Home News Many Things I Learnt From My Mum – Super Actress/Skincare Therapist, BIODUN OKEOWO’s Daughter

Many Things I Learnt From My Mum – Super Actress/Skincare Therapist, BIODUN OKEOWO’s Daughter

by Biodun Alao
Biodun Okeowo

The very young and intelligent, Victoria Boluwatife is the pretty and curvy daughter of Biodun Okeowo popularly known as Omoborty. She came to represent her mum at the just concluded City People Fashion & Style Award, where she got an award on behalf of her mother and City People’s Senior Showbiz Reporter, BIODUN ALAO got to chat with her.

Victoria is not just the regular celebrity daughter, she’s also very intelligent and she is very much into her mother’s business (Skincare business), Victoria Beauty Secret, which was named after her.

She went ahead to talk about why their brand is different from many other skincare brands, and what makes it unique and distinct. She also explains why she doesn’t pay attention to the negative stories. he sometimes gets to read about her mum, why her mum has kept her away from social media, which she is comfortable with and the many things she has learnt from her mum’s lifestyle. Below are the excerpts.

How do you feel getting this award on behalf of your mother?

I feel so happy, excited and super proud. It shows my mum is an ambitious woman and I am super proud of her. Her success is my success as well. Whatever awards she is getting now, trust me, she deserves. It is because, she works tirelessly for it and like they rightly say, hard work pays, so she is just getting the dividend of what she has extremely worked hard for.

Can you talk more about the brand “Victoria Beauty Cosmetics” and what makes it different and unique from other brands?


Victoria’s Beauty cosmetics is a unique and distinct brand. We offer skincare services that you can’t get anywhere else. When you visit our office, you will surely be impressed and blown away with the environment. We treat our clients like queens and kings and we take care of every skin colur. If you are dark or fair, we have products that will keep your skin glowing and we don’t do chemicals, we use natural products to make you have healthy and glowing skin.

You don’t need to bleach to have glowing and healthy skin, our products are organic and health-friendly.

Why has your mum kept you away from social media and do you enjoy it that way?

Yes, I do, I like it, it’s part of the home training she is giving me. She always makes us understand things before she does them right from day one. She already told us this is a particular age, we would get to before she would allow us to start doing some certain things and it is okay for us so I don’t feel uncomfortable with what is happening because I was already aware of it before it started, she talks to I and my brother a lot about things.

How do you cope with the fact that your mother is a celebrity and you get to read a lot of things about her on papers, some negative?

I think I know my mum more than any other person out there and she doesn’t keep things away from us. I feel being a celebrity comes with a price tag, so I see post of negative comments as the price she is paying for being famous. I can only be bothered if most of those things about her are true, but since I know her too well and I know most of the negative stories are fabricated, it doesn’t get to me. Secondly, I don’t let her celebrity lifestyle bother or affect my own lifestyle because I am just an ordinary young girl like any other out there, nothing different I live my life the way it should be.

Though at times when I go out people stop me to ask if I am Biodun Okeowo’s daughter, I would say yes I am, great and just walk away. I am always very polite about how I handle things because that is how I was brought up.

It is a known fact that she is very strict with you and even keeps you away from social media, do you enjoy it that way?

Yes, it still comes down to what I said earlier, the way Mrs. A will treat and train her daughter is definitely different from how Mrs. B will train her daughter, so the fact that many of my mum’s colleagues daughters have Instagram pages doesn’t mean I should have too. It is normal for people to have different ways of raising their kids, the most important thing is for parents to be able to provide the basic needs with every child needs which my brother and I are not lacking in any way. So every other thing is secondary, so I am happy, I am not on social media, that will happen at the right now, I am super proud with the way she has raised us.

Every fame comes with its price, so how do you cope with the publicity your mum gets at times?

I know there is a good and bad side to everything in life, and I see it as Nigerian mentality to discriminate and tell people oh you are not doing this thing right. I am her daughter, when I see her doing something that it’s not right, I talk to her and she listens. She always seeks my opinion before doing things as small as I am and she doesn’t take my opinion for granted. Since I know my mum too well, I don’t get bothered by unnecessary stories.

How do you feel when people say her shape is not natural and all that?

Honestly, people are entitled to their opinion the fact that they say it is not natural does not change the fact that it is natural, so why will I be bothered. So, they are free to always say whatever they feel like saying about her, it doesn’t change anything about her personality and her natural body.

So let’s talk about you, what have you been doing?

I am still a student, I am in my second year at the university, for now, I help my mum in her business and most times I go out with her. I am really into the business and I know much about it.

Many ordinarily will conclude Biodun Okeowo’s daughter will be very loud and arrogant but you are not, is it a deliberate decision?

I guess it has to do with my upbringing. I have heard my friends say that but I always tell them, I am just like them, my mother is the celebrity not me so I live and enjoy my simple life.

Then you are not a makeup person?

(Laughs!!!) I do once in a while I tend to enjoy my natural look, but in special occasions such as my birthdays and other special occasions, I apply make-up.

Do you miss not being on social media like Instagram and others?

Nooo, I feel that will come at the right time, she already said when I am 18 years I can do all that, so there is no point rushing when I still have a lot ahead of me.

Which of your mum’s colleagues daughters are your friends?

I don’t have any, because I don’t go out and it is only when I go out I can meet and make friends with them.

How would you describe yourself?

I am a very simple person. I can relate with anybody at any time but at the same, I am a very quiet person and I enjoy my very simple nature.

What are the things you have learnt from your mum’s lifestyle?

My mum is a very hardworking and industrious woman, so I have learnt to be extremely hardworking, take my business seriously, take things easy in life as they come. I have learnt that all that glitters is not gold. I have learnt to workhard and be independent because people can fail you. So, when you are hardworking and put everything before God then things will work perfectly at the end of the day. I also learnt not to go with the crowd, so I don’t follow a trend. I am a very simple person and enjoy my life that way.

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