•Islamic Singer, Iya-Ngana Tells City People
The name Alhaja Zeidat Basirat Ogunremi popularly called Iya-nGhana needs no further introduction among the Muslim folks and lovers of good Islamic music. She is ranked among the very few top Islamic singers in Nigeria who have been around for a while and are still making waves in the industry. Iya-nGhana is a great and highly creative singer and music composer whose songs are widely and delightfully listened to by the old and the young. Over the years, she has done well by carving a niche for herself in the industry. At the mention of Zeidat Iya-nGana, you already know what to expect from her, which is nothing less than top notch and highly spirited songs called Azikiri. She remains a force and household name in the Islamic musical realm. Many Muslims don’t joke with her when it comes to singing Azikiri because she is very good in that line coupled with her endearing personality. Zeidat Iya-nGana usually plays at top Islamic functions, events and ceremonies. She always tops the list of fun givers at parties. Whenever she mounts the stage to perform, you would feel the spirituality that accompanies her songs and this usually gets a lot of people inspired to sing along with her.
Few days ago, City People Reporter, JAMIU ABUBAKAR (08085185886) met Alhaja Ogunremi at a public function in Lagos, and engaged her in a brief chat where she revealed her journey into music 29 years ago and how she has sustained her brand of music over the years. Below are the excerpts:
For how long have you been into music?
I started my music career as an Islamic singer 29years ago.
Can you tell us how it all started?
Music for me is in born. In my hometown where I was born, our parents sing a lot whenever they are taking care of us. They mainly sing Islamic songs. So, I grew up to learn this from them. The Islamic Scholar who trained me in Arabic hardly talks without infusing songs into his messages. So those are the places I discovered my music talent from.
How have you been able to sustain your brand of music over the years?
All I will say is to thank God. If I don’t stop doing research in my music career, I will continue to progress.
Have you ever regretted choosing music as a career or thought of leaving music for something else?
We can’t do that anyway. Whoever that would succeed in life will always face one challenge or the other. I have so many instances like that. But what usually comes to mind whenever that happens is to keep enduring it. When I took the decision to go into Islamic music, I had vowed not to be deterred by any challenge that comes my way.
Can you give a number of instances which you thought of leaving music?
One, there was a time that was in 1999. Then we were working on some records and I was finding it hard to get marketers for my records. I can recall about 2 marketers that after working for them, they made advances towards me. And I don’t indulge in adultery so I left the job for them. There were instances that when we go and perform at events, we don’t get adequate attention.
How many music records have you produced so far?
I have produced 20 records and I have all of them to my credit.
Can you tell us about your latest record?
It is titled “Oro Olorun”. It is a new album which I released during last year Ramadan. God gave me the inspiration to compose the song based on the present predicament we find ourselves in Nigeria. True love has eroded the land. There are killings everywhere. The world is in disarray. Things were no longer the way they used to be. Many unprecedented and strange things have started happening. So, God inspired me to understand that all these are signs of end time. And whoever gets swayed by the ways of people of end time will enter hell fire. Therefore, I was inspired to sing about the behaviours of people at the end of time and the punishment attached. Also, to highlight the rewards for those who remain steadfast with God and behave well during this period. You know in Islam; we can’t only be talking about hell fire. We should also speak of enjoyment in paradise. I took time to explain all these in my new record.

How did you get your stage name, Iyangana?
I was born in Ghana. I left Ghana for Nigeria at the age of 3. Since then my family here in Nigeria call me Iyangana. That coincided with my stage name which I got in an entirely different way. The person who trained me in the music line has a name related to Ghana. So that blends with my alias I brought from home. So, I decided to adopt it.
Which town are you from?
I am a bonafide Ilorin indegene.
How do you intend to celebrate your 30th years on stage?
People would recall when I did my 20 years on stage 9 years ago, the whole of Ikeja went agog for the celebration. Celebrating my 30 Years on stage will be huge. Sincerely It’s not easy to birth a child and nurse it into maturity. Whatever job one does for 10 years and counting up to 30 Years, one has to be thankful to God. By the grace of God, I will celebrate it big. So my fans should watch out for this.