Home Dating & Romance 10 Foreplay That Will Leave Your Woman Ask For More

10 Foreplay That Will Leave Your Woman Ask For More

by Wale Lawal
Sex, Man, Wife,

Every woman loves a man that understands the essence of foreplay before sex. For some women, foreplay romance turns them on faster than sex itself. Engaging in foreplay takes most women to an ecstatic height they can only dream of and then prepares them for what is to come. But, sadly, a lot of men either do not understand the power of foreplay or have simply chosen to ignore it for their own immediate sexual gratification. They think it’s not so important to the woman. They think wrong. Foreplay is as important to the woman as sex itself. Here are ten foreplay moves that drive every woman crazy any day, any time. 

1. Talk to her

Women love a dude who can communicate during foreplay. Moaning and groaning is cool, but dirty talk is fun for both parties and typically you end up getting more/less of what you actually want in the bedroom when you can be vocal about it in a playful way. It’s a great way to get ladies going.

2. Pay Attention to the Twins

It sucks when you don’t spend enough time on the woman’s breasts. Most men seem more than happy to spend a good amount of time on other foreplay activities and areas, but they kind of just see the boobs, give them a quick one over, and then move on, rarely to return. It’s very sad. Give them more loving, women love it.

3. Be Gentle

Sometimes.  Women have a few men just dive right in and try to just click away on their clit like it’s a computer mouse-like first thing before she is even undressed. One guy got so rambunctious with his fingers that the lady felt like she was hooking up with Dauda the sex maniac. Relax, guys, the bedroom is no battlefield.

4. Undress her

The act of undressing a babe is in itself a type of foreplay. To most women, it is the hottest part of being intimate with someone. Needless to say, when a guy is too excited about the end result and the lady ends up taking her own clothes off in haste, it is a little disappointing

5. Put Your Tongue Back in Your Mouth

The tongue is fun and can be very very sexy but too much tongue is nasty. And this goes for tongue engagement across all body parts…mouth (kisses are meant to involve lips and tongue…not tongue only…she doesn’t need to know what you ate for dinner…and lunch), ears (this also can be sexy but has the potential to go very wrong and make the woman feel like you’re trying to clean out her ears with your tongue), neck (neck kisses are wonderful but please don’t slobber all over her like a dog, most women don’t appreciate it, bro.

6. Take Your Time

If your babe is not thoroughly warmed up, the sex won’t be good for anyone. In fact, it might hurt. Just be in the moment and enjoy all the fun fooling around. The good stuff will come (literally)

7. Use Both Hands

So if you are using a hand down there, you still have another freehand. Either go for the boobs, another part of her privates or even just caress her somehow. Come on guys, don’t be lazy, abeg. Ladies dislike men who are lazy in bed.

8. Multi-Task

Nothing is more awkward than when a guy is fingering a lady and just hovering over her and staring at her. Kiss her! She doesn’t care where, but don’t just lie there creepily. What is so difficult about doing those two things at the same time? Lean closer and kiss her passionately on the mouth, on the nose, on the forehead, ear, anywhere!

9. Enjoy her Get-Up

If she is wearing something lacy, it’s for you. And if you don’t notice it, then she wasted completely good underwear and a day in an uncomfortable bra for no reason. Don’t be in such a rush that you missed how hot she looks in my lingerie. Take a second to take it all in, you might not get to see it ever again.

10. Nibble a Little

The keyword here is nibble. Do not by any means treat her skin like beef jerky. But a soft, light bite on her ear, nipple, lip, or neck is so hot. However, this does not apply to her downstairs area.


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