seem to prefer one of Tinubu’s Boys. Their game is that if the opposition to the North’s continuation meets stiff resistance then, they would insist in being allowed to choose an acceptable candidate from the South-West. Who that candidate will be remain unknown for now.