Home News I Have Enjoyed Acting For The Past 45 Years – Popular Actor, AKINTOLA AKIN-LEWIS

I Have Enjoyed Acting For The Past 45 Years – Popular Actor, AKINTOLA AKIN-LEWIS

by Seye Kehinde

Akintola Akin-Lewis is one of the popular veteran actors in the movie industry. He has been acting for the past 45 years and he is one of the well trained actors in the industry. He was trained by the masters of the art like Prof. Bode Sowande and Prof. Wole Soyinka. He is one of those who started off from Stage and went through the various stages in the industry, including TV and radio acting.

Now at over 60, Akin Lewis has not slowed down at all, as he gets invited to take part in major productions in Nollywood. Most times he plays the role of a big boy because of his prosperous look. He is blessed with a great build. He is tall and fleshy. Why many filmmakers and movie producers call on him a lot is because he is one of the super actors who is not driven primarily by money. He has a passion for what he does and he is usually fired up by good scripts. For him, money is secondary.

On Sunday 26th August he spoke to City People Publisher SEYE KEHINDE about his success story and how he started acting on stage in Ibadan in those good old days. Below are excerpts from the interview.

You’ve been around for years, acting. How many years now? What has kept you going all these years?

I have spent 45 years this year. What I do is about life. So life itself has kept me going. I am always inspired by the things I see and I take those things and I give it back to society, in a way that they will enjoy it, learn from it and we would all move forward.

What has kept you going all these years? What are the kicks you get from it?

That is a difficult one to answer because we say something in Theatre, we say: If you have not got IT, then you can’t stay there. I guess I have the IT because through thick and thin you just must enjoy it. You have good times, you have bad times, ups and downs, yet you keep coming back. I guess thats it. I don’t know exactly why. It must be in my blood.

Can you take us back to how it all started? Can you recollect the very first time it crossed your mind that maybe you should go into acting?

It all started when I was very little. I used to go to all these childrens television programmes in Ibadan. I attended Alafia Institute Primary School in Ibadan. They used to take me to all these WNTV programmes. When I was in the secondary school I was a member of the Literary, Debating and Dramatic Society. And so by the time I was leaving secondary school I knew exactly what I wanted to do. It was in final year that a friend of mine introduced me to Professor Bode Sowande of University of Ibadan who used to have a group. So, when I finished my secondary school, I joined the group. I joined in 1973, which is when I started counting. It was great. And I just kept at it.

Can you also recollect the various phases of your career that you’ve been through?

I started acting from stage. Prof. Bode Sowande wasn’t a professor then. He was just a lecturer in the Theatre department then in UI in Ibadan. So back then, it was all about stage. Later on, I went on to study drama at the University of Ife under Soyinka. And then I went abroad and I came back with a Masters degree in Acting and Directing. Those were all about stages. And then I did about 13 years with NTA as a staff. NTA Ibadan. That was where I learnt to be a Producer and a Director and honed my skills.

Thats how it has been, from Stage to Television, even Radio, and then to the bigger screen.

There is something about Akin Lewis when he is on stage. He exudes so much confidence. How did you develop that air of confidence?

Well, I must say this. I am one of the most highly trained dramatists in Nigeria today. And I say that with pride. I also trained under the Masters-Prof. Bode Sowande, Prof. Wole Soyinka and other great Professors. When you’ve  gone through all these, you will now have the template upon which to build. The confidence comes naturally. Again, I must add that I was the Best Student everywhere I went, in all the schools I attended, both home and abroad, I was the best student. So, I know this job, in and out. So, it comes easy. I guess thats just it.

Each time you reflect on your career how does it make you feel?

I just thank God. Most of us who started together have left. The truth is I am probably the only one left, actively and also still playing at the top. Some have died. Some are in coma. Some have left active service. Some just quit along the way. I just thank God. I have had an awesome career.

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