Home News How My Father Influenced Me To Be Awori Chief

How My Father Influenced Me To Be Awori Chief

by Wale Lawal

•Chief QUADRI OBAWOLE, Baada Of Otta Awori Kingdom

He is young. He is smart. And he is accomplished too. High Chief Lawal Quadri Adewale Obawole is the Baada of Otta, Awori kingdom. Come the 7th of January, 2023, he will be holding his coronation party at the Shield Convention center in Otta. All hands are already on deck to make the occasion a most memorable one. This young and dynamic personality is currently serving in the United States army. He is an American citizen, but unlike most Nigerians who very conveniently forget their roots once they achieve such status, High Chief Quadri Adewale Lawal Obawole is passionate about his Nigerian heritage. He is proud of his Awori roots. This is why he didn’t give it a second thought when his family approached him to accept the title of Baada of Otta, Awori land. His late father was also Baada of Otta, Awori kingdom before he joined his ancestors and he was impressed by the way his father conducted himself and endeared himself to the people while he was alive.

City People’s Senior Editor, WALE LAWAL (08037209290) had a chat with this very calm and humble illustrious son of Awori land. He opened up on his antecedents and revealed how his father influenced him to embrace his roots and draw close to the people, which enabled him to accept without hesitation the opportunity to become the Baadfa of Otta, Awori kingdom. 

How has it been in the last one year as the Baada of Ota Awori kingdom?

Everything has been great. It has not been a difficult one year for me and I thank God for everything.

Okay, but what have you found most challengimg since you assumed the throne one year ago, especially in the area of getting to know your people and understanding the culture and tradition of the community?


I have been a part of them. The tradition is something I have been familiar with from when I was a young boy. I was born right there among my people, so there is really nothing about the community or our tradition that is new to me. The only difference now is that, before now, I used to watch people take responsibility of the community. Now I am the one saddled with the thast responsibility. But generally, it’s been great. My family has been supportive.

I understand you have been away in the United States army, how was it for you coming back home to take over this huge responsibility?

I think the important thing here is fashion. If you have the love for your people, it won’t be such a diffiult thing for you. The interesting thing is that I have been very close to my people even before I traveled out of the country. And each time I am aroound, I want them around me. Even while I’m here in the US, I talk to my friends, my family, my people in Nigeria on a daily basis. And I have lots of people back home who help me get things done whenever I need to sort some things out over there.

How long have you been away from the country and when did you join the US army?

Away from the country? I don’t know how to answer that question because I was never away for a long time. I have always been coming home regularly. This year alone, I have been in the country twice already. I came in January this year, left in February and then returned for Ileya festival and that’s how it’s been over the years. I have never been far from home. You  know, I’m a US citizen, so that makes it very easy for me.

You are in the US army, what’s your designation in the army and what were you trained as?

I am a non-commissioned officer, an Equipment Operator and Logistics officer. We supply the ammunition and other equipments to soldiers at the war front to ensure very mission the US army undertakes is successful. I won’t be able to divulge more than that, I’m sure you understand what I mean.

I understand your father once occupied the same position you’re occupying right now, when he was on the throne, how did that shape you and prepare you for your own reign as the Baada of Otta Awori kingdom? What were the things you learnt from him while he was alive?

I learnt a lot from my dad. My dad was somebody that was open and very accommodating. Many people in the community benefitted from my dad. He was a very generous person. He was somebody that threw his doors open to everybody. He never discriminated and treated his children specially, no, he treated everyone equally. This is why many people benefitted from him and are still benefitting from him even now that he’s late. So, this gave us his children to learn a lot from him and watch from close quarters how he treated people.

You have only been on the throne for a year, it’s not enough time for you to have done a lot of the things you wish to do for your people, but are there a few things you have been able to do within this short period?

Okay, first and foremost, the title I hold is functional in both Ogun and Lagos States. Let me say a bit about the title so I can answer your question clearly for you. The Baada of Awori kingdom originated from Ifako Ijaiye, Lagos. The Baada of Ota migrated from Otta to Ifako. He was a warrior. Ifako then was a farmland and he settled there as a warrior. He lived in Otta but did his farming in Ifako. That is the reason why we are the only royal family in Ifako, that is, Obawole. There were somer families that he gave lands to and they paid him dues and royalties, so as he was controlling Otta, he was also controlling Ifako. So, the Baada of Otta originated from Ifako, that’s why the Oba in Ifako right now is my brother. If anything is going to haapen in Ifako, the Baada of Otta must be part of the decision making for that to happen. So, back to the question you asked me in terms doing something for the people, that’s why I said my dad was very generous then and a lot of people, even the community benefitted from him. My father was recognised by Ifako-Ijaiye local goverment when he was alive. He was known in Otta, Ifako and Agege as a generous man. So, I emulated him. Even before I got to the throne as the Baada, I have also been doing lots of things for the people. My mum loved education, so when she died, during her seven days prayer, I gave free JAMB forms to over 20 students. I pledged that the best two students will be given scholarships which we achieved. And we have given others free JAMB forms as well. We have about three students that I’m paying their school fees till this very moment. The year after my mum died, I gave out fire JAMB forms again and gave out N200,000 each to the best five students. These are a few of the things I’ve done even before I got on the throne. There are several others. I have given out cars to about four of five people to start their own Uber business. So, I don’t think it will be hard for me to do these rthings because I have been doing it long before now. I don’t like saying I’m going to do this, I’m going to do that, but gradually, we will see. A lot of things will be achieved by God’s grace.

As a young traditional ruler, what are the things you’re hoping to do to motivate other youths who see you as an inspiration and role model?

It’s already happening. Let me give you an example. There is a friend of mine, he also lives here in America and comes from a royal family as well. It was not long ago he told me that thery called from Nigeria to tell him they want him to become a traditioner ruler as well but he has been turning it down. But having seen the way I have accepted my own traditional responsibilities and the way I have been conducting myself with a lot of dignity, he has been encouraged to now call his people back at home and accept the offer. So, I have been like an inspiration to him. I told him it is simply a call to serve and that he should go ahead and embrace it. I am not a fan of chieftaincy titles myself, I don’t really like it. But when they say a particular title or throne is vacant and your family is next in line to occupy it, that’s a different thing. Even this Baada title, my family chose me, not that I lobbied for it. Right now, a lot of my friends say they are also looking for one title or the other and I tell them it’s good, because iit will affiord you the opportunity to do something for your community, the government cannot do it alone. And it’s a good opportunity for those who may wish to go into politics to start preparing the ground for their aspirations because their community will recognise them and stand for them. The youths are now willing to come up and take responsibility. Although some of them are afraid of the older generation, they will tell you,’ ah! Mio fe ku o, I don’t want to die o!’ But all that is changing right now.

What sort of support have you gotten from these young people both in Nigria and in diaspora?

 I must confess the support has been massive. For this coming onme yer anniversay, I have gotten lots of support from a lot of people both home and abroad. In fact, some group of people created a platform just for this Baada coronation party. There are two groups onvolved, one from Nigeria and the other for those based abroad. They are planning big for the coronation. They have been so supportive.

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