Home Dating & Romance 5 Key Things Everyone Must Do After Love Making

5 Key Things Everyone Must Do After Love Making

by Wale Lawal
Sex, Man, Wife,

Sex can be really exciting. As a matter of fact, it is the most exciting experience in the world, going by the standards of many people. Yet, it does come with its own little issues. Two of them is infection and the other is the smell the male and female semen can emit during lovemaking. For a lot of women, they have found the issue of smell to be a major problem. Some even think the smell problem is peculiar to them alone. They use all sorts of things to wash their vagina just so they can smell nice down there. But sometimes, this might not be such a great idea. Here are five important things you should know about sex.

*Stop using all manner of stuff to wash your vagina after sex. Many ladies think this helps them keep infections away, but it doesn’t always work that way. Medical experts say that this could lead to more infections because it tends to upset the natural balance of bacteria which tends to protect the vagina. They advise that a mild vaginal smell is normal and may not be a sign of a problem.

*Practice simple clean up. Yes, we know that sex smells, but do not start fretting just because of this. Get warm water, and possibly with mild soap and clean up yourself gently after sex. This will protect you and your partner from infections. Wash the area around (not inside) your genitals with warm water. Avoid scented tampons, powders spray, if you notice you pick infections easily.

 *Don’t hold back your urine. People are usually advised not to hold back urine after sex because during sex bacteria could get into the urethra, which is the tube that carries urine out of your body. So, when you pee, you are able to flush those germs in the process.

*Drink a lot of water. Not necessarily a lot of water, but just enough to keep you hydrated and help you pee more. It usually helps when you drink water after sex. This enables you to flush out more bacteria from your system before infections can come up.

*Always wash your hands. This is more applicable if there is a delay in having a shower after sex and it is to prevent the spread of bacteria. Washing your hands is the best way to stop the spread of bacteria you might pick up from touching your genitals and that of your partner. Once the lovemaking is over and you can’t hit the shower afterwards, then you must try to wash your hands.


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