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In the next 12 years I’ll be 60.

So I guess I do not have first hand experience of being a 60 year old.

Neither do I have the experience of being unsuccessful.😀

However, as a successful 48 year old mom, career woman, entrepreneur, socialite and wife, I feel anniversaries of any sort afford one a golden opportunity to reassess/re-evaluate the vision/goals previously set, the mission & the progress in implementation, the challenges, outcomes & the mistakes made so far.

Indeed, in preparation for any anniversary, the organizational/individual strengths & weakness should by no means be left out of this evaluation.

This is with a view to restrategizing, making modifications to existing goals (or making fresh ones) and focusing on creating a blueprint for actualizing set goals through effective leadership, unity of purpose and teamwork.


Simply put, you need to be clear on where you were, where you currently are (and how you got there), and where you want to be and how you intend to get there.

Anniversaries are an opportunity for us to reflect on our past, present & future!👊

I’m sure every Nigerian leader will agree with me that we are adept at making beautiful policies with lack of commitment to implementing them despite the enormous potential for excelling in all fields of human endeavor…

What we lack is the right mindset; altruism… selfless service to humanity… at every level!

We could easily be the cynosure & envy of all nations if only we could focus on harnessing those potentials…

What we need is pragmatic leadership; that has the interest of its people at heart in addition to having a strategic plan that the leadership is committed to following through till the end by devising effective strategies for implementation which also include making short  & intermediate term plans that are specific, measurable, actionable, relevant & time-bound (SMART).👊

The importance of monitoring and evaluation cannot be overemphasized in actualizing those goals while making necessary adjustments to the processes involved from time to time.

For instance, if a medical leader’s goal is to reduce Infant Mortality Rate by 80% in the next 2 years, it’s not enough just to employ the qualified workforce and the necessary equipment. There is need to monitor the outcomes and evaluate them to ensure that the interventions put in place  are actually effective and that in the next 2 years, there is an actual (evidence-based) 80% reduction in Infant Mortality Rate.

This is the hallmark of effective leadership!

Anniversaries are also a time to thank God for His mercies & grace… A time to make peace with (accept) one’s situation, misdemeanors, misadventures and misgivings in a non-judgemental manner, be content, have a positive outlook, make peace with agrieved parties & make plans for a brighter future…a more fruitful tomorrow.

Anniversaries are indeed an opportunity to celebrate irrespective of one’s perceived failures or “lack of achievement” because as long as one is alive, there is always an opportunity to improve…to excel… to fly..to reach the sky! Success is not the exclusive preserve of the privileged or the high & mighty.

Anniversaries are constant reminders that we could change our circumstances for the better.

Anniversaries should ALWAYS be celebrated!

Therefore I use this opportunity to wish everyone a…

Happy 60th Independence Anniversary!

May God bless Nigeria!

Dr. Obianma Onya 2020

For story submissions and inquiries, please email us at citypeopleonline96@gmail.com

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