Home Dating & Romance Help! My Brother Has Been Having SEX With Me

Help! My Brother Has Been Having SEX With Me

by Wale Lawal
Ask Dr Love

HELLO LOVE DOCTOR, my name is Thelma. My brother has been forcing himself on me for days now and I do not know what to do. Though he is the one taking care of my everything. I live in his house, he feeds me, clothes me and sees me through school. He’s been a fantastic brother and I’m so fond of him. We’re very close. But I had no idea he was having sexual feelings toward me. Last week, he just came into my room in the night and forced himself on me. He later begged and apologized but two days after, he did the same thing. Now, he’s slept with me more than five times. What do I do, sir, I need your advice…0816507……

MY DEAR THELMA, what’s going on here? Are you serious? Your own biological brother having sex with you? And you’re still staying with him inside that house? Listen, Thelma, we need to talk. There are so many questions I need to ask you. Where are your parents living? How come you seem stuck with living with your brother, can’t you report him to the elders of your family? Can’t you leave his place and go stay with a big sister, an aunt or something? This is wrong, Thelma, your brother shouldn’t even be seeing your nakedness how much more sleep with you! Perhaps he’s sick upstairs. Doesn’t he have a girlfriend of his own? This is incest he is committing here and believe me, it has its repercussions. You didn’t mention either your age or your brother’s, that could also help give a clearer picture of what’s happening. This is why I said we must talk, it will be difficult to get all the perspectives to this without speaking to you. In the meantime, please, put an end to this nonsense, the consequences could be fatal. 

HELLO, WALE, I must commend you for a job well done. I have a problem that requires your timely advice. i have a boyfriend that I love so much, we have been dating for close to two years and everything was going on fine between us until my younger sister who’s been in the US arrived. The minute I introduced Dave to her when he came visiting, I knew something was wrong. From the way the two of them looked at each other and held hands, I knew I was in trouble. Now, my sister is way finer than me and my guy is a really charming man, just the type Maureen (my sister) likes. Believe it or not, I strongly suspect the two are already seeing each other. They call each other and sometimes, Maureen now passes Dave’s message to me claiming he’s been trying to call me but couldn’t get through. I am so scared and confused, Wale, I fear Maureen might take my man away from me. What do I do now? Please, I beg you, don’t publish my number. Thanks….from Tiannah.

DEAR TIANNAH, this is really a tricky one. It requires extreme caution. You need to be very careful, be cock sure your suspicions are true before you accuse these two people who are very close to you of having an affair. You don’t want to imagine what would happen if it turns out you’re wrong. For all you know, they may just be fond of each other. I could even detect some glint of complexity from the tone of your message. You obviously believe your sister is ‘way finer’ than you and so has the physical attributes to take away from you any man she so desires. You must get this sort of thought out of your head and begin to see yourself as not just an equally beautiful woman, but one who’s fully capable of keeping her man away from any woman unless you choose to let him go. Seriously, you must address your low self-esteem. Meanwhile, you could nicely mention to Dave that you would appreciate it if he directly discusses with you as against sending your sister to you. Until you have very clear proof, you must not accuse them of anything. If you do and it backfires, you may not be able to deal with the consequences.

HI MR. WALE, please, the problem I have with my girl is that she’s not good in bed. After three rounds, she complains she’s exhausted and would never let me have another round with her. Please, help me, what can I do? Thanks, from Capo de Ist…….070347088…

BROS CAPO DE Ist (what sort of name is that?) believe me, you’re an incredible character! You say you need help? Sure, I will help you, and I can tell you for free that what you need is deliverance, period! Haba! How can you say your girlfriend isn’t good enough simply because she can’t give you beyond three rounds of sex! Do you want to kill her? Seriously, I’m worried about your real intentions and plans for this girl. Most guys who come up with this sort of complaint you’re making right now usually end up using and dumping girls in your quest for a woman that can match your high libido. I am sorry for the girl you’re presently dating, I can bet my bottom dollar that no matter how much sex she gives you, the chances that you’ll marry her are very slim. With you, it’s clear that sex (marathon sex for that matter) in a relationship is a priority, otherwise, the girl go hear ween! Take it easy, my brother, must you empty all the juice deposited inside her by Baba God, wetin the man wey go marry her drink when he comes? Sex is not everything, my brother. If you really love this girl, and you feel she’s not matching your high sex drive, then you come down to match hers because I’m almost certain she also probably had to step up her own to meet you at three rounds. If she’s done well enough to go three rounds with you, then be patient with her. Hopefully, with time, she’ll be able to step up her game some more for you.



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