Home News How To Fight COVID-19 With What You Eat – Popular Herbal Practitioner, QUINCY AYODELE

How To Fight COVID-19 With What You Eat – Popular Herbal Practitioner, QUINCY AYODELE

by Damilare Salami

Do you know that you can prevent having COVID-19 virus by what you eat? Below, popular Herbal practitioner, Dr Quincy Ayodele reveals the food you can eat that will help boost your immunity. They are simple food and herbs that we often overlook.

Let’s talk about Weight Loss. I know you’ve done a lot on weight loss. Can you tell us what you have been able to do in that area?

When I started Weight Loss product, my slogan was ‘Remember, if it is not Quincy, it’s not slimming.’ So for herbal weight loss, we’ve been able to record a huge success both at home and abroad. No matter how fat you are, if you come to Quincy, you will definitely lose weight effectively and keep up with it permanently because we have what it takes to make you lose weight the natural way. We’ll give you the herbs and teach you how to eat healthily and the right lifestyle to lead because herbal weight loss is not magic, you have to be ready to change your lifestyle. I have lost all my weight from about 20 years ago and even at 61, I’m still looking good. Although I still look a little bit overweight but I thank God that I’m not as heavy as I used to be. Then I used to weigh 95kg but now I weigh sixty-something which is still on the high side for my height but I can’t do anything about it because of my age. But I’ve been able to maintain a weight that is healthy for me and also make me look like a real African woman, a wife, a mother and a grandmother and it’s still not unhealthy for me. I used to have clients from all over the world and I thank God for all my clients that have shed all the weight.I know how many times we have to change our chairs because of heavyweight. We had to go to the welder to help us make very strong chairs so that when anyone who weighs over 200 kg sits on it, he’s not going to fall. When you see somebody who weighs over 200 kg walks into Quincy and over time the person now weighs 85kg, I used to give glory to God for them. There were some people carrying out research without my knowledge, they came to Quincy for another treatment, unknowing to us, they were coming to watch an overweight client of ours that we had to use a load weighing scale to measure. They were wondering and watching over time how the person was losing weight, they were taking pictures and making videos of the whole process until we brought down the weight from over 200 to 90 kg. That was when they revealed themselves and came to terms with the fact that Quincy has effective weight loss herbs, and that is what we are known for. People will go to different places and will not get the desired result until they come to Quincy and thank God we are not just in Nigeria alone, we are also in America. And over there, it’s always a different ball game because they are always very overweight. No matter how heavy you are, we will give you a target of three months and within that time, you will get to your target weight with the use of our prepared herbal medicine, change of diet and a change of lifestyle. And in most cases, you change your wardrobe and begin to live a healthy lifestyle. Some people come in with obesity and other underlining health issues and of course, once we deal with the obesity, the underlying health issues disappear. Do you know that if someone is obese and has hypertension, we just help restore the person’s normal weight and hypertension disappears. If you are having diabetes with obesity and you come to Quincy, okay, you will keep taking your treatment with your doctor but also inform him that you are coming to Quincy for weight loss so that we can manage both cases together. In most cases when the weight is restored, the sugar level normalizes. Even migraine has been detected to be an underlining health ailment for obesity, it will also vanish once we take care of the overweight. So we’ve been able to do that over the years and we are still doing it till today. And you know the slogan for traditional medicine is that it must be passed from generation to generation. Thank God that in my lifetime, I’ve been able to pass it across to my daughter, Tobi and she’s doing tremendous work. With Tobi joining me, having trained as a medical practitioner in the US, she has been able to revolutionize Quincy, especially to the American market. Tobi has put my solution in serum, in cream, in capsule form. What we do at Quincy is to treat you both internally and externally. You take in the capsule to take care of the inside, you exfoliate and then you make use of the cream. We don’t do bleaches at Quincy and the secret is exfoliation with the right herbal products. If you use bleaching cream, you will have patches on your skin, your knuckles will be dark and all. But if you use the right herbal product, you will get a uniform skin complexion from your palm.The skin products we now have at Quincy cannot be rivalled by any other brand. I’m not boasting about this, people who know about us know that it’s either Quincy products or nothing. When it comes to herbal medicine, we have everything. Right now, we want to become holistic, we are adding laboratory services to what we offer. We want to test you before we treat and make sure that we treat our patients based on the results of the tests we have carried out. We have a branch in Ikoyi very soon and we will call you when it’s ready and, of course, we have one in Ikeja. We even have to move from our former location to our current location so as to accommodate more patients and all the new innovations we are adding at Quincy. Let me also burst your bubbles, we are also having Quincy’s Water.


Yes, because for COVID-19, you have to drink a lot of water, and it must not be expensive. It has to be affordable and accessible. I’m talking of clean, natural water at this period of COVID-19. And everything is coming out with the remedy for COVID-19 very soon by the special grace of God.

When is the best time to drink water?


