CELL is the basic unit of life, while stem cells are like spare cells that replace worn out cells.
Are undifferentiated biological cells that can differentiate into specialised cells and can divide (through mitosis) to produce more stem cells.
One of the main characteristics of stem cells is their ability to self-renew or multiply while maintaining the potential to develop into other types of cells…. Stem Cells can become cells of the brain, blood, heart, bones, skin, muscles etc.
PLANT STEM CELL: These are organic stem cells from plants. E.g Apple,berries,kiwi,grapes.
By increasing the number of your stem cells, you can nourish and rejuvenate your Heart, Blood vessels, Arms, Kidneys, Joints, Skin and Internal Organs.
Our company’s STEM CELL has the ability to treat and cure over 134 chronic diseases.
The products are 100% effective. Made from Switzerland ,with several certification and awards in Europe and Asia. We have numerous Nigerian’s testimonies on medical conditions like: Arthritis, Diabetes, HIV, Glaucoma, Stroke, Blindness, Premature Menopause, Prostate enlargement, Infertility, Kidney dialysis, Sickle Cell Anaemia, Irregular menstrual flow, Spinal cord paralysis, Down syndrome, Parkinson’s disease,Autism,cerebral palsy,Multiple sites Cancer and many others.
All to the glory of God who gave us the Swiss Apple plant, Swiss Grape, Acai Berry and Blueberry extracts.
The Swiss Apple is a rare and endangered species. Usually, when we cut open our Apple it immediately changes color to brown (process of oxidation ); while Swiss apple remains fresh for months, could seal up itself.
Purely organic products. It treats all the aforementioned medical conditions from the cell level. Any ailment that can traced to an organ of the body, can be TREATED with stem cell because every organ originated from a CELL.
STEM CELL is Cellular Rejuvenation Secret- The natural way to keep age at bay.?
Enquiries, call +234805-720-0210