A lotus flower is known mostly to emerge from a murky pond, but there is something distinctive about these flower that made it a rallying point and my choice of title for this book. A lotus grows up in the most unusual place but grows in all shades of beauty away from its dirty background. To make this a sort of a metaphoric comparison to my person, EMERGE; LIKE A LOTUS IN A POND is essentially telling a story of my murky background that couldn’t hold me down to exhibit my true beauty. I drew inspiration from the story of the Lotus flower when I reminisce about my life and where I am presently.
EMERGE; LIKE A LOTUS IN A POND is a true life narration of mine as I journey through the murky waters of life since birth after I suffered a couple of misfortune owing to the death of my parent and the intricacies that followed it. Time was taken to narrate my birth story, things that led to the unfortunate death of my parent, how I was left alone to decide the direction of my life, how I sold meat while my mates were in school getting educated and preparing themselves for the future, how fate smiled on me and gave the second chance and how I became a Lotus coming out from the murkiest mud with flowers of beauty on my head
This book is not only the true life narration of mine, as it is also loaded with inspiring words to help anyone who is passing through any form of tribulation and circumstances have a respite that they can also emerge like a lotus in the pond if they can actually hold on and dream beyond dreams.
The strong man you see today use to be a namby-pamby yesterday, but because he has refused to let that stage of his life overpower the intuitive beauty that can only emerge when put to work. It will be overly seen in this book the best way and manner to handle situations and circumstance that wants to lay claim on your emergence; this is not just a work of fiction and guessed solutions, it is fundamentally tested to be a probable alternative.
It will also interest my esteem audience that during the stage of putting these together, lessons were learnt and I am sure everybody that takes time to read and understand the subject matter.
It gave me additional push to become a better person than I was and added wings to my feathers to soar higher than where I see presently. The insight gotten from compiling my story is another reason why I feel we all need a life coach and mentor to assist us whenever the sole is weak to carry the soul.
Problems arose in the course of putting this story together and it only helped me align myself to the school of thought that subscribe to the saying nothing good comes easy as trials and tribulation almost shook my resolve to make this publication a reality.
Over six months was dedicated to EMERGE; LIKE A LOTUS IN A POND after proper thoughts, consultations and advice were mashed up together and handed over to me as golden rules to guide me through every stage of writing this book. The book is extensive and explanatory enough for all age group and I am certain of a positive engagement with any situation if there is indeed a connection between the reader and the content.
On a final note, flower is a beauty to behold and there is a lot of positive lesson to take away it.
No matter what you might have gone through or going through, you can still blossom and EMERGE; LIKE A LOTUS IN A POND.
Fela Durotoye, in his review on the book said
“It is his display of exceptional excellence in spite of every reason to have given up and thrown in the towel that made me accept to do the review of this book and to commend this book to you in the most glorying terms.
Like David, I hope that each and every one of us can defy the many challenges that may seek to bury the great potentials that we carry within. Like the lotus, I wish that we all find that dream… that idea, that vision, that hope, that inspires us enough to reach for it regardless of whatever overwhelms us and seeks to submerge our potential.”