•What Prophetess MARY OLUBORI Told City People
Different men/women of God have different paths to vision and going into trance. Some have it while praying, while others go into trance in dream and prophecies dancing. Prophetess Mary Oluyori is one of the women of God who sees into future dancing. Read her account below:
Mummy, can you expatiate more on “Ipe Meji To Di Okan”?
It’s just like how daddy explains it. Our God is God of perfection. I give Him all the glory for the perfection I have spoken with you before on the ministry. We have faced a lot of storms, but we thank God, for He has been using the storm to lift us just like the way daddy said it. Two callings merge and become one. We truly started from the prophecy.
People always come for prophecy. Lots of people always come to me for counselling when I was in Ogbere, gradually we started church then and God also started His work.
Daddy is the one who always preaches while I give the prophecy. Ever since God called us, it has been great and He has never abandoned us. I can be described as lightning while daddy can be described as thunder.
He is a preacher of the word. Sometimes, I preach too. But my area in this ministry is prophecy. God gave me a prophetic ministry, while daddy is a Pastor, and God also instructed us to be calling him Apostle. We complement each other and God is doing His work.
Mummy, we always enjoy your dance when you are doing any programme. What really inspires the way you dance?
I didn’t receive the gift of dancing through my prophetic ministry. The gift of dancing is in-born, it’s a talent. I love to dance. It’s also in the Bible, in accordance with the Book of Chronicle 2 20, there was a particular prophet who always received vision and gave prophecy whenever they were singing and dancing, and I have the same trait.
Visions always flow for me whenever I am happy. You don’t need to tell me your problem before I tell you what God is saying about you, people know me for that and can testify when you come to me for the first time, I will close my eyes, pray for you and tell you the counsel of God. Sometimes, I may sit down and receive vision God perfected my calling with dancing. No 1, I got the trait from my father, who also loved to dance when he was alive.
Anytime, we are celebrating, my father always invited Yusuf Olatunji, a sakara singer. He was popular for being a socialite in Lagos then. So, I took the dancing from my father’s blood. When I am not dancing, I am not happy and the ministration won’t flow. It is what we post that people see.
We don’t always start our ministration with dance. During Sunday service, we read the word of God first to the attendees in the church, then we pray and settle down for Sunday School, after Sunday School, we start the proper service with Hymns, after that we share the word of God before we start our thanksgiving/offering and that is where people got to know me.
90% of people who know me all over the world know me for dancing. And that has also attracted more people to me. People are always amazed to see a prophetess who always dances like that. So, I love God and I love good music. I don’t pretend. What Christ hate is hypocrisy. First, it is not a sinful song that I dance to. Even if it’s love song I love it. Anytime I hear music once is not from the idol worshippers when I go to any country all over the world and they are dancing, rejoicing I always join them. So, dancing is part of me.
Mummy, what is your message to those watching us now?
Let us have faith in God. It is the mercy of God that we received that make us to be alive today. Some people would say there is no God because they have not had any experience. They don’t realise that even the oxygen they are breathing in and out is from God. Some people are so engrossed in science and believe that whatever he is seen or experiencing is a normal nature. Let us be close to God, let us believe in God, let’s be prayerful and always learn to help one another. People are facing so many challenges out there.
Many times I am in Nigeria, I always wish to go to people, visit them at home, but we are trying with what we can do to assist people. Don’t let us rely on Covid-19 alone before we assist one another. Anything can happen at any time.
Let what is happening now be a good lesson for us. Then let us know how to save, to prepare for a day like this.
This pandemic has affected lots of people. Many people have lost their lives. I know many Pastors, Imams who have died. Let’s learn to prepare ourselves. Let us be prayerful and have faith in God. Don’t add anything to God. Let us also know that this world is very simple.