Apart from using toothpaste as a regular aesthetics to maintain the health of our teeth it also contains many useful ingredients that can be soothing and healing to the skin.
1. Pimples: Reduce redness and the size of your pimples with a dab of toothpaste. Let it sit overnight, then rinse away in the morning for a noticeable difference.
3. Bites, sores, and blisters: Apply toothpaste to areas of skin irritation to reduce itching, swelling, and irritation. Toothpaste will dry them up quickly and help them heal faster.
5. Jewellery cleaner: Before you pay for someone else to clean it, rub toothpaste onto your silver jewellery and leave it overnight, the wipe it clean with a soft cloth.
Give a light scrubbing to your diamonds to see them sparkle again, just be sure to rinse thoroughly. Avoid using toothpaste on pearls.
6. Iron cleaner: Take away the “crusties” from the bottom of your clothes iron with a quick toothpaste rinse. Just be sure to remove all the toothpaste before you start ironing again.
7. Crayon stains: Undo your kids’ damage to the walls with a damp cloth and some toothpaste. Rub it in gentle circles and watch the crayon fade away.