Home News 10 Key Principles That Can Work For You

10 Key Principles That Can Work For You

by City People

•From Pastor WOLE OLADIYUN’s New Book

These are preservatives that sustain Access gained into desired posts, places, platforms and/or people.

They are principles that must be upheld in order for you to abide in. your new position. A noteworthy few of such principles are strategically described below.


Character is one of the facilitators of Access and also the first preservative of access. Character is that appeal of yours that makes you the preferred. Little wonder it is said that once a character is lost, all is lost. I have observed that many people are concerned about their reputation more than their character. Your reputation is who people judge you to be while your character is who you truly are. Your character is about you doing the right thing even when no one is looking in your direction. It is when you do it right without being compelled or browbeaten into it. It is when you are not constrained into doing it right; when you do it right because it is the right thing to do and not when you do it right for the fear of

getting caught if you do not do the right thing.  With’ a laudable character; irrespective of whose ox is gored, you will stand for what is right and true, and you will keep at it regardless of the status of who you are dealing with per time.

Julius Caesar Watts Jr, an American politician and clergyman said the following about character: “Character is doing the right thing when nobody’s looking. There are too many people who think that the only thing that’s right is to get by, and the only thing that’s wrong is to get caught.” Your character also reveals who you are through how you handle people especially those who are not at par with you.



Being a person of Integrity is a great way of preserving the access you have or long to have in life. A forthright and reliable person will always have his reputation precede him. If people can vouch for your integrity, then you are guaranteed of longevity in the hall of fame. Many youths are missing it these days because they cannot sustain this principle. They do not pause to think about the damage their lack of integrity pose to their present and their future. They just want it quick and sharp; forgetting that every man will reap from the seed he sows.

When asked about Integrity, the regional vice president of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Hotels Ltd, Mrs. Razumich Zec postulated that: “Your reputation and integrity are everything. Follow through on what you say you ‘re going to do. Your credibility can only be built over time, and it is built from the history of your words, and actions.”

Your true perfection lies in who you are and not in what you have. The Biblealso encourages in Matthew 5:37 that your “Yes” must be “Yes” and your “No” must be “No”. There isn’t any wisdom in making promises you cannot keep. If you want to be successful in business, if you desire to have customers/clients who will be faithful to you and your brand, you must be a man of your own words. You should be someone in whom people can put their stake. You must know that you can only deceive a person once; second chanoes are almost always never guaranteed for a man who lacks integrity.

64-year old British financier, Roger Allan Jenkins who, perhaps has learnt a thing or two on Integrity considering that he is currently awaiting trial for conspiracy to commit fraud, defined Integrity as: “The ability to do the right thing or choosing to do the right thing when you could get away with doing the wrong thing.”

According to the late Chinese-Filipino philanthropist, Henry Sy: “In life and in business, you need to be good- hearted and trustworthy, and to have integrity. This is the way to build long-term relationships. It is also important to be optimistic and to look at challenges as opportunities.”

When a customer is satisfied, he tells a potential customer but when dissatisfied, he tells tens of people who would also tell the story like it was theirs; and probably get a commitment of non-patronage from the people they tell. Therefore, to get by in business, be a man of integrity for the benefits therein are solely yours.


Your commitment to a cause is another principle for preserving access. Your enthusiasm shows through your devotion which in turn endears people to your brand. It is disheartening to see how some small shop owners ignore their potential customers and call on their shop attendants to attend to such people. They most times lose the opportunity to engage a potential customer and turn her into a loyal customer.

People love attention, they love to be the centre offocus and they do not appreciate being ignored. The more relevant you make a person feel, they more the person tilts towards you. In the book: “How to win customers and keep them for life” the American author, Michael LeBoeuf mferred that Customers are like hearts, they go to where they are appreciated. He opined further that, “A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all”.

Treat every customer – both potential and existing- like kings and queens, then watch them multiply your efforts, your results and your profit. Wisdom indeed is profitable to direct. Let your enthusiasm  for your business and your customers grow your business and make it flourishing.


