Home Dating & RomanceRelationship BODEX Reveals Why She Is Still Single

BODEX Reveals Why She Is Still Single

by City People

You are a stylish lady, tell us how you developed your fashion style.

I think while I was growing up, in a polygamous family, I used my money to eat turkey but I won’t have cloth to wear during Christmas. I went to my late father for my clothes but he refused because I had always used my money to eat turkey. I later thought of a solution because I don’t want to be the odd one. I decided to go to Badagry market to buy “Okrika” regardless of the matching, sew it and wear it to church. People always commented about my cloth and their odour but I didn’t really care, so this really gradually led me into fashion as I grew older. I started training by putting styles together. I am this kind of person that wants people to notice me wherever I find myself and the first thing to get noticed by people is my dressing, so I started to stay online, see what is trending and what goes with my body because, at times, it is not just about wearing cloth.

You can put on cloth worth $10,000 and still look shabbily dressed while a material of N5,000 can call on people’s attention.

What is your message to those young ladies that want to be like Bodex?

What I tell people that want to be like Bodex is that be able to choose, what is good for them in Bodex. You don’t just look at the totality of Bodex because you don’t know what I do behind closed doors. When people ask me who is my model I love Oprah and I love the way she presents herself. I can never tell you I love everything about her but what I know and I like about her is the presentation. I tell people there is no crime in being like Bodex but do you want to be like Bodex or you like one or two things she does and you like to add them to yourself? Choose what you really want to be like when it comes to marriage, or relationship because I won’t put my relationship out there but you can like other things like my dressing or how I do my things but I will never desire other things they don’t know about me.

Your relationship status says you are Single. Why is a ravishingly beautiful lady like Bodex still single?

I am still single because people don’t understand me. I am an extremely good girl but people don’t know maybe because of my kind of job, the connections that I have, it makes it look like I am dating everybody and it does not bother me, as in, I am not concerned about that. It is better you come to me and experience me as a person than to create an imaginary picture of me.

Just like I have been waiting here for this interview, people would think I am waiting for someone. So, I try to tell people to try to know me.

They shouldn’t just go around talking about me. Nobody knows me more than I know myself. Guys don’t understand me because they feel I am over-connected and this will not make me submissive or know how to love. As you are seeing me here, I know how to love “na me sabi love pass”. In fact, guys are always confused because they always think I do pretend when I love and this scares them away. But, I can not beg people to understand me. I am a lover girl. I love to love. I wasn’t brought up with love, so, I am actually vulnerable to love and people don’t see it that way, they think I am dating this one and that one. I always wonder where all these stories are coming from. 90% of people that know me don’t know my house, they may know my office but they don’t know where I put my head on but they pick up different stories about me that I am into different men and I don’t know how to love. This scares people away.

I remember I was with a guy when I was working in an Oil & Gas company, despite everything I did to prove my loyalty to him, he didn’t believe me. He even thought I was dating my boss. I am also a perfectionist and this also has been a little problem. You don’t flush the toilet after use, I will drag you back, even if you don’t close the seat and I know men get irritated when you do all these things to them. You also know that some Nigerian men like women they can toy around.

They also don’t like women that know what they want and they want to go for it. I am too outspoken to be trampled upon by a man. I love to respect people in public but I will talk when we are in private.

I like it when people allow me to be myself around them and not force myself to be someone I am not. All these make me tired of explaining.


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