I stand with Pretty Okafor and his agenda for the Creative Industry under The Newly Revamped PMAN.
What I grew up knowing as the original PMAN was a Trade Union that was in full – Performing Musicians’ Employers Association of Nigeria and not the today corrupt infestation of greed by a pipe-blowing Nigerian led fake want-to-be president/controller of a body bigger than him with his cohorts of self-demeaning selfish Nigerians.
I am sick and tired of being a financial minority in the Creative Industry (an Industry capable of turning around the economic essentials of a country as powerful as Nigeria).
How can we be regarded as “Leaders of the African Sound” and yet contribute nothing to our national/continental GPA?
Our creative industry as a whole has suffered the major blow by all & sundry over time.
I published a piece recently which I came across while running my daily Knowledge-search of the Entertainment-Entrepreneur global industry (I love to call it the ENTER-PRENEUR or ENTERTAIN-MORE i.e. ENTERPRENEUR or ENTERTAIN MORE INDUSTRY) and what I found was overwhelming.
The Creative industries in the United States are a major driver of economic growth, contributing $698 billion to the nation’s economy (As of 2015) – about 4.32% of U.S. goods and services, according to a report by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) and the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA).
These industries, including movie and television production, broadcasting, publishing, performing arts, advertising, and retail sales employed 4.7 million Americans, generating $334.9 billion in compensation, and were responsible for a trade surplus of about $25 billion.……
Ever wondered why foreigners want a piece of our creative industry? It is because they see a “Land of Opportunity” that is uncultivated and they would stop at nothing to sow and reap from it till there is virtually nothing left for us (Nigerians) to harvest.
That brings me to the big question – Why are some of our own music practitioners trying to ruin our own industry? Why are they desperate for power just to ruin the good plan of a man who wants well for the industry and nation at large. What is with the factions or no factions we hear in PMAN?
How long more are we going to shut our eyes to the unruly elections been conducted after the court had passed an induction that the Pretty Okafor led PMAN and his Executives are the official representatives of the Trade Union?
Would we all sit still and let some greedy people continue to manipulate the industry we are solely a part of only to rip us off like they did over the years – decades?
When are, we going to say no to old people leading us and allow the young and vibrant exploit their creativity and give us positive result?
My Fellow Nigerians, Between The 15 Trillion Naira Creative Industry and The Fraudulent Land Grabbers – The Choice Is Ours. Choose wisely!
Let us all be brave enough to die the death of a martyr, but let no one lust for martyrdom. – Mahatma Gandhi