Welcome to this weeks edition of of your General health and Well-being page ..Health check With Oluwabukunolami. Last week was a bumper package because we treated 2 ailments together , hypertension and Hypotension. I hope the natural remedies are working for you…
This week , we would be treating Diabetes..Many people suffer Diabetes today. But only a few know what its all about or how to avoid or treat it. We can tell you.
Diabetes is a serious life-long health condition that occurs when the amount of glucose or sugar in the blood is too high because the body can’t use it properly.
If left untreated, high blood glucose or sugar levels can cause serious health complications.
There are 2 main types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. They’re different conditions, caused by different things, but they are both serious and need to be treated and managed properly.
Causes of Diabetes include Heredity: It is good to note that in families where diabetes tend to run, members of this family will be highly predisposed to the ailment.
* Overweight is another cause of Diabetes. High intake of of protein and heavy calorie? food will lead to being overweight.
* The kind of lifestyle that we live can also be a major cause of Diabetes. High consumption of carbonated drinks,     red meat, caborhydrates , alcohol, etc…all these contribute to diabetes. Hence good lifestyle and proper diet is essential to staying healthy and away from diabetes..
* Not only do high-sugar foods like candy, cookies, syrup, and sodalack nutritional value, but these low-quality carbohydrates also cause a dramatic spike in blood sugar levels and can contribute to weight gain, both of which can worsen diabetes complications
Medication atimes especially self medication can also lead to diabetes
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition where the body attacks and destroys insulin-producing cells, meaning no insulin is produced. This causes glucose to quickly rise in the blood.
Nobody knows exactly why this happens, but science tells us it’s got nothing to do with diet or lifestyle.
About 10 per cent of people with diabetes have Type
* Polyurea: this means excessive urination..
*Polyphagia: This means excessive hunger, which is usually experienced by diabetics..
*Polydipsia: Because of the high quantity of fluids lost through urine, diabetics experience dryness of mouth and excessive thirst..
* Loss of weight: Because the cells are starved of glucose, the body begins to make use of stored fats so as to nourish the cells hence the patient begins to loose weight when this continues for a long period of time…
*Weakness: Because the body feeds on proteins and fats in the body , the patient begins to experience weakness and gets tired easily..
*Itching… persistent body itching including the genitals is also a symptom of diabetes.
In Type 2 diabetes, the body doesn’t make enough insulin, or the insulin it makes doesn’t work properly, meaning glucose builds up in the blood.
Type 2 diabetes is caused by a complex interplay of genetic and environmental factors. Up to 58 per cent of Type 2 diabetes cases can be delayed or prevented through a healthy lifestyle.
About 90 per cent of people with diabetes have Type 2.
As a diabetic, it is not good for you to eat only twice or thrice daily because such meals are mostly heavy and if you take heavy meals, even if it is once a day, your sugar level will rise because there is insufficient insulin in the body to metabolize the food.
So it is advisable that you a little as often as you wish…that is eat in small portions.
Good diet consists of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. .To stay healthy you need to balance all these nutrients in our diet.
Now I’ve heard some diabetics say they have been told to abstain from fruits and honey…For us what we preach is that you can eat fruits but it shouldn’t be the first thing to be taken, it could be taken much later after breakfast and yes diabetics can take banana and pawpaw but please do not mix your fruits.
If you are taking pawpaw then take pawpaw alone , if it’s banana , please take banana alone and please remember to take it in moderation.
Honey is also good if only you can get the original and not the mixes honey because the sugar in original honey is just 7%.
My question is if diabetics stay away from fruits totally ,how would they survive? So they can fruits but it should be in moderation.
Diabetics should also eat a lot of onions, carrots, garlic and ginger…
Green leaves such as bitter leaf and pawpaw leaves are very good for diabetics….
In treating Diabetes with herbs , what your aim should be is to (a) repair your pancreas
(b) strengthen the kidney
(c) eradicate the symptoms and prevent sugar or glucose from escaping in the urine while also assisting the body to find natural balance.
You can try the following herbal remedies:-
- a) cashew stem bark
b)7 green pawpaw leaves
- c) 1medium sized pot of bitter leaf
- d) 10 bulbs of garlic
- e) 10 finger pieces of ginger
- f) 5 bulbs of onions
- g) 10 pods of at eiye (Yoruba) or African red pepper
- h) 15 pieces of erunje(Yoruba)
15litres of water
- I) 2 bottles of original honey
Boil a with h together in 1 for about 40minutes, allow it to stay for 24hours before adding J, stir it well ,sieve it and store in a container and keep in the fridge …to be taken as one glass three times daily for 60days
Another recipe is 6 lemon fruits and 600gramms if celery
Preparation:- blend the celery together with the lemon juice and cinnamon……mix it with one litre of water and take one table spoonful 30mins before breakfast for 60days
Another recipe is from the popular hibiscus flower though it’s the leaves that would
Plum and Jackfruit as fruits is also very good for diabetics
That we would be needing….blend the hibiscus leaf and mix it with water then leave it till the next day before u start using it…take a glass in the morning and a glass at night for eight days in a month…
So this is how far we can go this week on health check…
We would like to hear from you, so you can write us or email us on gragatt0305@gmail.com , send SMS or call us on 08121456771…. until next week, I remain yours in good health… Oluwabukunolami…