The internet is awash with many ideas for starting a business and how easy it is to transit from paid to self-employment by just believing in your idea but not …
Rita Babalola
There are many statistics that have shown that many businesses do not go beyond the “starting phase”, which literally means the first three to four years of their existence. …
Everyone wants to start a business or have another stream of income especially in this period of uncertainty where so many issues struggle to remain relevant in an otherwise recession …
With most companies in Nigeria facing a tight budget, there is the temptation to try and reduce the marketing budget in order to save the much-needed cash flow. However, what …
Businesses are set up primarily for the generation of income and as a means of sustenance. The sustenance comes in the form of three basic needs of man, which are …
As there is metamorphosis in the life of living things so there is in human endeavours. The metamorphosis of human being, trees, plants, animals and other living creatures shows a …