•Lets Tell You What It Does To Your Body
This week, we shall be discussing a well known fruit called Avocado fruit…
Avocado is a very versatile fruit. Its creamy flavor goes well with many foods, making it a refreshing and nutritious addition to various recipes. Try adding it to your salads, sandwiches, smoothies, and even dips. Avocados can also be beneficial when used topically, as they have nourishing and moisturizing properties.
Avocado contains a lot of fiber, and this may explain its ability to lower cholesterol. Avocado also contains chemicals that might repair cartilage in joints damaged by osteoarthritis. Avocados are a stone fruit with a creamy texture that grow in warm climates.
Their potential health benefits include: improving digestion, decreasing risk of depression and protection against cancer.
Also known as an alligator pear or butter fruit, the versatile avocado is the only fruit that provides a substantial amount of healthy monounsaturated fatty acids . Avocados are a naturally nutrient-dense food and contain nearly 20 vitamins and minerals.
Although most of the calories in an avocado come from fat, don’t shy away from it. Avocados are full of healthy, beneficial fats that help to keep you full and satiated.
When you consume fat, your brain receives a signal to turn off your appetite. Eating fat slows the breakdown of carbohydrates, which helps to keep sugar levels in the blood stable. Fat is essential for every single cell in the body.
Eating healthy fats supports skin health, enhances the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, and may even help boost the immune system.
Most people do not know that avocado leaves have great health benefits, yet they are highly beneficial to human health.
Avocado leaves make a great tea that works wonders for treating colds, flues, stomach aches, arthritis, kidney cleansing, antibiotic, detoxifying, diuretic, good for gout, anti-inflammatory, reducing high blood pressure, back pain, toothache, works well for diarrhea, and even helps to regulate menstrual periods and for treating the symptoms of menopause.
Avocado leaves has a delicious taste, it contains a lot of nutrients which brings the health benefits for our body.
However, it is not only its fruit that has health benefits, the avocado leaves have many health benefits also. They contain many substances that are useful for our body, such as flavonol, quercetin, glycoside, polyphenol, estragole, alpha and beta pinene, cineol, limonene, serotonin, flavonoids, etc.
Avocado leaves protects the body from degenerative disease.
The flavonol compound in avocado leaves has the mechanism to protect the body from degenerative diseases, such as osteoarthritis. It acts as diuretic.
Avocado leaves contain quercetin which acts as diuretic agent.
It helps you to urinate well to remove out your waste product of metabolism. Inhibits the growth of bacteria.
Avocado leaves contain polyphenol and pinene, substances that can inhibit the growth of bacteria. You can get its benefits to prevents infection through their mechanism of action.
The alkaloid, flavonoids, and saponins are substances that can break down the kidney stone and improve the kidney function. You can get these substances from avocado leaves. To get these kind of effects, just follow these simple steps:
Wash 5-8 pieces of old avocado leaves. Boil them with 1 cup of water. Wait until the water remain ½ cup. Filter the water from its residue. Drink it every morning and evening for 10 days or until the gravel or froth comes out via urinating. *Stabilize the blood pressure. The limonene contained in avocado leaves can act as the natural remedy to stabilize the blood pressure and prevent from hypertension condition.
Avocado leaves is used to prevent cancer.
These substances can inhibit the cancer cell growth and act as chemoprotective agents.
Avocado leaves contain the antioxidant which can help to clean the skin and pore. This is one the great health benefits for your healthy skin. To get this benefit you have to mash the avocado young leaves and apply them to your skin 5-10 minutes, then wash it.
The pinene content in avocado leaves can reduce the pain in all part of the body, especially for the back pain.
Quercetin effect in avocado leaves can reduce the swelling of the body through its mechanism in minimizing the inflammatory substance. You can get these health benefits of avocado leaves by applying the mashed avocado leaves to the swelling area for 4-5hours and then wash it.
Thrush can come from the bacteria or damage in oral cavity area.
It can be eliminated by polyphenol content in avocado leaves. Just chew the avocado leaves ,then put them on the thrush lesion for 5-10 minutes to get these benefits.
The power of avocado leaves in treating diabetes comes from its glycoside content. Glycoside can replace the sugar that the body needs and gives the full feeling so it will stop you from consuming the excessive calories of your ordinary sugar. It is very useful in the treatment of diabetes.
This leaves can be used for reducing the cholesterol level.
Quercetin compound in avocado leaves can act as the anti-inflammatory agent so it can help to treat arthritis disease.
The flavonol compound in avocado leaves can purify the blood from any toxic substances and remove them via urine. This is one of the amazing health benefits of avocado leaves as the detoxifying agent.
*Avocados are an excellent food, very complete, and we recommend their frequent consumption.
70% of the amino acids found in this fruit is found in its seed.
*What is more, avocados contain more soluble fiber than any other food.
*It is an antioxidant:
* It prevents cell aging.
*It prevents cardiovascular diseases thanks to its amino acid content: great for excess cholesterol and triglycerides treatment and as coronary disease prevention
*Helps raise defenses and fight diseases caused by microbes, fungus, and parasites
Slimming and fat burning:
*Nature’s logic has made avocado seeds contain main fat burners that the fruit’s pulp has.
* It also contains soluble fiber, which improves the intestinal tract and makes you feel satisfied
*Astringent, great for treating diarrhea and gastrointestinal tract inflammation
*Aphrodisiac properties for increasing libido
*Revitalizing for fatigue and stress
*Joint and muscle pain relaxer when used topically
*Prevents tumor growth ,thanks to its flavonol content.
*Quickly eliminates the appearance of blemishes and boils when applied topically because it dries them up. *Regulates thyroid disorders
*It has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, eaten as well as applied, because it boosts collagen formation
*It is a good supplement for natural treatment of asthma
*Avocado seeds have a bitter and astringent flavor because of their medicinal properties. In order to consume it, remove the fine layer of brown skin, grate it, and, as an option, boil it on low heat. You will see that it takes on a reddish color. With this you can: *Regulates thyroid disorders:
It has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, either eaten or applied, because it boosts collagen formation.
It is a good supplement for natural treatment of asthma.
*Use it as a garnish in salads, soups, stews, rice plates, pasta, etc.
If you toast it enough, you can mash it with the help of a coffee bean grinder and save it powdered form. Warning: Abusing avocado seeds can cause constipation due to its tannin content.
Avocado oil is applied directly to the skin to soothe and heal skin and to treat the skin, gum infections , and arthritis.
Avocado oil is used in combination with vitamin B12 for a skin condition called psoriasis. The fruit pulp is used topically to promote hair growth and speed wound healing.
The seeds, leaves, and bark are used to relieve toothache.
Now I believe we now know that avocado fruit is not only good as a fruit but that it has excellent health benefits. The fruit, seeds,bark and leaves of avocado all have great health benefits. This is where we would be stopping this week.
As we say good bye, remember it’s still early in the new year so why not make a resolution to stay healthy through, lifestyle changes, healthy living and eating . Engage in exercises and don’t forget, discipline is the watch-word for a healthy life. Stay away from junk food , practice lifestyle changes, eat healthy, take lots of fruits, fibre, nuts and water while also ensuring that you sleep well.
Life is Beautiful so live well, love life and enjoy it.
Till I come your way again next week… I remain yours in good health, .. Oluwabukunolami.
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