Home Dating & Romance Looking For Trouble (2)

Looking For Trouble (2)

by City People
Rosie's Diary

I didn’t let him finish the stupid sentence he was making. I lashed out at him and slapped him hard across the face. It was a thunderous slap. He didn’t believe what he hit him.

“God! Rosie, you slapped me?” Bobby exclaimed, holding the side of his face where the slap landed. His eyes had turned crimson red from the hot slap.

“And I will slap you a second time if one more stupid word comes out of that thing you call your mouth!” I spat at him, anger running through every vein in my body. “What do you take me for, a street dog? A whore? How dare you even suggest that I had gone to sleep with somebody else after you raped me! Are you sick? Are you out of your mind? Are you…..”

“It’s okay, dear, please, I’m sorry, I did not mean it that way, please, forgive me,” Bobby pleaded, but I was still too angry to listen to his plea.

“You don’t mean what that way? You have only expressed what’s actually been on your mind all along,” I’d fired at him, my entire frame trembling with anger. “So, because I came to your house and you used that opportunity to drug me and rape me, you think that’s how I go about getting raped, right?”

“No, Rosie, that’s not what I meant, I honestly did not mean that way…” Bobby was trying to keep his voice down so the people inside the house would not know what’s going on outside. That’s probably why he quietly took the slap I gave him without considering getting angry with me as an option.


I calmed down. He had behaved himself by not trying to make a scene. “You should thank your lucky stars that father is yet to find out about this, otherwise, maybe its inside the torture room where he will keep you that you will start coming up with names of imaginary people that you think slept with me or raped me like you did!”

“I said I’m sorry, Rosie, please, keep your voice down” Bobby pleaded yet again. “I promise I will do all I can within two days and…..”   

“Bobby!” a female voice called from inside. Bobby stopped what he was saying and was looking over his shoulder to see who it was that was calling out his name. Then, she emerged from within, it was the same annoying girl that was sitting on Bobby’s legs inside the room!

I could feel a surge of boiling anger rush through my veins. I was barely able to keep myself from slapping her hard on the face. She couldn’t have been more than a year or two older than me. But she would not even know that because I matched her height for height, frame for me. And what’s more, I was clearly prettier than her.

“Bobby, what are you doing here now?” she said to him as she reached for his hand. Bobby was cold in responding but she couldn’t notice. Her gaze was on me the whole time. As far as she was concerned, I was the boyfriend snatcher who had encroached on her territory. “Please, come back inside, I’m alone and bored in there, all the other guys are enjoying themselves,” she eyed me as she talked to Bobby.

“It’s okay, just….just give me…give me a few minutes, I will join you soon,” Bobby responded, his voice quivering. The guy was under immense pressure. His head was literally on fire but his girlfriend couldn’t have known that. 

“But what exactly are you doing here with this girl sef, you have been out here for so long leaving me all by myself in there, what’s going on?” the stupid girl began to run her mouth. Now, she was really starting to piss me off.

“Look, Kate, I’m sure you’re not deaf. I said go inside right now and wait for me, I will join you soon,” Bobby said to her.

She was angry. She didn’t like the fact that boyfriend just spoke harshly to her. And she was staring hard at me. But I couldn’t be intimidated by her look. She didn’t scare me one bit. I could only hope that for her sake, she keeps her mouth in check.

“So, is it because of this thing here that you are now yelling at…”

“One more stupid word from you and I will smack you hard across your stupid face!” I cut in before she was done talking. “Are you deaf or something? Or didn’t you hear your boyfriend? He said go back inside there, he will be with you when I’m done with him!”

She was shocked. She wasn’t expecting that to come from me. Even Bobby was speechless.

“Bobby, did you….did you hear that? Did you hear how rudely this slut just spoke to….”

I didn’t let her finish. I landed a hot slap right across her ugly face. She nearly passed out. She was dazed. She held her face in her hands as she struggled to get herself together.

“Rosie!” Bobby exclaimed, totally pissed to see how I dispatched his girlfriend. “You shouldn’t have done that. You didn’t have to slap her.”

“Were you deaf when she called me a slut?” I fired at him. “I came here to sort out how you will get me out of the mess you got me, you of all people should know that I’m the last person she should be messing with right now!”

“You slapped me? You…you slapped me?” girlfriend just found her voice, her eyes burning with rage.

“And I will slap you again and again if you insult me one more time,” I’d threatened her. I could see it in her eyes that she was scared of me. She could see I meant every word I said, she knew that slap was no fluke.

“Bobby!” she turned to boyfriend for help. “Aren’t you going to do anything?”

“Listen, Kate, I’m sorry, let me take you inside first…” Bobby put his arm around her and tried to lead her inside but she pushed him away.

“Leave me alone! I’m not going inside there, I’m going to my house and don’t you dare come to look for me!” she snapped at him, gave me a cold stare before she turned and walked away with a loud hiss.

For story submissions and inquiries, please email us at citypeopleonline96@gmail.com

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