Mention the name Ngozi Nkoloenyi anywhere in any of the major Lagos society gatherings, and you will be surprised how many heads will nod in resounding acknowledgement of the name. Back in the day, some 25 years ago, this stunning beauty broke into the Lagos establishment and has remained an integral part of it ever since. She was an emerging fashion designer then, and in a matter of months, she was everywhere, designing for top society women and several First Ladies were part of her clientele. And for well over two decades running, this very gorgeous woman has remained a successful fashion designer with a flourishing outfit called La Valerie, a subsidiary of her company, Bloomingale. Not only that, she has also remained a respected society woman who has held her own very well despite losing her beloved husband about 10 years ago. The stunning Ngozi who still looks amazing at 61 was one of the top society Matriarchs honoured at by City People at a colourful event which held last week in Lagos. She spoke to City People’s Senior Editor, WALE LAWAL (08037209290) and shared with us the secret behind her stunning look at 61 and revealed how she has been able to sustain her fashion business after all these years.
How do you feel, ma, with this recognition coming from City People?
Am I surprised? I’m not surprised. Seye being who he is, somebody who loves people, who recognizes people, regardless of your ethnic background. Seye brought me to limelight. I’m known in Lagos state because of Seye. Without knowing who he was, he showcased my talent. All I can say is God bless him.
I am particularly excited to see you here today still looking very strong, very agile and very beautiful. How have you been able to stay this healthy, this beautiful after all these years?
By the way, I’m 61 years old you know, and I give all glory to God. I try to give myself lots of peace of mind. Peace of mind is very important. What’s also important is wrapping yourself fully in God. You should also eat right, then love other people because if you don’t love other people, then, you can’t love yourself. It is when you love yourself that you can extend it to other people around you. Do your exercises. Yes, challenges will come but don’t let them engulf you. Just be happy, that’s how I live my life.
How did you get into the fashion business?
You know, I did my first degree and Masters degree in Lagos. I was going to read Medicine but my husband did not want me to study what would make me spend a long time in the university. So, I ended up studying Microbiology and Psychology for my Masters and afterwards I delved into business because, to be honest with you, it’s something that’s innate in me. My clients will tell you, just go to Ngozi, don’t tell her any style, she will find just the right style for you. And what I do is, I look at your body first. People don’t understand that designing is not just about picking a style in the magazine and taking it to the tailor, no. Your body built might not suit the design in that magazine. You look at the individual, you look at the person’s gait, there are styles that an individual can be able to carry and there are those you will not be able to carry. Check the height, check the complexion, all these determine the style you give to people. So, designing is something that’s innate in me, honestly, I love it. I love creativity. Not only designing clothes, but designing homes as well.
You started as a designer over 25 years ago when you were much younger, now that you’re in your 60s, how actively involved are you in the business?
I am still very much involved. I’m still in production. In fact, today, Sunday, I left my workers to come here. So, we’re still working. I can never get retired in designing. You understand, I can’t get tired of designing. Mind you, designing is just one side of my business, I deal with the most exclusive fabrics you can get in this country. I deal with the best fabrics you can imagine, designing is just by the way. And I’m into wedding gowns as well. So, I am simply too busy.
Let’s have the name of your fashion outfit..
Oh, its Bloomingale. I have Bloomingale and La Valerie Bridal is a subsidiary of Bloomingale.
How has business evolved, especially in the last couple of years?
You know Covid has affected a lot of things. Its just lately that things are starting to pick up because there must be weddings. People must wed, brides must wear their bridal gowns, brides’ mothers must wear their fabrics. They buy from you and you design for them. I will not complain, God has been so wonderful.
What advice do you have for younger ladies who are coming into this line of business?
The thing is that growth is not overnight, hard work is the answer. There’s no food for a lazy man. Rome was not built over night. I started my business on my dining table. I keep telling people, I started from my dining table, from there to my boys quarters, from there to a whole building and from there to my own personal property. Gradual growth is the best. Do not look at anybody and compare your growth to theirs. Be yourself. There must be challenges. Overcome the challenges. Don’t let the challenges discourage you. Don’t give up. I don’t believe in giving up in any business. In life, you don’t give up. Hold on to God, tomorrow will be better. And it must be better than today. It’s all about hard work. Have a target of where you’re going to. And you will get there. Despite all the rough roads, you will get there.
One last question, ma, how have you been able to hold your own and hold the family together as a single mum who has had to deal with the loss of her beloved husband?
I must tell you, God is an awesome God. My husband died when I was fifty-one and I must tell you, I’m a proud grandma of seven grandchildren. All the children are well settled. It’s not me, it’s God that settled all the children in their own various fields. I pray a lot, that’s one thing people do not know about me. You cannot get anywhere without God, God did it. It’s not been easy, but with God, you can achieve anything.