Home News What We Would Miss About Our Dad Primate OLORUNWO

What We Would Miss About Our Dad Primate OLORUNWO

by City People

•His 6 Children Pay Tribute To Him

In his lifetime, one thing Primate Emmanuel Omolaja Olorunwo never joked with was his children. He loved them a great deal. He was fond of describing them by their titles. All of them are damn good professionals. Some of them have in fact served in public offices, both at the state and national levels.

City People can exclusively reveal the tributes of the 6 of them in honour of their dad. It is very, very revealing. Below are the excerpts from their tributes……


It is with all sense of pride and fulfillment that I say without hesitation that I have been deeply blessed by God to call the finest man I have known ‘BABA’. It is with no fear of contradiction to say that whatever I am today or may become in the future, I owe it, first and foremost to God and to you, my Father, who is an example of what it means to be a man. BABA was deeply committed to God and has kept his faith in God even before we were born. He has always been a good father and has taught me some life habits that had a profound impact on me. Baba and I spent a lot of time together discussing spiritual, physical, and personal matters. He has always been an example of love and care and I have never doubted that my father is a man of God and would do anything he humanly can for my good. Baba doesn’t force his thoughts on me when he considers something important, he will gently ask if he can share a nugget of wisdom with me and that has always remained useful and instrumental in my life. Baba, you taught me to trust and depend on God almighty, Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit. You said to me “o timan gbayan gboju” (you trust people too much). “Iya Bayo, o je ba omo e soro”. “have yourself and have your God”. Baba, I know that you have translated to glory because I was privileged to be at your exist where you prayed for everybody and for the nation and you mentioned the name of Jesu several times and concluded by saying “ a o pade Layo “ and myself and my elder sister left your presence, not knowing that you have slept in the Lord, but thinking that when we come back, you will be awake and we will talk with you. I recalled on the 23rd of August, when I came in, as usual, to play with you and my mum, you were laying emphasis on getting your clothes from the tailor and that you were going to wear it for your birthday thanksgiving and you were worried because the tailor was nowhere to be found and you said you will get him arrested. Finally, you got your clothes before Sunday (plain white clothes) and you didn’t wear it. When I came upstairs to see you, you told me to fold the clothes properly and put them in a bag because according to you, “I will still wear it”. Now I understand that you will still wear it because you sewed it for your exist to eternal glory. Baba, you are indeed a great man that will be missed forever. You are an international icon and an inspiration to millions around the world. Your humility and sense of forgiveness and unity has shown your place in history that you are indeed a good leader and an exceptional father. Baba, you have finished the race of life and you have kept the faith. Continue to sleep in the Lord till we meet again just as you said “a o pade Layo”



 A Beautiful Memories of Baba Primate

 A beautiful memory, dearer than gold, of a father whose worth can never be told. There’s a place in my heart no one can fill. I miss you, Baba Primate, and always will.

Two weeks ago, we marked your 85th Birthday, you looked so bright and well, little did we know, Baba Primate, it was our last farewell. Thought, I am devasted but take solace in the fact that you lived an impactful life full of good memories.

My father is a good teacher – he taught me how to be honest, hardworking and to be simple in life. You do not need to blow your trumpet before people, but people will appreciate God’s faithfulness in your life. He also taught me to be hardworking in all aspects and in everything I do, to say the truth, be helpful and kind to people around me. You further taught us that what makes this world go around is love and love. Amongst his usual admonitions is that we are all equal in the sight of the Lord and we should learn how to relate with people around us and love without borders. In addition, when you are also climbing a ladder, you should remember those below as they would be those that will lift you up when you are down.

Baba is humble to the core, plain, transparent, a man of integrity, spiritual and charitable per excellence. He does not hide anything from his children nor from our Mum. He relates with us with an open heart. You set standards and broke many records. All these qualities made the planning of his burial rites very easy and simple as we are simply implementing his wishes while on earth. He is a man that makes life easy for his children and the people around him. He is very kind to a fault – stretches his arms to the poor, the church members and all that have encountered him during his lifetime. You served humanity with all you had. Your gates were always open, your door had no keys. No one comes to you for help that had ever left unassisted.

Baba is a good man and a wonderful father who showed us all love till the end. Thank you for all the good virtues that you taught us and for the sacrifices and commitments to giving us all that we needed to be fully equipped for life – one of the direct recipients of your inestimable benevolence. I will forever salute you Baba, because you have been all I ever needed in my life. God gave me the best Baba in the world. You taught me to never give up on my dreams but to persevere no matter how hard the storms may be. On Sunday just before the church service held to mark your birthday you specifically said to me to take care of the Church and Omolayo which I later related to my siblings. Again, before your demise, you fervently prayed for the entire family and concluded by saying A O PADE LAYO. Little did I know that will be our last conversation. To God be the glory

Our loss is Haven’s gain. You have earned your place in heaven Baba. May God grant your soul and the soul of all the faithful departed everlasting rest and His perpetual light shines upon you. Rest on Baba Primate till resurrection morning. May God in His infinity mercies comfort Mummy, my brothers and sisters and all the family members you left behind.