Opportunities will always come but are you at alert? Are you prepared for it? Can you identify one when it comes along? Are you one of those who complain about everything and never see the good that could be hidden in every situation? Are you attentive to details? Do you allow your inner eyes to see the treasures enclosed in seemingly impossible situations? How prepared are you for your next level?

Many atimes, we are tempted to celebrate before achievement. We see the opportunities and before grabbing it, we spread the news of our ‘victory’ and end up becoming victims. We, most times, mix our priorities up! We major in minor and minor in major.

The story was told of a man who met with a childhood friend of his after a long time. This childhood friend had become the governor of a state in his country when they met again. The governor recognized his childhood friend and exchanged pleasantries with him. He went a step further to invite him to the government house for further discussions.

Let’s call the governor’s friend Mr A.

Mr A who was very elated boastfully spoke to everyone who cared to listen about how he and the governor grew up in lack. The D-Day arrived and Mr A gallantly walked into the government house. He was well received and ushered into the presence of the governor. He was entertained and swiftly, the governor asked him how he could be of help to him. Mr A became overwhelmed with nostalgia and he

began to reminisce about their youthful escapades and the challenges they faced growing up. He became so relaxed in the presence of the governor and chatted non-stop until it was time for the governor to attend to other more important tasks. Needless to say, he misplaced his priorities because another opportunity of meeting with the governor never presented itself until he ended his tenure in government. In Mr A’s recklessness, he also did not remember to exchange telephone numbers with the governor. Mr A was reckless and he also became too familiar with the governor in his defming moment. Don’t be like Mr A!

It is an error to become reckless and too familiar when destiny presents you with chances. Chances lurk around but only the vigilant get to access them. They are most rewarding when preparations collide with opportunity. While it is God who brings the chances (opportunities) your way, He does not give you the preparation; that you have to work out for yourself and by yourself. God never fails to do.

His own part (1 Thessalonian 5:24, 2 Timothy 2:13) consequently, you can not afford to fail to do your part.


Another means of preserving access is Trust. Trust in your ability, trust in yourself, be a person worthy of trust but above all, have an unrelenting trust in God. Recognize Him as the ONLY One who can make a way where there seem to be none.

You must also learn to trust in God’s choices for you. He comes in different forms, for different purposes and at different times.

As a child of God, you must have trust in the dependability of the God you serve. He is not man-made, so He is limitless. Every man has a limit but God has no limit. He existed before the existence of time so He can never be time-bound. The Latin saying: “Nullum Tempus Occurit Regi” (Time does not rim against the king) comes to mind here.

God is the beginning who has no beginning. He is the end of all things who has no end. He’ never retires! He is the one who gave life to you and as such, He is the only One who can give you your identity.

Whatever the situation, it does not matter the size of the giant facing you, irrespective of your age, gender, location, colour, etc., God is able to do ALL things. What access do you desire? Put your total trust in God, HE is too faithful to fail.


Gratitude is simply your act of showing appreciation for favours done to you. Gratitude starts from when you open your eyes in the morning to behold a brand-new day. It is you accepting life as a, privilege from God and understanding it as an unconditional gift from Him to you. Gratitude reflects in the way you value where you are, on the way to where you would love to be.

Gratitude teaches you how to be abased  when situation calls for it and how to abound with every sense of humility.

You must understand that when you express gratitude, you get your victory signed, sealed and delivered. It is believed that when you show gratitude for favours you receive- no matter how little it may seem to you- you are open to receive more. Ingratitude reveals the pride of the heart of a favour recipient. You must never take any good deed for granted.

If you derive pleasure in ingratitude, doors are bound to be closed on you. Moreover, no man in his right frame of mind wants to be associated with an ungrateful person no matter what or who he may be. Do you desire to preserve an access into the hall of fame? Live and breathe gratitude!


The crux of every relationship is influence! No relationship leaves you the same. It either adds to you or subtracts from you. Relationships make or mar you so you must seek mutually beneficial relationships everywhere you go. Relationships that are symbiotic are profitable on all grounds.

