- Reveals How He Runs DECROSS Gospel Mission
Bishop Folarin Obey-Fabiyi is one of the sons of Evangelist (Prof.) Ebenezer Obey-Fabiyi. He runs Decross Gospel Mission at 13/15 Oyewole Street, Mulero Bus-Stop, Agege, Lagos, which Obey founded 30 years ago. He is the Deputy General Overseer of Decross Gospel Mission.
A few weeks back, City People got him to talk about his dad and the church he runs. Below are excerpts of the interview.
His dad, Evangelist Ebenezer Obey is 81. How does he see the way his birthday was celebrated this year as compared to last year’s birthday when he was 80?
“It has been a wonderful experience because this is also another dimension to his birthday, because usually his birthday will be celebrated with a lot of fanfare, and Pomp. We are always used to that kind of celebration.
But this year, he said he wanted to celebrate it low-key, in absolute appreciation of what God has done in his life. He wants to identify with the less-priviledged so he went to the Orphanage and Leppers Colony to give them food, to sing for them and sit with them. That is a good gesture because the Bible commands us to give arms, to identify with the less-priviledged.
He has been doing it years backs, the dimension he has shown to give gratitude to God is phenomenal. My dad is always coming up with new things that are worthy of emulating.
Today also his celebration is still all about showing gratitude. It is beautiful. He likes saying Thank You Jesus.”
He is probably the best person to tell us about Ebenezer Obey and the kind of person he is. He has seen him evolve over the years. What sort of person is he?
“Haaaa! He is a different kind of person. Because I live with him, what I have seen about him in this later part of his life, is a new thing entirely.”
“That is a privilege for me and a very big privilege that is rare and it is a blessing for me as well. He has been wonderful. He has been living his life for his children. He is not a selfish man. The things we are seeing right now in Baba Obey’s life is the conclusion of the whole matter. He lives a good life. Baba Obey likes to sacrifice for us. His trade mark is Humility.”
His trade mark is Love. His trade mark is praises to God. The Ebenezer we all know is the one who sings about Jesus Christ.
His whole life is tied to God. It is tied to praising God. He usually uses scriptures to sing.
Baba Obey is an Institution. Baba Obey is a University, because he has many faculties and departments and courses. He is just a blessing. His humility is 2nd to none. His temparamental control nobody can match it. He will tell us that we have to grow up, just like what his father used to tell him. You will see and you will act as if you don’t see, you will know and you will act as if you don’t know, you will hear and you will act as if you didn’t hear. And in this work that I am doing, that has helped me. I can go on and on about who Baba Obey is. But in this his older years, he is opening new chapter, for us. We thought he was patient, now his patience is phenomenal.”
“When, it comes to age Patience is a virtue that is attached to old age, and he is demonstrating it. Atimes when he sees everybody flaring up, he will just smile. He will say Hmmm! It is well, we will say Daddy, you are not reacting. He will say I have seen it all. That is part of what we came to this world to do. Everyday I am learning new things from him. He comes out with new thinsg everyday and I am still learning from him.
It is a big priviledge”.
We got Bishop Folarin Obey to tell us more about Decross Ministry. How has it been sustaining the ministry.
“It has been the Grace of God ooo. The Ministry?
Working with people? Haaa! I have seen a lot. People are serious ooo. If you think you know people, you don’t ooo. I wrote in my book that man is like onions. If you have seen a layer, you will think you have seen it all, when you remove one layer, then you will see another layer, and layers upon layers. Over the years, by the Grace of God, we have been able to work together, move together and after a while, people see you as steadfast and they commit their lives to you as their leader . It has been wonderful. It has been challenging though.
But we know where it will end. The Bible says in all these things, it will end well, and we know it will always end in Peace. It will come to pass. And we move one. And its from Glory to Glory. It has its own challenges.
But I thank God for the Grace and the place he has put me in life. It is beautiful. I can’t think of myself doing anything else”.
We got him to also talk about how he accepted the call to serve in the God’s vineyard. Was it easy? “Yes. It was.
Very easy, because my mum and dad have always been deeply religious. And we were brought up in the way of the Lord.
And at an early stage I had given my life to God. And I became a serious S.U. guy. A tongue talking fire talking, fire spitting, demon chasing Christian. As a little boy I was leading a House Fellowship of about 200 students at the age of 13 to 14 years. So, when I went into Ministries the metamorphosing was just easy.
I have been in the Ministry now for almost 40 years and full time in 1995. Before then, I had been involved in one way or the other in various crusades with the likes of Papa Oritsejafor & Co. came, they had put us in a good way, so it was our lifestyle.
So, going into the Ministry was nothing new. And God is helping us”.
What is the focus of his Ministry?
“Our mission statement is reaching the world for Christ and raising unstoppable achievers.
That is similar to the message of Jesus Christ, to go to the world and make disciples of the nations.”
“We are always preaching Christ and winning souls to live the complete life of a child of God. To be a successful in the market place in all that you do. And God is helping us. We have been moving from Glory to Glory.
How old is Decross? “Decross will be 30 this year. So in December, we are holding a very big celebration. Our 30th anniversary. And God is going to help me”.
How does he feel running a 30 years old church? “You look back and say wow! How did we get here? It has been the Grace and the Mercy of God. God has helped us to be thorough in our training of our people. Everywhere our people go to we are always on top”.
How does he see the first 4 months of 2023, with all the challenges? “It has been very very herculean. The challenges have been tough. It has not been easy. But in all there things we are more of conqueror. For everything that is happening in Nigeria, God is still God. And God is in control. The will of God will be done. Sometimes we are put through challenges to strengthen and toughen us, even though that process is not funny. All these things will go well. Some things just have to happen for some things to get better. Nigeria will come out better. It will be well. Whatever happens now, God knows about it. It will always get better. The things that Nigeria has gone through all the years God is involved in the matter of Nigeria.
“Things might be tough now but it will end in Praise.
“People who have their eyes and mind stayed on God are hopeful God will always find a way of working things out for them. Nigerians should be hopeful. They should believe God. Everything will go on well and it will end well.”