Home News How Huawei Technologies rules Nigeria Tech Market

How Huawei Technologies rules Nigeria Tech Market

by Kelechi Okorie

The Chinese tech giant Huawei Technologies came into the Nigerian Market several years back and is currently sitting at the helm in terms of control of the Nigerian technology equipment market. The company supplies and services equipment for almost all the major technology companies in Nigeria to the point of becoming one behemoth of an enterprise.

Huwaei also manufactures mobile phones and  according to a market research by IDC, the company has overtaken Apple in smartphone shipment and has become the second largest Smartphone manufacturer in the world. The company shipped 54.2 million phones in the second quarter of this year.

Meanwhile, Huawei Technologies having been deeply rooted in the Nigerian technology industry has been giving back to the society in its own way in terms of corporate social responsibility. The company established a program called Seeds for The Future, a program developed by the company to train local talents in the field of Information and Communications Technology in the country.

The Managing Director of the company says that the program was setup because “Talent is crucial for the growth and development of any industry, the rapidly growing ICT industry has greatly changed business models. As a result, across the ICT ecosystem there is an urgent need for large numbers of technical staff who can address the challenges posed by this transformation. For true and lasting development in Nigeria, we must look in the area of human capital development with a huge focus on youths.”The company called for entries for Nigerian students just two weeks ago.

Other initiatives embarked by Huawei in the country include “Growing Girls and Women in Nigeria (G-Win), “1000 Girls in Training” as well as  scholarships for The African University of Science and Technology (AUST), engineers training programmes.

The company has also being at the forefront of creating a smart city in Nigeria and thus has partnered with the federal government of Nigeria in that reagard. It also partnered with the federal government in training thousands of youths

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