Adieu, Ba Adura of Egba Land ……..

 –Mrs. Yewande Olubunmi Otusanya – Daughter


It happened on a Thursday afternoon, the day my dad breath his last breathe like a dream. My dad, my hero, my mentor, my prophet, my No.1 fan.

He taught us to fish and how to stand on our feet without depending on others.

My father is of great faith. He always had a positive spirit, always happy.

He Cheers, everyone up, the market women, the security men. He brightens the mood of all. Who will sing the song he composed for me how he does;

“Tinu Tinu, hen hen, se sisi, hen hen, sako ke.”

Anytime I enter our family house at Gbagada, the name “Aji” will echo in my ear. He gave me the nickname “Aji Gbe Igba Aje” (The one who wakes in the morning to carry the calabash of wealth)

He is not just my father but a father to all my friends. He treats them like his own.

My dad is a perfectionist, with a standard in all he does.

He gave us a virtue which is LOYALTY. He is a dedicated person and will never betray anyone.

Loyalty means a lot to my dad. My father is a man of his word.

My father is the true definition of love. He loved himself well; he loved his children with all his heart and all the people around him. When we were writing exams for university my dad would go with us to write jamb and GCE exams. He would sit in the car, in the rain or sun. Not only had dad followed us all to universities to process all our admissions, but he also gave us a stand-by car for us to use in school. Anytime we were facing any challenges in life, my dad would stand right by our side. I call him JIGI WURA because he played both roles perfectly. I still can’t believe he is gone but I know he would still protect us from where he is. My Angel, my father, my friend.

Love you dad!

My dad’s greatest prayer, while he was alive, was fulfilled. He prayed hard never to see the death of his biological children and non-biological. He was a firm man of God. He ensured that we all follow in his footsteps by worshipping with him in the cherubim and seraphim church. He prayed till his last breath.


Omotinuolawa Omobukola Olorunwo


 My spiritual father, father, best friend, confidant, strength, playmate, love and my number one true fan. His Eminence Archbishop Primate Emmanuel Omolaja Aremu Okikiolu Olorunwo. Oko Iya Bayo

I always call him baba Prime meaning baba Primate and the smile he always returns is priceless, Ba Adura is in love with God and everything that has to do with God. He introduced Christ to all his children and supported our spiritual, physical, mental psychological and financial growth up till his last breath that he was praying for everyone. This is a tribute to the only man on earth I know that never felt sick, the only man that never went to the hospital for any medical treatment. Baba will always remind us that He never took panadol or paracetamol in his life. Baba primate I know you are not dead or late because you still directed me to where u kept a special frame that no one knew including your wife and directed that we use the frame for your picture and put the same on the condolence table. Baba was loyal to a fault to all his friends and people he prays for and I learned immensely from you baba primate that though loyalty may not have gain initially but there is always a reward for loyalty from God. Baba will always advise me spiritually every time am with him and I learned lots of Yoruba proverbs from him every day, baba does not joke with the word of God and Yoruba proverbs, he will make reference to a bible verse that supports each Yoruba proverbs. A father that leaves his food to me freely whenever he is eating on the dining table and he will say to his wife Iya Bayo fi Layo si le oo baba plays like a child with a plain heart. He does not joke with service to God and made that his priority and nothing stops him from worshiping God.

Baba primate is a true example of what Christ said in Matthew 20: 26-28

 it shall not be so among you, but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.

Baba the Primate was the number one servant and slave of the church baba will ensure that everything is done perfectly and he will be the first to start the work and cleaning himself. Baba is never tired, he will instruct me to drop a heavy object that it is too heavy for me and he will carry it himself this always Marvels me, but I know his strength and power are from God. Baba will tell me what will happen in the future in secret and I will see it come to pass, baba remains the greatest prophet that I have ever met in my lifetime. Baba will call my children speak to them privately and even instruct them to go away from where the parents are and advise them and teach them the truth and show them a light that is in Christ and in serving God. Baba will also advise my children about their education and marriage. The greatest perfectionist I have met is my father, he loves the beautification of the house of God. I will surely miss a spiritual mentor and backbone, I will miss my playmate, I will miss my love, he loved me to the point of death and he was calling my name out.

