It isn’t nice enough that I can’t write this tribute in its organic form because I am still the Chief Servant in Rutam House. All I can say at the moment is that the Jahman I know is a good man and my God, the God of all grace will continue to bless him, supply all his needs according to His riches in glory … This unusual, sorry newsworthy tribute is just a testimony to how Jahman’s goodness, large heart courage enhanced my career in Rutam House.
In simple terms, some indiscretion and ignorance of the influence of dark forces would have forced me into professional obscurity in Abuja but for an angel called Jahman God already sent ahead of my arrival in 1999. I mean he was the Editor of The Guardian (on Sunday) who indeed published most of my outstanding news copies and scoops from the seat of power and capital of the fed~ration, Abuja. Don’t ask me why some of the stories filed in the week had to wait till Sunday before publication.
I have been writing about Truth In A Grave, which deconstructs an ancient word that yo~ can actually hide truth in a grave, it wont.stay there. Most offspriflg of father Abraham would say that truth in a grave won’t stay for more than three days there .. .which is to say here that sooner than later you will read the whole truth about how my exdusive stories could only be published on Sundays, notably on the watch of that good,”’ man called Jahman. ‘You dOIli’t need his surname to recoqrjse him. There ·is only one Jahman. Just like another legend, Chinweizu … Before I am led into temptation of telling the story I have pledged not to tell now, let me just put a guarq on my mouth, sorry my pen of a ready writer.
So let me pray to be alive to tell the story of this good man, Jahman and the power of his simplicity and artfulness. I am a powerless man of God who knows the powerful God of man. I would like to pray more for Jahman and his family. May the good Lord who has blessed him with the social, emotional and executive intelligence we are celebrating at this time continue to keep him safe from the snares of the fowlers in this country of anything-is-possible.
Jahman, I know that God knows your name because you are indeed a good man. Just like Bamabas recorded by Paul of Tarsus as “a good man, full of holy spirit and of faith”. On account of Barnabas’ sterling qualities, the ancient words reveal to us that when he (Bamabas) arrived in the church in Antioch, the atmosphere changed and people who were sceptical and even cynical about followers of Christ began to see the power of attitude of even one good man in any setting. And so that was how the
attitude of just one man of significance, Bamabas who also inspired more good and significant men and women made believers to use the word Christian for the first time in history as recorded in Acts 11:26 With its mixture of Jews and Gentiles, the church in Antioch became fertile ground for growth and spread of Christianity and a model congregation in the early days of the new Christian Church. All this disruptive revolution was triggered by arrival of one good man Barnabas unto a project I mean the only man in the ancient word unquestionably described as “a good man.”
So it has been with Jahman, a good man who has made imself to be more significant than most prominent men who are not significant before God and man. Rick Warren I have ever quoted in my writings is around the comer for the good man, Jahman. Warren, the author of The Purpose Driven Life, says there are some prominent people who are not significant just as there are some signsificant people who are not prominent but God the almighty is in need of only significant people who can remake the world for-His kingdom. I mean, the Jahman I know is one of such significant professionals that any good organisation or govemment can rely on for growth, development and brand reputation. He is a good man who can also be described as a good tree that has produced good fruits for The Guardian. That is why the three title Editors at The Guardian today Alabi Williams, (Editor, daily), Kabir Alabi, (Editor, Sunday), Chuks Nwanne, (Editor, Saturday) are coincidentally joumalists who have worked well with this same, Jahman as Editor.
Besides, there is a sense in which we can call out Deputy Editor, News, Acting Editor (Life) Greg Nwakunor, News Editor (daily, Templer Olaiya as Jahman’s men. Jahman actually created Life (magazine) as an insert of The Guardian, (Sunday) he edited. What of the immediate past Editor of The Guardian, Abraham Ogbodo? He (as Deputy Political Editor), worked with Jahman as Editor.
That is why I can’t wait for the next milestone before proclaiming Jahman as a good man. I pray every day to have a double portion of ‘anointing’ of Jahman as a good man. a godsend, whose goodness paved the way for my relevance and significance at The Guardian. Congratulations. Jahman, you too will continue to enjoy the goodness of God.
–Martins Oloja, MD/Editor-in-Chief; The Guardian