- Or Is It Our Youths That Are Lazy
Even though they say charity begins at home, I don’t think this particular charity of Nigeria Air logo designed somewhere out of Nigeria begins at home though.
At first, everyone was happy we are launching our own airline but got really pained when told it was designed outside Nigeria like we youth or any creative-minded soul shouldn’t have come from Nigerian. Very sad
For many reasons, a vote of no confidence has been passed by many on the recently released Nigeria Air logo as the entire flag carrier project. Many have said it is below quality. Some say it lacks originality, as the ribbon symbolism has been overused in the past.
The unveiling ceremony was held on Wednesday at the ongoing International Airshow at Farnborough International Airshow, London. Its our airline but it was designed and launched abroad but na we Nigerians go enter the plane o. Kontinue
At the event, Sirika said the National Carrier will be led and driven by the private sector. “This is an important day for Nigeria — the largest economy in Africa, largest population, GDP of around half a billion dollars, and the only true aviation player in West and Central Africa,” Sirika said.
“This will be a national carrier that is private sector led and driven. It is a business, not a social service. The government will not be involved in running it or deciding who runs it. The investors will have full responsibility for this.
“The Nigerian government will not own more than 5% (maximum) of the new national carrier. The government will not be involved in running it or deciding who runs it.”
“Nigeria has unfortunately not been a serious player in Aviation for a long time. We used to be a dominant player, through Nigeria Airways, but sadly not anymore as the new launch wishes to take us back to the mind of the world. Wink
Air Management Group was hired by the federal government in February, after Lufthansa Consulting was dropped, to provide transaction advisory services for the establishment of a national carrier. Does this means we don’t have people who can design this logo?? Of course Yes!
There are tousands and one similar service providers in the country but our Government preferred another Nation than making youths in Nigeria rich.
I’m pretty sure that if a Nigerian company is given just 10% of that money, I mean $60,000 which is #2.1million. A Nigerian company will do it even much better than what is done for #183million. Oh My God!!! Why don’t we promote our very own business but love other Countries to keep growing and we keep borrowing from them?
I just can’t believe this! Where is this nation heading to for God’s sake! Can you imagine the Government using $600,000 to design ordinary logo for our airline? I don’t think you know what that means in Nigeria currency. That’s a whooping #183million naira depending on the exchange rate…..Waoh!!!
Money that can feed millions of people is the money our dear country used in designing a logo. Aside the money part, we have more creative Nigerians who could have done with cheaper. A competition can actually be set up among graphic designers in Nigeria where prices can be given out to best graphic designer and others compensated wether in cash or in form of scholarships to further on whatever their careers are
But why don’t they believe in Youths??
Few months ago there was a trending news of our President (Gen. Muhammadu Buhari) addressing youths in the country as “Lazy Nigerian Youths”.
Are we Lazy??
Capital NO!!! We weren’t, we have not and will not be
Youths in Nigeria are much more talented, creative and hardworking but the Government doesn’t believe in or probably believe made in Nigeria isn’t and wouldn’t be original enough but fortunately logo designing shouldn’t be about originality but creativity couple with the ability to interpret the logo to suit what we want. We need to promote talents in Nigeria and by so doing, the sky will be our starting point, attract foreign investors, more people will patronize us and Nigeria as a country will be more of our products
Is Local content executive order still valid ????
In May, 2017, the federal government signed and released an Executive Order On Support for Local Content in Public Procurement. This law generally provides that “all Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) of the Federal Government of Nigeria shall grant preference to local manufacturers of goods and service providers in their procurement of goods and services.”
Item 4 of the instrument further states that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) shall be given preference and at least 40 percent of the procurement expenditure on it in all MDAs shall be locally manufactured goods or acquired through local service providers.
Again in February, President Muhammadu Buhari signed Executive Order 5 to promote science and technology acquisition and the participation of local companies in government procurement activities.
Can we say this kinda law still exist?? I don’t think so. Now I realize our dear Nation is just known for signing books but don’t follow what is in that particular book before signing or I should say they don’t know what it takes to promise and fulfil. So many bills and laws are being signed without performance. Please why that? Anyway, what do i even know aside blogging and making shoes. Hahah
On a more serious note our level of talk and not do in this country is First Class!. How can we have leaders in this country and all those up there have meetings upon meetings and reach a conclusion of letting that huge amount out of the country for just a logo while thousands of graphic designers are in the country? This is a joke
Do you know this kinda money would have enriched a company here in Nigeria or even group of youths?
Now I believe what they used to say that “The rich gets richer while the poor gets poorer.” This saddens my heart a lot I must declare that me and myhouseholds will always be rich. Can i hear you shout Amen
Contract cost still unknown?
The ICIR could not independently verify the amount utilised for the branding project. The Minister of State for Aviation could not be reached as a call placed to his line did not go through.
The federal government, however, budgeted the sum of N555 million for the establishment of national carrier and N200 million for consultancy for the establishment in the 2017 budget.
And, in 2018, N50 million was allocated for the establishment of the carrier, while N20 million was allocated for consultancy. Wait self, what are you people consulting gangan
Even though the branding of the proposed flag carrier, Nigeria Air, was done by a foreign company, there is no evidence to suggest $600,000 was expended by government on the said contract. Which simply means this money isn’t totally used for the project it’s named after or rather…never mind
So Government, please believe in us the youth and give us jobs even though we are the leaders of tomorrow but obviously you elders are still the leaders of yesterday, today and tomorrow but God will perfect all that concerns us soonest. Amen
Anyway, the reason for this sermon is to let Nigerians and our Leaders know that i am very good at designing and i charge affordable prices. Thank You