Home News COVID-19: Why The Rich Will Continue To Die!

COVID-19: Why The Rich Will Continue To Die!

by Wale Lawal
Coronavirus, NCDC, COVID-19, Nigeria,

•What City People Found Out

Everywhere you turn to in Nigeria, right now, the subject on the lips of everyone is the Covid-19 pandemic. It is raging like wildfire, spreading its cloak of death over the landscape and taking down multiple lives with it. Even those who, before now, insisted Covid was not real have begun to have a rethink. They can see what is happening around them. They can see the number of our frontline health workers whose lives have been cut short by the virus rise by the day. They can see how silently the monster sneaks into the homes of our elites, professors, politicians, like a thief in the night and consumes them without mercy in a matter of days. It is only a moronic fool that would still insist there is no such thing as Covid-19.

We were warned about this second wave and now it’s here, for real. And this time, it’s deadlier than ever, determined to take as many lives with it as possible. These days, it comes in a new variant, a deadlier one for that matter. This time, its more contagious and spreads much faster. And it kills faster too. It no longer waits till fourteen days to manifest when one has been infected, all it needs now is a couple of days and it strikes the infected down and then begin that tortuous that will determine whether you live or die. And the reality, if truth be told, is that many, especially rich and prominent Nigerians, have been killed by the deadly virus.

But have you noticed anything strange in the way the virus strikes in Nigeria? Have you taken time to observe that Covid-19 appears to be killing more of the rich and the elites than the average Nigerian? How come we are not experiencing multiple deaths in our local communities and city slums? How come the virus is not killing the poor in their thousands like many feared it would last year? How come only the rich are wailing and mourning while the poor are simply carrying on with their toiling in the sun and in the rain without a care in the world? Let us tell you what we think are the reasons why this is so.

According to City People findings, unlike other parts of the world where the virus is a leveler, taking down both the rich, the poor and the average at will, the trend is different here in Nigeria. The virus, going by our investigations, looks to be interested only in the rich and the elites. Are you wondering what we mean by this? Are you shocked to hear the virus has killed more of the rich in Nigeria than any other? This is a fact and we can explain to you comprehensively why we believe that Covid-19 will still kill more and more of the rich and prominent.

Going by City People investigations, one of the reasons why the virus is prevalent amongst the rich is because they are the ones who can afford to travel overseas and so are exposed more to the dangers of Covid. They, along with their families and friends often travel outside the country, mingle and interact with the foreigners who either live in or have been to areas where the virus is on rampage, with cases hitting well over 40,000 in one day, and then end up infecting Nigerians in their midst. This is one of the major reasons why the rich have been badly hit by Covid.

Another key reason why the rich and elites have been the worst hit by Covid is the prevalence of several critical ailments amongst them. Everyone knows that Covid also thrives on ailments such as Diabetes, severe BP, Hypertension, Asthma, etc.

If you come down with Covid and you are already battling with any of these underlining ailments, then you are in for one hell of a battle and your chances of survival could be very slim.

For you to stand any chance of surviving Covid, you must not have any of the aforementioned ailments already slowing you down, only infected persons with relatively strong immune system stand some chances of possible survival. 

The affluent lifestyle of the rich is also a critical factor. While the average Nigerian or the very poor cannot afford to live in air-conditioned homes and drive air-conditioned cars which according to medical research aids Covid and gives it an enabling environment to flourish, this is exactly how the rich live their lives every single day. They love being in air-conditioned apartments, offices and cars and, incidentally, this is exactly what Covid wants too. The rich can barely survive outside of an air-conditioned apartment. They can’t stand the heat, just like we have been told that Covid can’t thrive in hot situations and climates. Like the rich, it enjoys the cold and air-conditioned environments because it strengthens it and enables it break down and consume it’s victims faster.

One of the things we have also found out is that many of the rich and elites do not believe in our local herbs. They don’t touch or use local medicine. They have doubts about their efficacy and so rely more on the use of orthodox medicine. They do not know that many of the local herbs they disregard have proven to be effective in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19. This is also one of the reasons why the poor can withstand the attack of Covid and survive it. The average Nigerian will tell you he or she does not joke with local herbs because they work wonders. Some of these herbs already serve as some form of immune booster to Covid-19. 

Basically speaking, the lifestyle of the rich, experts believe, affects their recovery from Covid-19. It either slows it down and make their recovery extremely long and excruciating, or the virus ends up terminating their lives eventually. Whereas, the physical condition of the average Nigerian, the hustling and bustling lifestyle they endure everyday, staying long hours in the sun, driving in hot, scorching sun, regular consumption of local herbs altogether give them a much higher immunity against Covid and other viruses.

While we are not in any way celebrating the unfortunate passing of the rich and prominent amongst us, this article only seeks to shed light on the mystery surrounding why the Covid has killed more rich than the poor. It also offers critical advice to our elites as to how they can also reduce their chances of contracting the deadly virus and also understand why the monster, sadly, has taken away from them dozens of their friends, family members and colleagues. The rich will need to do a critical restructuring of their lifestyle to enable them contend with and survive Covid if and when it comes knocking on their door. And that restructuring must start now.

-Wale Lawal


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