You have to take water first thing in the morning when you wake up, in fact, before you brush your mouth because you need all the enzymes in your body raw. I have preached about water therapy in Nigeria. The first time when you wake up in the morning, you rush-in a bottle or glass of water, don’t sip it. Say about 75cl bottle of water. Healthcare says about 8 cups of water but you can take as much as you want. You can even take up to 3 litres of water in a day. Water does not kill anybody but the minimum requirement is 2.5 litres daily. You must meet up that requirement. Whether you are thirsty or not, you must drink that amount of water daily. Then you can now do more to treat your skin and hydrate you. Lastly, at night when you are ready to sleep, you must drink water. You wake up to drink water and do same before going back to bed. And you must get used to it, it must become a lifestyle for you because water hydrates you. Because if I don’t used to drink water as required by my body, at the age of 61, I would have wrinkled. I will be drying up. But I meet up with the minimum standard and I even do more. You will discover that if you drink water as required daily, you won’t even be hungry. You won’t need to eat all these unhealthy food that are all over the places because you will be filled. Drink water first thing in the morning, drink water during the day and drink water last thing at night so that it can help you digest whatever it is that you have in your system while you are asleep, you will not have bad dreams. In this COVID-19 let us make sure that we drink water well. The bigger you are, the more water you drink. Even if you are not drinking much, make sure that you drink the minimum of glasses daily. It is a WHO requirement that must be met by anyone who cares to live a healthy lifestyle.

Kolanut or Ginger, which is more beneficial to our health

Both are herbs anyway but for what we are experiencing right now, it’s ginger. Ginger is highly effective when you are trying to open up your nostrils. When you have catarrh or some kinds of cough, ginger is more applicable at this time. For Kolanut, it has caffeine, we use it for treatment of some diseases too. Like people who are suffering from hypotension i.e. low blood pressure, we add kolanut to the preparation that we give to them. The one that is most beneficial and relevant now is ginger and bitter cola. So I will rather say that if you are a kolanut eater, you switch at this time to bitter cola. Bitter cola can clear your throat and remedy cough, so it’s very relevant at this time. So leave Kolanut alone for now and concentrate on bitter cola and ginger. Kolanut can make you hyperactive because of the presence of caffeine in it and also give you insomnia i.e. lack of sleep at night. If you are already hypertensive, you want to stay away from kolanut but bitter cola and ginger can remedy a lot of things for you.

How come many Nigerians don’t know that there are many foods they can take that will rescue their health, like Lemon, Garlic, etc. how come it took us several years to realize that these cheap things in the market are things that could help us?

Well, as I said before, I spoke about the benefits of Lemon years back, they did not hear me, I’ve told them the benefits of Ginger and Garlic years back, they didn’t hear me as well. I told them about Lemongrass and other medicinal plants that God has grown in our vicinity to heal us, they didn’t hear. But now they are hearing and we have to keep telling them that Lemon water is very beneficial for your system in the morning because when lemon gets into your body, it alkaline your system i.e. reduces the acidity of your system. So, I will say that when you wake up in the morning, take a mug of hot water, wash your Lemon and slice the whole lemon into it and allow it to steam for five minutes and then drink. You will realise that it will give you some vigour for the whole day. And don’t stop after doing it once, make it a habit every morning. You can add ginger or lemongrass if you like to give you that flavour and treatment that can keep you away from diseases.

Can someone with gastric ulcer take lemon?

I’m not talking of Lime, I said Lemon. It is only lime that people with a gastric ulcer should not take but you can take lemon because it will reduce the activities of the gastric ulcer in your system. So, somebody with a gastric ulcer can take lemon water but don’t take too much of it. One lemon per day will do the trick. So it’s highly recommended; in fact. You should even add Ginger to give you a soothing effect and calm the ulcer down. You can also add black pepper because that is what is used in the management of ulcer. It may even remedy it forever if you take it on a regular basis for maybe about a week or so. And of course, you can also take ewedu (Jew’s mallow). These are the simple things I was giving them and they were like, what’s she talking about? Because ewedu (Jew’s mallow) is a herb, a very medicinal plant. If you have any form of ulcer, your best soup should be ewedu without pepper. You can cook it with locust beans or even blend it and drink it raw. Swallow it with your acha or you can take it with eba because cassava is also medicinal. When Cassava turns to eba, it becomes alkaline, which is good for the body. But that is not to say you should eat too much of eba and become obese and you start saying that Quincy has said you should be eating eba. You can see that African foods are healthy on their own. I don’t know about all these fast foods that everybody is now embracing. African foods are healthy foods, that’s why our grandparents that ate them in the olden days lived long and they had energy till old age. That’s why you hardly hear that young people die in the village. My grandparents lived till over 100 years and they never visited any hospital. There’s even none in our village and it’s all these foods they used to eat. So let’s go back to nature, let’s eat our own foods, let us be proud of African foods and our medicinal plants. Once we eat our own foods and take our medicinal plants, you will see that we will start recording longevity; that is the secret. All these diseases will become a thing of the past. Any food that is not African is alien to our body and it’s causing diseases. Rice is not meant for us because it is not African. If you are eating rice morning, afternoon and night, you are killing yourself because a plate of rice has about 12 cubes of sugar and so many people are running that they have diabetes. Why won’t they have it when you are eating rice 24/7? Are you created in Africa to eat rice? Is rice your indigenous food? I’m sorry for saying this but that is the bitter reality. Our indigenous foods include yam, tuber foods, a lot of vegetables, acha and fish. We are even not meant to be eating Meat in general. In those days, we only used to eat chicken in festive periods. Even this red meat that you are talking about, our grandfathers only kill goat during Christmas or Eid-Il-Fitri and one goat is for about 50 people. People will travel from everywhere to come and eat just one goat. So how come Nigerians are eating chicken, red meat and it’s relatives every day? So let’s go back to our indigenous foods even in this COVID-19 season. Don’t eat what your great grandparents didn’t eat. Let us learn our lessons in this COVID-19. To come out of this COVID-19 or for you not to fall into it all, eat our indigenous food.

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