Home Health Beat Coronavirus Fear by Staying Fit and Healthy

Beat Coronavirus Fear by Staying Fit and Healthy

by Reporter

Staying indoors for an extended period of time has become the new normal for millions of people across the globe as a way to practice social distancing amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Whether you are quarantined or just social distancing because of the coronavirus pandemic, staying locked at home for extended periods can be a huge drag. But you can beat the feat and survive with your sanity and dignity intact.

Tips to Stay Fit and Healthy During the Pandemic

Create a Healthy Diet

Several studies have reported that COVID-19 symptoms become worse in people who have a weak immune system. Therefore, it is important to eat immune-boosting food items to beat the virus. Some of the immune-boosting foods include;

Red bell peppers – packed with vitamin C that contributes to immune defence by boosting a variety of cell functions and can alleviate the risk of respiratory infections.

Broccoli – packed with phytochemicals and vitamin E (antioxidant) that support our immune system.

Chickpeas – packed with Zinc and proteins that help grow and repair the body’s tissues and repair the body’s tissues and regulates immune responses.

Strawberries – contains Vitamin C for the strengthening of the immune system.

Garlic – contains sulphur that has immune-boosting abilities helps fight off some infections.

Spinach – packed with Vitamin C, beta-carotene and antioxidants that help shield our immune cells from environmental damage.

Yoghurt – contains good bacteria (probiotics) that promote a healthy gut and immune system. Probiotics are effective in combating common cold and influenza-like respiratory infections.

Sunflower seeds – rich in vitamin E – that serves as an antioxidant and helps boosts the immune system

Engage in Activities and Exercises

Daily exercise promotes feelings of positivity and emotional and physical well-being — and boost your immunity.
Physical activity safeguards you from chronic health conditions. Some activities which can keep you engrossed and distract you from the COVID-19 fear include; walking your dog, gardening etc.
Relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation and yoga can help you release anxiety, relieve stress, and enhance your mood. These activities can bring you back to a state of equilibrium. You cannot go out due to social distancing and quarantine, but you can do certain activities within your house premises like cycling, skipping. Also, if you’re stuck at home, look for exercise videos on the internet and try to follow them.

Maintain A Regular Sleeping Routine
Many people spend their nights being anxious – now tossing, flinging and turning, trying and coping hard to unglue from the constant fiasco of COVID-19 news updates. Sleep and mental health are intimately interconnected in a number of ways. Quality sleep improves mental health, enhances and boosts our immune system and maintains a sense of normalcy during extraordinarily trying times like COVID-19 pandemic.
Establishing and maintaining very consistent sleep and wake-up pattern ensures consistency in your body functions. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, sleep is a vital part of protection from and response to any infectious agent.
The neurochemicals responsible for quality sleep in the night uplifts mood. So, adequate and quality sleep is the canary down the mine when it comes to anxiety and mental health.
To sum up, we can say that while there is currently no life hack that prevents you from getting COVID-19, we do know that sleep plays an important role in helping our bodies stay healthy. Take your time to invest in a comfortable mattress, turn your bedroom into a sleep cave and have a higher quality sleep.

Final Thoughts
It is natural to worry and be anxious in these most trying and uncertain times. However, try to treat anxiety with gratitude, a quality sleep, breathing, meditation and maybe little yoga. Eat healthy and you can easily conquer the persistent fear, fatigue, irritability and mental confusion that are associated with the threat of contagion.


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