- “Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife”-Franz Schubert
She is a rare gem; a priceless pearl, in fact one who is comparable to a piece of dazzling diamond that beams with the brilliant light of an abiding faith in God, to conquer the demons of darkness. Call this some sort of glorification if you like. But truth be told, the subject matter here has been an enduring inspiration to the entire family, beginning of course, with the critical area of her being the symbol of the connecting chord to God, our all-loving maker.
Her name is Mrs. Biodun Elizabeth Ajanaku, popularly known as “Biodun Ajanaku”. She is referred to as “a talented, confident singer and jazzist based in Western Nigeria. Born in December to Nigerian parents, she hails from Ogun state. This energetic female vocalist, who started singing from childhood has worked with other great artistes in Nigeria and abroad, with performances of her tracks in the United states of America and the UK as well. She released her debut single “Joshua”, a classic tune which expresses the fall of the walls of Jericho, some years back to critical acclaim.
As fate would have it, she is the wife of yours truly. And I can tell the world, without qualms that for over the past 20 years that we got married, one has been immensely inspired by her driving passion to excel at whatever she sets her hands to do. That of course, includes rending her soul-lifting gospel songs that stir the spirit from the depths of despair up to the pinnacle of hope and honesty of purpose.
How should I describe her? She is a virtuous woman and as Proverbs Chapter 12 verse 4 aptly explains it: “A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband”. As the good Lord God stated: “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him”. One is therefore, grateful to God for the choice He inspired me to make by choosing her as my constant companion, my confidant, my comforter.
As the Greek storyteller, Homer rightly stated: ”There is nothing nobler or more admirable than when two people who see eye to eye keep house as man and wife, confounding their enemies and delighting their friends”. In fact, a good wife symbolizes LOVE as the harmonious heartbeats of two people, always there for each other through storm or calm. They act in acting in resonance. And as T. S Eliot described it, they are comparable to, “lovers whose bodies smell of each other, which think the same thoughts without the need of speech, without the need of meaning”. So strong is the bond of love that King Solomon stated in the book of Ecclesiastes that: “Love is as strong as death. A thousand waters cannot quench the fire of love”.
That explains why the choice of the woman one would marry as the most sensitive, delicate and life-changing decision in man’s history. A wrong choice and the man is doomed for life. On the flip side, when the right choice is made, especially with the assistance of the Holy Spirit the ‘lucky’ man is destined for greatness. And this is because emotional stability forms the firm foundation for a happy home and businesses to thrive. But why, you may ask? It is all because: “Every single marriage must include complete trust between the husband and wife” as Sarah McMillan highlighted.
As the Holy Bible asks in Proverbs, Chapter 31: “Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband does safely trust in her, and so that he shall have no need to spoil. She will do him good and not evil, all the days of her life”(verses 10-12). In addition,” she looks well to the ways of her household… and her children rise up and call her blessed and her husband also.”(25-28).
Incidentally, I am one of those fortunate few, as God, in His great wisdom and infinite mercy brought the woman of my dreams to cross my path. Accepting the fact that I had given my life to Jesus the Christ before we met, yet she it was who has drawn me closer to God’s throne of glory by her uncommon and exceptional dedication to the all things bright and beautiful in the kingdom of Salvation. Is it fervent prayers (as a lover of God), sharing words of faith (as a knowledge -seeker), spreading the gospel of salvation (as a woman of faith), or frequent fasting(as a virtuous woman) to stay true to righteousness, as the spirit dictates? She is there, for me and our children.
For instance, it is interesting to note, with an uncanny spiritual feature, that ever since we got married over 20 years ago she has always woken up to pray and fervently so, for members of the entire family between the hours of 12 midnight and 3.00 am. And let me restate it –every blessed night!
O, yes, she makes herself available, not just to cook the right meals at the right time, or provide the needed moral and financial support for the acquisition of our children’s quality education but she is the wise counselor and ever dependable pillar in the storm. She is there with her charming smile, her calming, velvety voice and her helping hand; when things do not evolve as expected. My wife has also proved to be the catalyst for positive change and master motivator to show us the sun behind the passing cumulous clouds, that always come down as heavenly rain of tremendous blessings!
One must confess that she has been a mother, a girlfriend and a lover, all rolled into one uncommon woman! So, why do I need another lover in my life? Never! Interestingly, friends and colleagues at work always look at me in utter disbelief and askance, when I boastfully tell them that I have never cheated on her since we got married. They simply find it incredible to believe.
That also explains that while they are out there in pubs drinking and womanizing, Biodun is there with me and my children in the comfort of our home, as a bright beacon showing me the path to righteousness. For her, I cannot thank God enough.
With regards to her phenomenal talent as a gospel singer she boasts of two international nbest-selling albums (‘Thank God’ and ‘Jesus Is Enough For Me’) and some scintillating singles to her credit. She has modeled her music after the late American singer Mahalia Jackson. Both possess powerful contralto voice as she aspires to become the next ‘Queen of Gospel’ like her heroine.
It is not surprising therefore, that her performances at international gospel music events in South Africa, Maryland and New York(USA) as well as London(UK) have drawn global attention to her brand of music. Why would one not be proud of such ‘a jewel of inestimable value’, to quote the late sage, Chief Obafemi Awolowo while describing his wife.
Good enough, I have found all these virtues in my delectable damsel, my precious jewel, the one I call “ the daughter of grace”. She has matched the words of Martin Luther King Jnr when he stated that: “Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave”.
Oh yes, Biodiun has done that and more! So, we heartily celebrate her at 50, with full gratitude to God, wishing her more divine blessings and grace in the years to come.
Ajanaku Idowu writes from Lagos.