Home Dating & RomanceRelationship 6 Signs That Your Relationship Is Going Bad

6 Signs That Your Relationship Is Going Bad

by Wale Lawal

When we are in a lovely relationship, we sometimes tend to overlook the little signals that should tell you something is about to go wrong in your romance. It’s not until you start arguing with your partner or quarrelling every day that you conclude there’s a problem, it is the little but important signs that you miss that ultimately culminate into these major fights and eventual break up of relationships. The key here is to notice them when they begin to show up and quickly address them before they turn into hydra headed monsters that will eventually ruin your relationship or marriage. Here are 6 key signs…

*Are you the type that simply looks away when your partner is making a point or a suggestion? Do you ignore them deliberately and just roll your eyes away as they talk to you? This is a bad sign. It simply shows you don’t pay attention to your partner when they speak or you simply believe you’re superior to your partner so see no reason listening when they talk. If you continue this way, your partner will notice and might not take very kindly to it.

*When one partner starts to dominate in a relationship, giving the other no room to also take control of the marriage or relationship. In a relationship or marriage, there must be an equal balance of power. No partner must be seen dominating the other. The dominated partner will react at some point and demand an equal balance of power.

*When lovers fail to respect each other. Once one party notices the other has no respect for him or her, they will begin to feel hurt, withdrawn and then possibly fall in love with someone who respects them and shows them the love they’re not getting from you.

*When lovers start to speak ill or badly of each other. You must not insult each other just to get even with each other. It is also very important you don’t insult each other in the presence of others. By speaking badly of your partner to others, you’re only assuring yourself that your partner is not good enough for you. And this is a clear signal that all may not be well with your relationship.

*Failure to discuss partner’s shortcomings with him/her, rather keep it all bottled up inside you. Whether you think he/she is dirty with their laundry, you must talk about it. Keeping all that anger inside you might not be a good idea because the day you lose your cool and let go of that rage, you might say things you shouldn’t have said out of anger. The rage that accumulates inside you will start to make you resent and keep away from your partner. And that might really begin to affect the relationship.

*Are you taking each other for granted? All of us take our partners for granted from time to time, but it is important we realize this and retrace our steps so it doesn’t become a habit. If it becomes a habit, then there will be consequences. That relationship is doomed for collapse!

 *It gives room for people to start talking about your marriage. Sleeping in separate rooms sends all sorts of signals to people who come to visit you and find that you do not sleep in the same room. They would start asking questions, sniffing around to find out if all is well in the marriage.


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