Home Dating & Romance 10 Things Every Woman Wants In A Relationship

10 Things Every Woman Wants In A Relationship

by Wale Lawal

Women are people just like men. When people open up heart-to-heart or talk to each other clearly and directly without hidden feelings and thoughts, they understand one another.

The old saying that “men are from Mars” and “women are from Venus” is imaginary. Women are from planet Earth just like men.

Men make a fuss about not understanding women because they try to read “signs” or look for “hints” believing women are different. And they end up with wrong stereotypes and perceptions of women.

To avoid wrongly brushing women, men should adopt listening ears. It’s easy to understand what women want when you listen to them. The ‘signs’ and ‘hints’ you’re looking for, are leading you into self-delusion.

Women want all this stuff below…



It’s every woman’s dream, to be loved and cared for. Women yearn to feel beautiful and desired. Every woman, regardless of her score on the beauty scale, wakes up each day, hoping to draw a man’s attention. They are wired to feel listened to, watched and their emotional state attended to.


When the tornadoes surge at her, a woman expects your physical and mental presence. She looks up to you and counts on you to be around until the storms in her life break off. A woman will always hope you’ll be her strong financial, emotional and mental pillar, she will always lean on.


A woman needs to feel safe. When she stakes her life on you, she expects you to be grateful and keep an eye on her. So when the aliens tend to threaten her space, she trusts you have her back. She anticipates you’ll be open-eyed on her emotional security and not leave them to be tapped dry.


Women just like men are emotional creatures. Their emotional tanks get filled up and thus they expect a good tapping. As a man, you should always be there for her and fill the gap. Of course, you should not be a pro but at least push her pleasure buttons. Make her knees weak once you come into her sight. They want it so.


No sane human being wants to live lonely. A woman wants you to be her best friend. Somebody who is always there for her. She wants you to be her advisor and help her crack worse and more difficult problems. Make them laugh and you’ll be the first person she thinks of in the morning and when she retires to bed.


People with a dry sense of humour are suckers. You have to spread yourself too thin, to get along with them. They suck to the bone. Women long for a guy, who is all fun to be with. And your sense of humour should stretch in all contexts. If she finds you boring and conservative, she will definitely bring your relationship to a screeching halt.


Nobody wants to be with people who don’t appreciate, their efforts and time. Thus women hope you will adore and freak out on them. It’s every woman’s desire that you’ll hold her hand in public or even lift her up randomly. She will revere your manliness if you take it upon you, and do it. Anyway if you love her, you can’t be ashamed about kissing her brow in public.


Nothing annoys more like a drab conversation. Worse is when the person you are talking to, never pauses or takes time to let her/his words settle well in your mind. If you are the type of man, wise-up, up and work on your listening skills. Women love listening ears. If you listen to a woman attentively, with your phone deep in your pockets, she’ll pour her heart into your soul. If you really want to own her up, man, listen to her even when it’s the hardest thing you can do in a situation.


This is a trait you can’t find in bad boys and bad girls. But loyalty is a strong human virtue that keeps relationships for many years. In fact, it’s the fuel of all the intact relationships. That said, if you dream of a future with that woman, for heaven’s sake, be loyal. Work hard on your fidelity index. Allow nothing to corrupt you to ‘sin’ or play your woman. It’s suicidal to be unfaithful and your woman won’t buy that.


This has come last but is not the least. It’s a trait every woman wants men to have. When she says NO, understand that and don’t define it wrong. Pray for insight to know her bad and good days. Because if you insist on YES answers throughout your pestering, you may end up a heartbroken man. Please just be understanding.


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