Home Health How Eating Mango Can Prevent Cancer

How Eating Mango Can Prevent Cancer

by Reporter

Mangos taste so good that you forget how healthy they are. Above all, while Nigerians are flying all over the world seeking how to stay cancer-free in an era where cancer has become more dreaded than the once feared HIV, mangoes, which are obtainable for next to nothing have been found by modern day researshers to possess an abundance of caner-fighing properties.

Indeed, this should be great news to Nigerian women, who have been so terrorised lately by this scourge, as breast cancer is said to be one of the varieties of cancer which can be prevented by regular mango intake. Here a several other health reasons why you should stock up on the king of fruits.


I cup of mango juice, which you can quickly make in your kitchen, contains the following percentages applied to daily value 103 calories.

75 percent vitamin C – antioxidant and immune booster. 24 percent vitamin A – antioxidant and vision boost. 12 percent vitamin B6 plus other B vitamins – hormone production in brain and heart disease prevention. 10 percent healthy pro-biotic fiber. 8 percent copper – a co-factor for various vital enzymes plus production of red blood cells. 8 percent potasium – balances out your high sodium intaken. 5 percent magnesium.



Research has shown antioxidant compounds in many friut have been found to protect against colon cancer, breast cancer, prostrate cancers and leukemia. These compounds are isoquercitrin, querceetin, fisetin, astragalin, methylgallat and garlic acid as well as the abundant enzymes.

– Sunny Ojeiduma

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