Home EntertainmentEvent and Party How Erelu OJUOLAPE OJORA Celebrated Her 80th Birthday

How Erelu OJUOLAPE OJORA Celebrated Her 80th Birthday

by Abiola Orisile

•The Story Of Her 60 Yr Marriage To Otunba OJORA.

Otunba Adekunle Ojora and his wife, Erelu Ojuolape Ojora are an inseparable celebrity couple you can’t miss at any A-Class event, for many reasons. They exude class and royalty and they are always together at functions. Hardly will you see Otunba, the boardroom guru step into a party without Erelu Oodua beside him, both gorgeously dressed.

Over the last 60 years, they have achieved a chemistry that many still can’t decode. They have bonded so well. The big news is that Erelu who is one of the pioneers of fashion & style in Nigeria in the 60s, turned 80 a few days back and the couple who own a luxurious house in London jetted out to celebrate Erelu’s 80th. It was low key. The beautiful, ageless and super stunning wife of the respected corporate guru, decided to celebrate it with her immediate family in faraway London.

The Ojora’s treated few friends to a sumptuous dinner at their Bishop’s Avenue residence in London. That is one of the most expensive streets in London. The Ojora’s are not just popular in the Nigeria social scene, they are also close friends of the Queen of England. Perhaps we should tell you how Erelu Ojuolape has rocked Nigeria’s social scene to it’s fullest over the last 50 years. Erelu Ojuolape despite her age never fails to dazzle at a social gathering. She loves her exclusive luxury french lace which is always sewn into “Abaya” or “Boubou”. That has grown to be her fashion signature over the years.

What about her jewelry? They are always timeless. She wears the very best of De Beers diamonds and has in her stock all the leading names on a scale that would even make other women look with envy. Erelu Ojuolape has a consummate passion for “Mappin and Webb, one of the most prestigious English jewelers. That is also the official jeweler of the Queen of England and the topmost echelon of the House of Windsor (UK’s Royal House). Having stayed 60 years in marriage, Erelu Ojuolape Ojora and her husband are role models of what a successful marriage should be.

Otunba Adekunle Ojora is 85 while his pretty wife just turned 80. They are one celebrity couple who have been able to rock the social scene for years. They are one of the few couples who has been able to keep up with their busy schedules and also perform social functions accurately. Otunba Ojora never goes to any social event and high-octane party without his better half. Erelu Ojuolape may be 80 but fashion-wise, she is a show-stopper any day.


ABIOLA ORISILE caught up with her sometime last year and she had this exclusive interview with this beautiful woman of class as she reveals how she met and fell in love with her husband, including what has kept her marriage for 57 years.

How long have you been married to Prince Kunle Ojora?
Well we’ve been married for quite a while. We’ve been together for close to 60 years. Precisely for 57 years. We got married very young and this is because we love each other dearly. We have grown to love with each other more with age. We have our ups and down but we sort it out before it gets out of hand. He knows my likes and dislikes and I equally know his too.

We see a lot of people getting divorced after few years, what are the secrets of a successful marriage?

Marriage is give and take. You give more than you expect. Young couples of these days should also know that just as life is full of ups and down, so also is marriage. They are bound to have issues but when they do, they should endeavor not to go to bed with grudges. They should settle it and become friends afterwards. Whatever you on your mind that is making you unhappy would have flown away when you settle at night before going to bed.

Starting afresh and also fixing things right helps a lot. Another thing is being peaceful within you. This is because when you are at Peace with people you are also at peace with yourself. Respect your in-laws and children of your in-laws and respect each other. If you do that, you can never go wrong.

You said you got married when you were both young, how old were you then?

I was 22 years when we both got married and he was 25 years then. Now he is in his early 80 while I am in my late 70s.

What was the attraction when you met 57years ago?
May be you should ask him what attracted him to me (laughs). I think his loving and his kind nature got me attracted to him. That was part of the numerous things that swept me off my feet.

How did your paths cross and where did you say I do to him?
Well, we first met in faraway United Kingdom but we finalized our relationship here in Nigeria. We were both in Ibadan. My mother was staying in Ibadan and he was also working in Ibadan. He was working for NBC while I was with Nigeria Development Company. So we started from there and here we are today. I did say Yes to him on Glover street, there was an event center situated there then and that was where we had our wedding.

Did you say yes on the first date?
(Laughs). That is our best kept secret. I won’t tell you that.

What were you calling him when you first met and now that you are old?

Well my daughter, I tell people this and they seem not to believe. I have never called my husband by his name. We call each other Darling till date. We’ve been calling each other that for 57years. Even when we have people around and I want to get across to him, we don’t call ourselves names. Except we whistle. He also whistles in response or when he needs to get to me also.

How do you feel being the only wife, despite his looks and affluence? Has it ever crossed your mind that he could get married to someone else?

(Smiles), He will surely look at other women the point is that he never takes another woman as his wife, there is nothing he is looking for in another woman that I don’t have, so what would he be looking for?

How do you react when people tell you about his flings?
You can ask that again (laughs). That is one thing I want young couples to learn from. I always tell them thank you, because you really shouldn’t be bothered by what people say.

An advice for those who are early in marriage and the ones struggling with it?
Love each other and never allow the influence of a third party. Don’t allow anyone tell you what your husband or wife is doing or might be doing. Always love and trust each other,also learn to give each other the benefit of doubt.

You are aging gracefully, what accounts for that?
We thank GOD for that. Remember I was not Mama when I met my husband, I will say contentment, I don’t over stress myself and I take things the way they come.

What comes to your mind now seeing that you took that decision 57years ago?
I am glad we both chose each other. We have good children which we are proud of. They have also been able to give us good grandchildren. Very soon, we will have great grandchildren because our grandchildren will soon start getting married. I pray they choose right.

What is Prince Kunle Ojora’s favorite color and favorite meal?
His favorite color is light blue or white. He also wears grey a lot. As a matter of fact, I pick all his clothes for him as tradition implies and as you know, a Lagos man that he is, he likes Eba, (boiled Gari flakes) and fresh fish a lot and also loves crabs.


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