Romance can happen anywhere. At school, workplace, social gatherings, even right inside the church, love can come tugging at your heart. Cupid is no respecter of persons or location, once it fires its arrows and they strike you right where you are, you become blind to everything around you. It doesn’t matter to you anymore where you are or who are falling in love with, all you desire is to have that pretty babe or dashing looking guy in your arms. And for the unsuspecting female, allow us to indulge you a little. For a workplace scenario, here are five clear signals you need to watch out for to help you know when a male colleague in the office is desperately trying to get into bed with you!
THE FIRST TO PAY COMPLIMENTS: If every time you step into the office looking gorgeous, he is the first to compliment you and tell you you’re looking amazing, then, you need to let out your alarm antenna, there could just be more to the compliments than you think. If he shows more interest in your appearance than anybody else, he’s always the first to notice you have a new hairstyle on, always the first to tell you your new shoe looks great, be careful, he may just be up to something.
COMES TO YOUR DEFENSE ALWAYS: It’s become common knowledge that in the office, he never allows anything or anyone to trouble you. He jumps to your defence once something comes up and somebody or some people in the office are trying to run you down. Colleagues in the office already know that he likes you, so they try to avoid getting into issues with you knowing he would certainly square up against them. Everyone already knows he takes it personally when somebody tries to upset you, so they often avoid his wahala. It can be a good feeling to know a colleague feels so protective of you, but it could also mean you should be ready for what will come afterwards, he’s definitely not playing guardian angel for nothing!
HE CAN’T KEEP HIS HANDS AWAY FROM YOU: This is already obvious to everyone. He just can’t keep his itchy fingers away from you. The minute he notices no one is looking, he holds you tenderly by the waist whenever you’re standing with your back turned to him and tells you how beautiful you look. Most times he stylishly presses his body against yours so you can feel his hard-on rubbing against your thighs. He makes it look like an accident, but it’s not, he truly wants you to get the message that he is desperate to have you in his arms and of course in his bed!
ALWAYS OFFERS TO BUY YOU LUNCH: This is perhaps the most obvious sign. We all know men rarely get into the venture of wasting their hard-earned resources on a woman they don’t care about. A man only spends on a woman he desires and knows he stands a chance to climb in between her legs and have a taste of her juice. And the minute he realizes he’s only gotten himself into a wasteful venture, he promptly pulls out of it sharply, makes a detour and goes after the next available babe with larger prospects. So, when this man begins to show some concern about your health when you tell him you haven’t had lunch, as though he’s your biological father, and then offers to buy you lunch almost on a daily basis, trust me, sister, you might think it’s a free meal but it’s definitely not. You will, at some point, pay for it. As they say, there is no free meal in Freetown anymore! He’s after something and you should be ready for him when he comes out boldly to knock on your door.
HE MOVES HIS TABLE TO YOUR OFFICE: This is ridiculous, right? But that’s how absolutely desperate some guys can get. Before now, he’s always coming into your office to check on you. He wants to know how you’re doing at all times. But he’s also noticed that a lot of times, he comes into your office and finds one male colleague or the other already by your desk whispering in your ears. He knows he needs to come up with an idea first before someone else sweeps you off your feet before he does. So, he comes up with a plan. He goes to the admin and complains his office is badly ventilated or the office Wifi meant for general use is not so strong in his office. The unsuspecting Admin suggests he shares the office with someone and he chooses you! You could be excited with the fact that he wants to be around you, but beware, you know what will come next.
HE SUPPORTS YOU FINANCIALLY: Let us remind you again. No man spends his hard-earned resources on a woman he knows he stands no chance of climbing in between her legs. So, when this seemingly nice colleague of yours starts to support you financially, always quick to dip hands into his pocket once you mention you’re broke and running on a lean purse, be rest assured he’s no charity organization. Imagine a guy offering you the financial support you didn’t even ask for when his close pals in the office are terribly broke and hungry. Every kobo he spends on you, you will pay back in kind. He is only looking for the easiest and fastest way into your heart. And we all know the fastest way into a woman’s heart is money. When you care for a woman, buy her gifts and give her a little amount of money every now and then to get by, she will, in most cases, fall for you. So, while you appreciate how he supports you with his resources, be ready for what will definitely come after. Good luck!