Home Dating & Romance 10 Signs That a Girl is Crazy

10 Signs That a Girl is Crazy

by Reporter

It’s not a compliment and it’s surely not about crazy sexy girls. It’s about a girl who has something’s wrong with her brain, and not about an incredibly unique person. Why are girls crazy? It’s difficult to say for a specific reason. In the modern world with its pace of life and ecology, neuroses, psychoses, and problems with the psyche are absolutely ordinary things. It can be scary when you realize that you are dating a crazy girl. Firstly,  such a girl will hardly understand what love is (this understanding is actually one of the pros of Russian ladies). Secondly, she can be insensitive. And thirdly, she can be banally dangerous. So, how to tell if a girl is crazy?

She tries to get attention in a weird manner.

Usually, quite extraordinary people become the objects of ridicule. However, when girls are crazy, they turn their lives into a real ad campaign. Often, they commit thoughtlessly stupid acts to be in the spotlight, they maintain not the best reputation and create complete nonsense. Most often, they do that unconsciously, just because they are fuelled by any attention. There is no difference whether it is positive or negative attention.

She glorifies herself constantly.

Usually, if someone dignifies themselves in a conversation, it’s only a joke. People with good mental health keep it a secret and brag about modestly. She plays real dithyrambs to herself. People with morbid inclinations not only glorify themselves but also come up willingly with exalting fantasies in which they believe, although they often realize that this is a lie.

She hates openly other women.

She hates other women and it’s not a joke. Usually, girls communicate very well with each other, even if they are not friends, they get on well. Some girls are friends for decades. However, a crazy girl despises quietly all women in the world, especially those who are more beautiful than her.

She completely isolates herself.

Once, she had friends, but she doesn’t have them anymore. The most amazing thing is that she does not care. She can swear on their exclusivity, she can assure everyone around that she would never betray them, but if something goes wrong, she cuts off easily all contacts. Sometimes, the reason is not clear to anyone.

She controls her ex-boyfriends and is interested in their lives.

She has strange, contradictory feelings about all ex-boyfriends. Even about John who gave her flowers in the school. She is still interested in their lives, with whom they meet, what they are doing. And it’s scary. Do you want to become one of them?

She falsely accuses you.

This girl likes to blame everyone around. For example, she can say that you borrowed money from her and did not give it back. Or that you spread rumors about her, although you have not seen any of your acquaintances for a long time in order even to try to spread them.

She can make a strange and unexpected change in her appearance.

She can suddenly change her image dramatically in order to attract attention. Usually, the girls think about coloring in blue at least a little, at least an hour or 10 minutes. However, it’s not about her.



She likes to hurt.

She does that always. Usually, you do not tell such curses even for those whom you truly hate, but she will. If her hatred target’s relative passed away, then a crazy girl would not find it shameful to use that.

She contradicts herself.

Today she says that an open relationship is good and right, and tomorrow that it is awful. You cannot understand whether she believes in that or not. People usually change their views but not so often.

She considers other crazy people to be crazy.

Usually, such people attract each other. They still look strange.

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