If you are in a wrong relationship or you are in a relationship for a wrong reason, you are bound to get your fingers burnt sooner than expected.

A lot of people land in trouble because of the immoral companies they associate with. Relationships are integral ingredients of access. Itis often said: “Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are. “

You are the exact reflection of the company you keep. Your values, opinions, actions, ideas, attitudes are all reflections ofthe company you keep.

You need to review the essence of every relationship you are currently in and tactfully sever the ones that are not mutually beneficial. Betruthful with yourself in answering these two questions: “If I end this relationship, what have I got to lose?” And “If I hold on to this relationship, what have I got to gain?”

You must also reflect on the kind of discussions you hold with your friends. Does it add value to you or not? A relationship that you nurture but which does not produce equal benefits to you is parasitic; it would take you far away from ·significance. Eagles fly but chickens don’t. If you desire to fly but keep company with chickens, be assured that you will never fly. They will ensure you remain as they are and then try to justify why. Do you desire to preserve the access you have? Check the company you keep!


Motive is simply the reason for an action. It is the cause you have for doing or not doing something. It is the ‘why’ of every action or inaction thereof.

Your motive for doing what you do is very important. It is an essential preservative for access. Every time you get your motive right, you are on your way to getting lifted. Motive is very important! Motive drives you! It is the inspiration behind your action or lack of it thereof. Endeavour to always get your priorities right and you will see that there will be no stopping you. Do you desire to preserve an access? Consider your motive!


It is often said, “Stand for something or fall for anything.” Your brand is your make up and it is an integral preservative for access.

In Acts 9: 36-40, the Bible tells the story of a woman of value who was brought back to life because of her good deeds. Tabitha’s brand was service to widows. No one wants a person of value to die!

It is true that nobody is indispensable but it is a relative word when value is considered. Do you desire to preserve an access? Be a person ofvalue! Be that brand that can’t be ignored!


Life and living are guided by principles, and these principles answer to everyone; no matter who they are. Take for instance, Newton’s first law of motion states that every object remains at a standstill until external force acts on it.  Now, consider gravitational force. It does not matter who stands on an elevation, once a push is applied, the person falls. It is a principle .and it does not have regards for personality.  The same applies to work. It is expected that under normal circumstances, once you have a job and you are diligent about your responsibilities, you should be able to (at the least) afford the basic needs of life.  Now, with the help of the Holy Spirit, you as a man will have accurate knowledge of what to do, where to go, what to say, when to act, what to go for, and how to act beyond the dictates of principles.  How do I mean?

There was the story of a man who was contracted for some technical repairs. He got to the place, hit on a spot and the technical fault was corrected. He charged $100 and the organisation that contracted him queried his charge since all he did was hit a spot. They stated that it was ridiculous of him to charge that much since he didn’t buy any spare parts for the repair. They challenged him saying anyone of them could have simply hit that faulty gadget and it would have worked. To justify his stance, the technician said: “I charged $1 for hitting the equipment and $99 for knowing the spot to hit.”

That’s it!

The Holy Spirit resident in you opens your inner eyes to know what those who solely rely on principles miss because He is not limited in knowledge.

As a Christian, it is unscriptural  for you to be stranded in life. The Holy Spirit is given to you so that while principles answer to all on the same level, you go a step further by your understanding of time and season. You must understand the will of God for your life through His word and by revelation from the Holy Spirit. You cannot afford to live like an ordinary human being. You are extraordinary because He who lives in you is greater than  he who lives in the world (1 John 4:4).

There itis!

That is the edge you have as a child of God. Even though principles answer to all but through the help of the Holy Spirit, you know that which is worth your attention at time.

The Bible says it is the spirit who gives life, the flesh profits nothing. (John 6:63). Do you desire access and its longevity? Lean not on your own understanding, wait for God! Proverbs 3:5. Isaiah 64:4.0.

For story submissions and inquiries, please email us at citypeopleonline96@gmail.com

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