Home News There are no children here !!!!

There are no children here !!!!

by Funke

Yet they call you Daddy and your female head, Mummy. That elevated exalted position remains the dream of every Pastor, the imposition and relegation of Parenthood. Truth be told many of us are in search of the ideal Parents therefore hastily adopting the newfound parents. On the other hand, what can we say are the antecedents of the Patriarchal mode. The first thing that comes to mind is total commitment, overridden with utmost Love. You want to ask can be foisted upon any individual rather than built over time and that is the concern. Inevitably the Church is a sanctuary, a hospital where many get deliverance from abuse, healing from hurts and stability as opposed to riotous dysfunctional backgrounds. Hence the new adoption is necessitated as the viable replacement and alternative. Dedication and commitment uncover giftings and many take up different roles from gatekeepers to sanctuary attendees, ushering and Singing. Others discover their calling, submitting to God’s call. All these are factors contributing to the smooth running of the Church.

The Pentecostals have a powerful focus on evangelism spurring great crowds as the good news spreads. The idea of the Spirit of excellence to compel people to come, see and partake in the goodness of GOD gaining salvation and eternity in Heaven is the great commission. The scramble is competitive with the knowledge that even in Heaven there is rejoicing over every sinner that repents. For me, after experiencing different worldly parties, socials even Dinners the preparation for each crusade, program remains unparallel, the comparison surpasses the futility and the emptiness experienced in these functions as opposed to gaining healing, deliverance, moreso opulent, Heaven. The joy, the display of the flow of the Holy Spirit manifestation brings strength and eternal values. The flip side is that amidst the crowd there are spectators, actors and even the laborious. Not many really understand what transpires and in the middle of it all many get lost. For this reason, we encourage some to join small Churches, no Church inevitably wants to remain small though. Emphatically when you seek GOD with all your heart, definitely he will be found. The zeal in evangelism sometimes engages the missing link, and those are the residue who are disgruntled and may eventually try to stifle the Church.

My concentration is on the laborious, the one who works so diligently resulting in being burnt out. The disposition to get burnt out occurs when the role becomes that of being indispensable. That person is full of work to the extent that real-life challenges are not addressed. You have become the burnt sacrifice, and for me this is when parenting comes in, and of cause the compassion of brothers and Sisters. That popular question erroneously enquired, Am I my brother’s keeper, is in the affirmative making the answer a definite Yes. Moses asked GOD if he actually gave birth to the Children of Israel and God’s response was to introduce 70 elders to join the work. Most of the time, the workers in Church are left to sort out their salvation. Relevant here is the Scripture that says we must come unto GOD, when we are weak and heavy laden and the offer is that of rest. Guess what this invitation does not exempt Choristers and Gospel Artists. Rather it’s all-inclusive. I caught a revelation that eradicated many presumptuous ideas, at a point in my life I had this lovely pastoral family visit me from time to time, which was quite comforting, making me always desirous of their prayers on Sundays. At a time, the Pastor’s wife became my confidant, with each visit my observation of her being distracted and depressed were ignored by my self-engrossed attitude, In fact, there was this day, I had prepared prayer points and some intimate talks and even when the Spirit of God was nudging me to do the reverse, it was hard for me to accept. That day she visited and halfway through our conversation she burst into tears, gosh which left me flabbergasted. Indeed I realized all the while she had been playing a role, amidst her pain which tentatively exposed her vulnerability. Then my eyes cleared, for me, it was time to give more that I suck in, a call for spiritual maturity. I daresay such insensitivity and misgivings is so prevalent in our churches.

A while back, I attended this rather vibrant Fellowship, specially created for Church rejects, people who secretly sense a call and are about to exit their Church, Divorce threatening situations and many others. Intense Prayers were constant, present amidst us was a beautiful eloquent rejected wife, we had been praying for, suddenly I enquired more. Only to find out that her husband was a Pastor from one of our foremost deliverance ministries in Lagos. Secondly, he had impregnated two women, which really infuriated me, in actual fact these to me are time-wasting prayers devoid of clarity, and disgustingly time-consuming, this innuendo led me to ask for her wedding gown. Frankly what dropped from my lips was for her to go burn the dress and move on with her life. Her response was like a flicker of light, and that was her deliverance. Yes, Marriage is sacred, only when the parties involved mutually esteem the sanctity of the Union. Desperation, keeping up appearances, and religion is tantamount to deception and GOD is not in such an engagement. Feigning ignorance is a lame excuse about the recent demise of Osinachi, indeed every time a parent, friends, siblings, or a mother cannot sense abuse in her child, and is doing nothing dramatic to resolve it, there is negligence involved. The call here is to awaken the presbytery, the focus on entertainment mode in Church is sending many back to the clubs, prostitution, addiction, troubled life, and even insanity. Whether you like it or not Daddy/ Pastor, Mummy Minister you will give account. These days many are running to worldly life coaches, Psychologists, and deranged Psychologists as insensitivity skyrockets in Christiandom. Al the excuses given so far are wobbly concerning Osinachi. Clearly, we all need to go back to our first Love. Plainly by loving GOD with all our hearts and our neighbors as ourselves. Truth be told, thou man you are inexcusable in this matter

Osinachi Nwachukwu we are sorry, you had to go in a hurry, the Church failed. May the LORD forgive us all, be with your children. No husband can hurt you ever again, GOD had to take you, from the narrow-minded Ecclesia.

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