Home Tech Blood alcohol sensors could make car shut down if limit exceeded

Blood alcohol sensors could make car shut down if limit exceeded

by Arinze Ago

The future could see the world where drunk driving is completely eliminated, thanks to the new technology being developed by an American organisation

The Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety is currently researching and developing new technology that could enable your car to detect your blood alcohol level so that it shuts down if you’re found to be over the limit.

Cars will be enabled to do this in two ways: a breath-based sensor and a touch-based sensor.

A YouTube video was published showing exactly how the system is expected to work. According to the video, the breath-based sensors would be able to measure alcohol molecules in the driver’s breath and automatically shut down if found to be over the limit.

On the other hand, the touch-based system could use near-infra-red tissue spectroscopy to detect the driver’s blood alcohol level.

“Alcohol absorbs specific wavelengths of light. By measuring the light’s intensity, the system can precisely pinpoint the driver’s blood alcohol level,” says the narrator in the video.


“Public-private research partnerships like DADSS have led to innovations that enhance our everyday lives, such as the Internet, GPS, and the microchip. Now we have our sights set on inventing the world without drunk driving,” said Rob Strassburger, president, and CEO of ACTS, in a statement to the press.

See how this technology will work:

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