Home Inspirations/Motivations 5 Reasons Dating a Coworker Is Not a Bad Idea

5 Reasons Dating a Coworker Is Not a Bad Idea

by Daniji Emmanuel

Do not get me wrong; I am not going to suggest that dating a coworker would be a bed of roses. And we have probably all heard advice about not mixing work with pleasure. But I can see the flip side of this too. For instance, have you ever wished that your partner understood you better?

Our work takes a big chunk of our time and also forms a part of our identity. So who better to understand that part of you than someone who treads the same career path? Here are a few reasons why dating a coworker is not such a bad idea.

And do not even get me started on the misery of night shifts. If you and your partner are both shift workers, although you might not be on the same shift pattern, you will totally understand each other’s needs here.

3. “How was your day?” has so much more context

It is often more fulfilling to offload a bad day onto colleagues because they already speak the same language and you do not have to waste valuable decompression time translating that for someone.

There is no perfect answer for where to find your ideal partner. Of course, there are far too many variables involved. But what I am saying is this: do not let the fact that someone is a colleague put you off if you really feel a connection there. There might be issues with working together. But there are always silver linings too if you look for them.

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