Home Dating & Romance Should you have access to your partner’s phone?

Should you have access to your partner’s phone?

by Arinze Ago

Four women were asked what the privacy policy should be in a relationship when it comes to your personal phones. Their answers may just be the eye-opener you need to better apply yourself in a relationship.

 unnamed (30)

You should definitely have privacy – you shouldn’t be able to look at your partner’s phone. Why would you want to? Trust is a very important part of a relationship and, from personal experience, I believe that if you feel the need to look at your partner’s phone, there’s already a level of distrust.

More often than not you’ll find what you’re looking for because intuitively you know things aren’t okay. I don’t think couples should have a privacy policy because people will just find another way to cheat. If someone wants to stay with you, they’re going to stay with you and respect you. But if not, you’re just driving the truth further underground by snooping on their phone.

Maintain autonomy – after all, we’re grown-ups. So if I don’t trust you and you don’t trust me, then we shouldn’t be in a relationship.

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Unnamed (34)

You know what they say about ignorance being bliss? It’s actually true where the phone issue is concerned in relationships. Honestly, whatever WhatsApp conversations your partner is having with female or male friends has nothing to do with you. You don’t need to know everything.

I believe the more you know, the more insecure you become, and the more you’ll stress about things that sometimes don’t exist. Also, your partner is human and they’ll have stupid conversations with their friends, saying things like: “Oh, I saw my crush today.” You reading those things out of context will drive you crazy.

We should lock our phones and not know each other’s passwords so there’s no temptation to go through each other’s phones.

Unnamed (32)

Before I was cheated on, I would probably have said that each partner should do whatever they want with their phone. But my opinion has changed, and I believe your partner’s phone should be available. This is not to say you should go through it whenever, but when somebody’s phone doesn’t have a password, for instance, a certain type of trust is automatically built. You won’t feel the need to go through it. If you’re able to answer any of your partner’s calls or respond to messages if they’re driving, trust is built.

Unnamed (29)

A phone is a very private thing. I’d go as far as saying it constitutes personal space. There’s no need for us to go through each other’s phones – my phone is my phone; your phone is your phone. You know those boxes our parents keep things in that nobody’s allowed to go through unless they die? The same applies to a phone.

Even if you feel I’m starting to act shady, don’t go through my phone. And yes, I understand it probably creates a sense of distrust in the relationship, but oksalayo – it’s my phone, my personal space, and I don’t owe you it.

H/T: Destiny Man

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