Last night, I dreamt Asa shattered a glass ceiling.
Oh! wait. That’s not true. Saturday night, I watched Asa shatter something sturdier than a glass ceiling. I watched the songstress turn the regular mean crowd that are the Nigerian party goers into mushy, standing-ovation-giving sing-along_ers. I watched her as I felt her voice shatter the disbelief in my mind. And my mind is harder than glass.
Let me tell you, from the moment that lady walked on stage, pure as snow in her white Maki Oh, she delivered unbelievably good performance after performance. But these five moments eh! These five are the exact reasons why you should not have missed #AsaEncore:
Of course her voice…
But because it would not make any sense for me to put all three hours of her rendition, watch this:
Asa is angel
Or how else do you explain this?
Apparently, it’s not just her voice; look her about to take rise in that Maki Oh jumpsuit.
Rise Asa Rise!
She teased a member of her orchestra
You really should not have missed this because even though I had you in mind all through, I was too enchanted to make a video of her asking the young man: “Am I too heavy for you?” as she sat in his lap, displacing the violin he was playing. It was the end of her ‘Bibanke’ performance and she said she needed to sing out her sadness to him.
“Do you have a girlfriend?” she asked as she got up.
“She’ll understand”. Bet she will!
Asa is amazing with a trumpet
Or is it a horn?
The time she time she added hundreds of people to her 30-man orchestra