Home News 8 Types Of Muslims To Watch Out For This RAMADAN

8 Types Of Muslims To Watch Out For This RAMADAN

by Jamiu Abubakar

•Why They Won’t Get The Reward Of RAMADAN Fast

Ramadan is a blessed month filled with bounties and numerous rewards from Allah specifically fasting Muslims. There is a lot of evidence to support this. It is a month when the Holy Quran was revealed as guidance to mankind. Among the many benefits of the holy month is that the odour coming out of the mouth of a fasting Muslim is loved by Allah. It is purer and lovelier than the scent of the Al-Misk incense. In the month of Ramadan, the angels would keep seeking forgiveness of Allah on behalf of fasting Muslims right from the time they begin their fast (Sahur) till the time they break their fast (Iftar).

During Ramadan, Allah will instruct the angels to prepare paradise for his worthy slaves who are doing lots of Ibadah (worship). When Ramadan commences, the evil demons are usually put in bondage and this reduces the rate at which people perpetrate evil acts. As soon as Ramadan starts, Allah commands the angels to open all the doors of paradise and shut all the doors of hell-fire. Ramadan is so special that there was a night in it called Lailatul Qadri (Night of Majesty). Whoever witnesses the night is indeed successful. Every day in Ramadan, Allah pardons those who are destined for hell-fire and grants them paradise.

Have you seen why it’s important for every Muslim to do everything possible to earn the bounties of the month? It would be unfortunate for a Muslim to witness the month of Ramadan, fast in it and yet lose out on getting the rewards of fasting. Below are 8 categories of Muslims that won’t be rewarded for fasting during the month of Ramadan. Therefore, they have fasted in futility.

(1) Muslims fast not because they want to obey Allah but because they want to make people know they are fasting. Their intention for fasting is faulty and they will not be rewarded for fasting all day. Every action is Islam would be measured based on the intention of the doer. It is therefore important for Muslims to always purify their intention of fasting which should be in service to Allah and Allah alone.

(2) Muslims that fast, expecting to be rewarded by someone whereby it is only Allah that rewards those that fast with sincerity.

(3) Muslims that tell lies and engage in vain talk. This attitude is forbidden in Ramadan. A fasting Muslim is not expected to tell lies no matter how minute it is. Telling lies can rip a Muslim off the benefit of the Ramadan fast.

(4) Muslims that engage in deceitful trade or work. This applies to many artisans and traders. The artisan would deceive their customers by aggravating the situation of whatever that is brought to them for repair whereas it is just a little fault. They usually do this so that they can charge the customer more. Any fasting Muslim that does this has ended up ruining his fast for the day and would not be rewarded.

(5) Muslims that engage in indecent, vulgar and lewd talk while fasting.

(6) Muslims that indulge in the act of hooliganism while fasting. Hooliganism is a despicable act in Islam and Muslims should desist from it.

(7) Muslims that observe fasting in the month of Ramadan with ignorance. The rules that guide the observance of the Ramadan fast must be clearly understood in order not to run afoul of any of them. This is more reason why a Muslim should always ask questions from scholars about things he/she does not know. It is an act of ignorance that would make fasting Muslim refuse to brush their teeth claiming that he does not want the odour of someone fasting when was mentioned earlier as being loved by Allah leaves his mouth. Meanwhile, his mouth will be oozing out offensive odour to people around him. It is also ignorance that would make fasting refuse to take his bath after sweating profusely just because e is fasting and feels bathing would break his fasting.

(8) Muslims that engage in any form of abuse be it verbal or physical contact will not be rewarded for fasting during the month of Ramadan. Even if someone attacks or abuses you in the month of Ramadan, you should neither respond nor react. If the person persists in making trouble with you, Prophet Muhammad advised you to tell the trouble maker, “I am fasting”. Engaging the person is not the best. 

These are what are expected from every Muslim observing the Ramadan fast in order to be among those that would enjoy the full benefit of the month of the abundant blessing of Allah.


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