Good day, Love Doctor, I am Mimi from Lagos and I’m 19 years old. I really have a serious problem. The issue is that I had sex with my sister’s boyfriend and I feel very guilty because I don’t love him, I just did it to satisfy myself because I have not been in any relationship for a while. I feel so guilty….08134740…….
Oh, Mimi, what did you just do? How could you have sex with your sister’s boyfriend? How do you think she will feel if she ever finds out about this despicable act of yours? She certainly won’t be very happy with you. It’s a good thing you’re feeling guilty about this. At least, you’re not willing to continue the illicit relationship with your sister’s boyfriend. Now, the first step is to try and stay far away from this guy as you possibly can. It takes two to tango. Even if you truly felt lonely and became vulnerable to sleeping with a guy you shouldn’t sleep with, how come he too wasn’t in his senses enough to ensure nothing happened between both of you. Clearly, if this guy could sleep with you, his girlfriend’s sister, then your sis is in big trouble should they eventually get married. I’m afraid you’ll probably have to live with this guilt for as long as your sis and this guy are still together. I pray, for your sake, they do not eventually get married, then you would be finally be able to bury your guilt and put the unfortunate incident behind you. But for now, tell this guy nothing can ever happen between you guys again, keep away from him, do not be left all alone in the house with him, do not pick his calls nor reply his message and finally, keep your mouth shut. Take care and God help you.
Doctor Love, please, reply me urgently. I have been dating my man for three years now but his ex-girlfriend still wants him back. Although he says nothing will make him go back to her, I am not comfortable with the way they have been communicating on the phone, its getting too much for my comfort! Wale, I’m not happy, please, what should I do? My name is Peace from Port-Harcourt…..07031977…..
Dear Peace, I can understand your fears. This is an issue that, often times, rears its head between couples. I can only ask you to calm down and take things easy. If your man says he does not want to take his ex back, then you must believe him. You could also let him know your fears with his ex’s renewed interest in you. But do not push it too much, else he’ll begin to see you as a nag. Three years is enough time for you to know the kind of man you’re dating. If you know him well enough, you should be able to tell if he’s being sincere with you when he said there’s nothing going on between them. My advice is, until he proves otherwise, take your mind off the issue and concentrate on making your relationship with him even stronger.
Hello, Mr. Wale, please, I’m emotionally troubled. I’ve been married for close to six years, yet my heart lies with another man. The worst part is that the emotion is getting stronger each passing day. The guy my heart lies with is also married with kids. We both have two boys each. We actually dated for about six years and when it was time to seal our love with marriage, we had genotype issues, something my mum didn’t even want to hear of. And we parted ways. We have not met in the last six years but I seriously look forward to seeing him. But I’m afraid, would he want to see me? Does he still have affection for me? Wish I could talk to you on phone, it’s until then you will understand me. Please conceal my number…from Troubled Lady.
SWEETHEART, as a rule, I never sympathise with married women who lust after other men. In fact, I’m usually a lot harder on them than I am on the younger single ladies. And my position is simple, once you’re married, you have to everything possible to keep your marriage alive and make it work. But in the event that you’re having trouble holding down your marriage, perhaps because your man just does not have the desire to make it work, then it is understandable if you decide to walk away from that marriage. But for every decent woman, it is only when you have walked away that you can start another relationship with another man, and not before then. If you’re found with another man before your marriage is dissolved, it will be believed that you’re the guilty party in the troubled marriage and blame you for everything that went wrong with it. My dear, I honestly do feel for you, you probably would’ve been married to the love of your life if you guys didn’t have genotype issues. But that’s life for y9ou, it can be cruel sometimes. Still, I will advice you, do not wreck your home, worse still, someone else’s home. How many people will understand if your husband caught you with this man? Do you want to become the man’s second wife or what? Think about your future, think about your children, do you want to throw everything away for this guy? Shift your attention and affection back to your husband, dwell on his positive sides and tell yourself you’re going to love him with all you’ve got. If you truly love the children you’ve given to him, then you must learn to love him too. The guy has moved on and is happy in his place inside your past, please, dear, let him remain there inside your past.