A great man that knew about his death and was giving out instructions to the family and all the children started calling ourselves about all that baba said, but baba knew that time for him was near however, we didn’t take it seriously. Baba lived a life of integrity and service to humanity, baba does not discriminate on basis of religion or tribe primate loved everyone freely and was always willing to have more adopted children in his fold. Baba primate lived an impactful life dedicated to God and a spiritual father to lots of people and men of God. My father introduced Christ to me and that is the greatest gift he gave me and that’s a heritage and legacy I will forever cherish. I grew up watching him do things fearlessly.

Indeed the reality is a bitter pill for me to swallow but I remain thankful to God for your legacy and your impactful journey on earth with several souls you have touched and won for Christ which includes mine.

Baba primate supported me in every way and stood by me more than a father would do, he was a father and a mother to me at the same time. Baba primate always supported me with prayers and wise counsels. Your words of wisdom and spiritual teachings will continue to guide me till we meet again my love. Baba primate I want you to know that no one will ever take your place in my heart, you’re a father in a million. If there is another life and the world again and am given the privilege to pick a father, I wouldn’t want anyone but you and you, again and again, that’s why I’m so grateful that life picked you for me and gave me the best father of all. Baba primate you were God sent and Father to many within and outside the Christian fold. Little did I know on the first Sunday in church when I returned from my travelling when you openly informed the church that now you are happy that am around not that I came because I was called for your burial that now if you rest in the lord you are happy am around now. I never knew it will be so soon my love and father. Though baba’s actions, instructions and discussions prior to his death signifies one with the premonition of his exit from this sinful world. He openly informed the members about two Generals with lots of big Stars that came to take him but baba pleaded with them to give him more time and indeed he used the little time given to him to quickly build one more church in Ifo and expanded the church in Akute and baba said I want Amosun to come and open it before my birthday

Baba primate with the two angels stationed with you since Monday before your exit to glory on Thursday I am indeed assured that you have joined the Saints and looking down on us with your warm and genuine love.

Your sweet memories will forever remain in my heart and I say Rest On my beloved Father till we meet again to part no more on Resurrection Day. Baba your last words were ama pade layo. we will meet in joy.

The word of God in 1st Thessalonians Chapter 4: verses 13-18 says;

But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words.

Baami ama pade layo ni oruko Jesu, Amin.

Your beloved son

Venerable Omolayo Olorunwo

My Father in a trillion, my Diamond

My Father in a trillion, my Diamond, my precious jewel, a great man of God and my prophet. No one will ever fill that vacuum in my life. He gave me a precious heritage by introducing me to Christ at a very tender age, he sent his six children to university for first degree and some for their masters, which I was lucky to be among those he sent for masters. Am his little baby (the last girl of the family) he calls me ‘Temi’ and the sugar in his tea”. He doesn’t joke with his call to me every week and Im always looking forward to hearing his voice, advice, encouragement and prayers but now who will call me, pray for me and sing that special song that he used to sing to me. I will forever miss you Baami. An icon, lover of Christ till his last breath. Baami will spend his last penny to beautify the churches, I can’t imagine how beautiful your mansion is in heaven. A cheerful giver, a great supporter to many. Baami omo Olowu Oduru, keep resting in the blossom of our lord till we meet to path no more. No one will fill your place in my heart and your legacy lives on Ba’Adura of Egbaland.

Temitope Olorunwo-Animashaun.


Erinjogunola, Erinjogun agbara, opomulero, jigi wura mi, igilehin ogba mi, olumoran mi, Alabaro mi.

I can go on and on to describe what you meant in my life. You‘re truly a son of the lion of Judah. A lion you’re but yet kindhearted, fearless and bold. A man that believed only in possibilities and never say never. Larger than life, full of energy and zeal. Your doggedness, constituency and perseverance is worthy of emulation. Little did I know when you told me that you saw a vision of two powerful “Generals” who came to you and told you it was time but you replied that you needed to perfect one or two things?

Truly you perfected many things. You extended the Akute  branch church, and established and build an estate for God and humanity back home in our village [Yobo, Abeokuta Ogun state] in fact you founded a prayer mountain there. Coupled with the fact two angels were waiting to receive you, though I fought so hard to let go.

I am sure you’ve already met people in heaven who would have thanked you for leading them to the lord. I have no doubt that others in the future will come up to you in heaven and express their gratitude for having led them to the lord.

Your work on this earth are external values.        

I can say you have departed but God says that he has “arrived”.

You committed your life to services of God, in fact, you were consumed with the zeal of the work of God with energized power greater than this natural world understands, considering your investment of love and devotion to humanity.

You taught me loyalty, integrity, dignity to be a person of his words. Your words are your bound. Speaking the truth without mincing words are some of the great qualities I got from you.

I am proud to call you my father. Who will sing “Tola Omo baba ni o” for me.

However, I give you my word that your legacy lives on and greater work will I do for Christ and humanity.

A o pade layo o o.


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